Washington, D.C. 20549






Investment Company Act file number:  811-22016


Alpine Global Premier Properties Fund

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


2500 Westchester Avenue, Suite 215, Purchase, NY 10577

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


Alpine Woods Capital Investors, LLC

 2500 Westchester Avenue, Suite 215

Purchase, NY  10577

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant’s Telephone Number, including Area Code: (914) 251-0880


Date of fiscal year end: October 31


Date of reporting period: July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009





Item 1 — Proxy Voting Record.



******************************* FORM N-Px REPORT *******************************


ICA File Number: 811-22016                                                     

Reporting Period: 07/01/2008 - 06/30/2009                                      

Alpine Global Premier Properties Fund                                          










==================== ALPINE GLOBAL PREMIER PROPERTIES FUND =====================



AGRA EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIARIOS SA                                           


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P01049108                           

Meeting Date: OCT 29, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  OCT 15, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Elect/Appoint Board Slate               For       For          Management

2.    Approve Other Matters                   None      None         Management





AGRA EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIARIOS SA                                           


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P01049108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 8, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual/Special                       

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       For          Management

4     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     





ALEXANDERS, INC                                                                


Ticker:       ALX            Security ID:  014752109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 14, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 13, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director David Mandelbaum         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Arthur I. Sonnenblick    For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard R. West          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





ALEXANDRIA REAL ESTATE EQUITIES, INC.                                           


Ticker:       ARE            Security ID:  015271109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 20, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Joel S. Marcus           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Richard B. Jennings      For       Withhold     Management

1.3   Elect Director John L. Atkins, III      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Richard H. Klein         For       Withhold     Management

1.5   Elect Director James H. Richardson      For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Martin A. Simonetti      For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Alan G. Walton           For       Withhold     Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





AMB PROPERTY CORP.                                                             


Ticker:       AMB            Security ID:  00163T109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 7, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 3, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Hamid R. Moghadam        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director T. Robert Burke          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director David A. Cole            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Lydia H. Kennard         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director J. Michael Losh          For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Frederick W. Reid        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Jeffrey L. Skelton       For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Thomas W. Tusher         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Carl B. Webb             For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC.                                                 


Ticker:       NLY            Security ID:  035710409                           

Meeting Date: MAY 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director W. Denahan-Norris        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Michael Haylon           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Donnell A. Segalas       For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY                                    


Ticker:       AIV            Security ID:  03748R101                            

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 27, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director James N. Bailey          For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Elect Director Terry Considine          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard S. Ellwood       For       Withhold     Management

1.4   Elect Director Thomas L. Keltner        For       Withhold     Management

1.5   Elect Director J. Landis Martin         For       Withhold     Management

1.6   Elect Director Robert A. Miller         For       Withhold     Management

1.7   Elect Director Michael A. Stein         For       Withhold     Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Require a Majority Vote for the         None      For          Shareholder

      Election of Directors                                                    





ARA ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD, HAMILTON                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G04512102                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Adopt Financial Statements and          For       For          Management

      Directors' and Auditors' Reports                                         

2     Declare Final Dividend of SGD 0.0224    For       For          Management

      Per Share                                                                

3     Reelect Lim Hwee Chiang John as         For       For          Management


4     Approve Directors' Fees of SGD 240,000  For       For          Management

      for the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2008 (2007:                                  

      SGD 69,700)                                                              

5     Approve Directors' Fees of SGD 240,000  For       For          Management

      for the Year Ending Dec. 31, 2009 to be                                  

      Paid Quarterly in Arrears                                                

6     Reappoint KPMG LLP as Auditors and      For       For          Management

      Authorize Board to Fix Their                                             


7     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with or                                         

      without Preemptive                                                       

8     Approve Issuance of Shares without      For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights at a Discount of Up                                    

      to 20 Percent of the Weighted Average                                    

      Price Per Share                                                           

9     Approve Mandate for Transactions with   For       For          Management

      Related Parties                                                          

10    Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management





ASCENDAS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST                                          


Ticker:       AREIT          Security ID:  Y0205X103                            

Meeting Date: JUN 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with or                                         

      without Preemptive Rights                                                

2     Approve Issue Price Supplement to the   For       For          Management

      Trust Deed                                                               





AUSTRALAND PROPERTY GROUP                                                       


Ticker:       ALZ            Security ID:  Q07932108                           

Meeting Date: APR 16, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 14, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive and Consider Financial Reports  None      None         Management

      of AHL,APT,APT4 and APT5 and the                                          

      Reports of the Directors and the                                         

      Auditor for the Year Ended Dec.31, 2008                                  

2     Approve Remuneration Report for the     For       For          Management

      Year Ended Dec.31, 2008                                                  

3.1   Elect Paul Dean Isherwood as Director   For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Ee Chee Hong as Director          For       For          Management

4     Approve Grant of 3.57 Million           For       For          Management

      Performance Rights to Robert Johnston                                    

      Under the Australand Performance Rights                                  






BANYAN TREE HOLDINGS LTD                                                       


Ticker:       BTH            Security ID:  Y0703M104                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Adopt Financial Statements and          For       For          Management

      Directors' and Auditors' Reports                                         

2     Reelect Chia Chee Ming Timothy as       For       For          Management


3     Reelect Ho KwonPing as Director         For       For          Management

4     Reelect Fang Ai Lian as Director        For       For          Management

5     Reelect Elizabeth Sam as Director       For       For          Management

6     Approve Directors' Fees of SGD 225,971  For       For          Management

      for the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2008 (2007:                                   

      SGD 220,000)                                                             

7     Approve Conditional Awards of an        For       Against      Management

      Aggregate of 20,000 Fully Paid Shares                                    

      of the Company Under the Banyan Tree                                     

      Performance Share Plan                                                   

8     Reappoint Ernst and Young LLP as        For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       

9a    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with or                                         

      without Preemptive Rights                                                

9b    Approve Issuance of Shares without      For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights at a Discount of Up                                     

      to 20 Percent of the Weighted Average                                    

      Price Per Share                                                          

9c    Approve Issuance of Shares and Grant of For       Against      Management

      Options and/or Awards Pursuant to the                                    

      Banyan Tree Employee Share Option                                        

      Scheme and Banyan Tree Performance                                        

      Share Plan                                                               





BANYAN TREE HOLDINGS LTD                                                       


Ticker:       BTH            Security ID:  Y0703M104                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Mandate for Transactions with   For       For          Management

      Related Parties                                                          

2     Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management





BRASCAN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES SA                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P18156102                           

Meeting Date: JUL 16, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JUL 2, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Acquisition                     None      For          Management





BRASCAN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES SA                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P18156102                           

Meeting Date: OCT 22, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 12, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

I.    Approve Restructuring                   For       For          Management

II.   Approve Merger Protocol                 For       For          Management

III.  Appoint Special Auditor/Appraiser       For       For          Management

IV.   Approve Valuation Report                For       For          Management

V.    Approve the Merger Decision             For       For          Management

VI.   Approve Merger                          For       For          Management

VII.  Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                  

VIII  Elect/Appoint Board Slate               For       For          Management

IX.   Approve to change the Structure of the  For       For          Management

      Executive Committee                                                      





BRASCAN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES SA                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P18156102                           

Meeting Date: NOV 24, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  NOV 11, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

I.I   Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.II  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.II  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.IV  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.V   Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.VI  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.VI  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

IVII  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.IX  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.X   Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.XI  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.XI  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

IXII  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.XI  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.XV  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

I.XV  Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

II.   Amend Articles                          NA        For          Management

III.  Increase Directors' Remuneration        NA        For          Management





BRASCAN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES SA                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P18156102                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                   

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management


3     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     

4     Amend Article 5 to Reflect Capital      For       Did Not Vote Management

      Changes Approved by the Board                                            





BRASCAN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES SA                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P18156102                           

Meeting Date: JUN 22, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

i     Change Company Name to Brookfield       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Incorporacoes SA, and Amend Article 1                                    


ii    Change Location of Company              For       Did Not Vote Management

      Headquarters, and Amend Article 3                                        






BRASIL BROKERS PARTICIPACOES S.A.                                              


Ticker:       BBRK3          Security ID:  P1630V100                            

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       Did Not Vote Management

4     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Officers, and Non-Executive Directors                                    

5     Change Location of Company Headquarters For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Approve Increase in Share Capital       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Resulting from the Acquisition of                                        

      Abyara Brokers                                                           

7     Rectify Shareholders' Meeting Minutes   For       Did Not Vote Management

      for the Aug. 6, 2008 EGM, to Publish                                     

      More Extensive List of Attendees                                         

8     Consolidate Articles                    For       Did Not Vote Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P1630V100                           

Meeting Date: AUG 6, 2008    Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JUL 11, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Stock Split                     For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P1630V100                           

Meeting Date: SEP 2, 2008    Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  AUG 19, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

I.    Approve Acquisition                     For       For          Management





BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES CORP.                                                     


Ticker:       BPO            Security ID:  112900105                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 17, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Gordon E. Arnell         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director William T. Cahill        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard B. Clark         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Jack L. Cockwell         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director J. Bruce Flatt           For       Withhold     Management

1.6   Elect Director Roderick D. Fraser       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Paul D. McFarlane        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Allan S. Olson           For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Linda D. Rabbitt         For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Robert L. Stelzl         For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Diana L. Taylor          For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director John E. Zuccotti         For       For          Management

2     Approve Deloitte & Touche LLP as        For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                        







Ticker:       1224           Security ID:  G1985B113                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 12, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Lam How Mun Peter as Executive  For       For          Management


3b    Reelect Leung Chun Cheong as Executive  For       For          Management


3c    Reelect Wu Hong Cho as Executive        For       Against      Management


3d    Reelect Wong Yat Fai as Non-executive   For       For          Management


3e    Reelect Lam Kin Fung Jeffrey as         For       For          Management

      Independent Non-Executive Director                                       

3f    Authorize the Board to Fix Remuneration For       For          Management

      of Directors                                                             

4     Reappoint Ernst and Young as Auditors   For       For          Management

      and Authorize the Board to Fix Their                                     


5     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

6     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management


8     Approve Refreshment of the Share Option For       Against      Management

      Scheme Mandate Limit                                                     





CAPITAMALL TRUST                                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y1100L160                           

Meeting Date: MAR 2, 2009    Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  FEB 9, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

E.1   Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

O.2   Waive Mandatory Takeover Requirement    For       Against      Management





CBL & ASSOCIATES PROPERTIES, INC.                                              


Ticker:       CBL            Security ID:  124830100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 4, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 9, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Matthew S. Dominski      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John N. Foy              For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Declassify the Board of Directors       Against   For          Shareholder





CENTRAL PATTANA PCL                                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y1242U219                           

Meeting Date: MAR 25, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  MAR 9, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Minutes of Previous AGM         For       For          Management

2     Approve Sub-Lease Assets Agreement of   For       For          Management

      Lardprao Project between Central                                         

      Pattana PCL and Central International                                    

      Development Co Ltd                                                       

3     Other Business                          For       Against      Management





CENTRAL PATTANA PCL                                                            


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y1242U219                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 2, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Minutes of Previous EGM         For       For          Management

2     Acknowledge 2008 Operating Results      None      None         Management

3     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

4     Approve Dividend of THB 0.33 Per Share  For       For          Management

5.1   Elect Chackchai Panichapat as Director  For       For          Management

5.2   Elect Sudhitham Chirathivat as Director For       For          Management

5.3   Elect Prin Chirathivat as Director      For       For          Management

5.4   Elect Kanchit Bunajinda as Director     For       For          Management

5.5   Elect Karun Kittisataporn as Director   For       For          Management

6     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

7     Approve KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd as     For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       

8     Approve Names and Number of Directors   For       For          Management

      Who Have Signing Authority                                                

9     Authorize Issuance of Debentures Not    For       For          Management

      Exceeding THB 5 Billion                                                  

10    Other Business                          For       Against      Management





CHAMPION REAL ESTA                                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y1292D109                            

Meeting Date: MAR 9, 2009    Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  MAR 3, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Amend Trust Deed - Distributions        For       For          Management

S.2   Amend Trust Deed - Rights Issue         For       For          Management

S.3   Amend Trust Deed - Distribution         For       For          Management

      Reinvestment Arrangements                                                

S.4   Amend Trust Deed - Trustee Fees         For       For          Management

S.5   Amend Trust Deed - Underwriting Unit    For       For          Management


S.6   Amend Trust Deed - Ownership of Special For       For          Management

      Purpose Vehicles                                                         

S.7   Amend Trust Deed - Special Purpose      For       For          Management


S.8   Amend Trust Deed - Notification of      For       For          Management

      Closure of the Register                                                   

S.9   Amend Trust Deed - Provision if Minor   For       For          Management

      Sole Surviving Unitholder                                                

S.10  Amend Trust Deed - Real Estate          For       For          Management

      Investment Insurance                                                     

S.11  Amend Trust Deed - Leverage Ratio       For       For          Management


S.12  Amend Trust Deed - Unit Repurchase and  For       For          Management


S.13  Amend Trust Deed - Publication of       For       For          Management


S.14  Amend Trust Deed                        For       For          Management


1.    Approve Distribution Policy             For       For          Management

2.    Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management





CHAMPION REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST                                          


Ticker:       2778           Security ID:  Y1292D109                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 21, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Units                                                   





CLUB MEDITERRANEE SA, PARIS                                                    


Ticker:                      Security ID:  F18690101                            

Meeting Date: FEB 20, 2009   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  FEB 16, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

O.1   Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

O.2   Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management


O.3   Approve Appropriation of                For       For          Management


O.4   Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

O.5   Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

O.6   Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

O.7   Approve Directors' Remuneration         For       For          Management

O.8   Approve Share Buyback                   For       Against      Management

O.9   Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                  

E.10  Approve Share Issue                     For       Against      Management

E.11  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       Against      Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

E.12  Approve Reissue Price Range for         For       Against      Management

      Treasury Shares                                                          

E.13  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       Against      Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                         

E.14  Issue Debt Instruments                  For       For          Management

E.15  Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       Against      Management


E.16  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       Against      Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

E.17  Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       Against      Management


E.18  Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       Against      Management


E.19  Increase Share Capital                  For       Against      Management

E.20  Reduce Share Capital                    For       For          Management

E.21  Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                   





COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO IM                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P3063V102                           

Meeting Date: JAN 14, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  DEC 31, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Management Clarification on             Against   Against      Shareholder

      Negotiations with LAHotels S.A                                           

2.    Require Shareholder Approval of         Against   Against      Shareholder

      Strategic Transactions                                                   





COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO IM                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P3063V102                           

Meeting Date: FEB 18, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JAN 9, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

A.    Reduce Share Capital                    For       For          Management

B.    Amend Terms of Debt Instruments         For       For          Management

C.    Amend Bylaws                            For       For          Management

D.    Approve Merger/Acquisition              For       For          Management

E.    Approve Auditor for Merger Valuation    For       For          Management

F.    Approve Valuation Reports               For       For          Management

G.    Approve Stock Issue in Connection With  For       For          Management






COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO IM                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P3063V102                           

Meeting Date: MAR 10, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                  

Record Date:  FEB 23, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

2.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3.    Amend Board Structure                   For       For          Management

4.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management





CONWERT IMMOBILIEN INVEST SE                                                   


Ticker:                      Security ID:  A1359Y109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 26, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports (Non-Voting)                                           

2     Approve Allocation of Income            For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       Did Not Vote Management

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Elect Supervisory Board Members         For       Did Not Vote Management


7     Approve Remuneration of First           For       Did Not Vote Management

      Supervisory Board                                                         

8     Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Board for Fiscal 2009                                                    

9     Authorize Issuance of Participation     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Certificates Up to Aggregate Nominal                                     

      Value of EUR 400 Million                                                 

10    Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Reissuance or Cancellation of                                            

      Repurchased Shares                                                       

11    Amend Articles Re: Board Related        For       Did Not Vote Management





CREED CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  J7007Z100                           

Meeting Date: AUG 22, 2008   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  MAY 31, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Appropriation of                For       For          Management


2.    Approve Partial Amendment of Articles   For       For          Management







Ticker:       CYRE3          Security ID:  P34085103                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                       

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       Did Not Vote Management

4     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     

5     Approve Capital Increase Resulting from For       Did Not Vote Management

      the Issuance of Shares to Meet                                           

      Obligations of Stock Option Plan, and                                    

      Amend Article 6 Accordingly                                              







Ticker:       CYRE3          Security ID:  P34085103                           

Meeting Date: JUN 4, 2009    Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Amend Article 6 to Reflect Capital      For       For          Management

      Increase Following the Acquisition of                                     

      Goldzstein Participacoes SA                                              

2.a   Appoint Independent Firm to Appraise    For       For          Management

      Book Value of Goldzstein Participacoes                                   


2.b   Approve Independent Firm's Appraisal    For       For          Management


2.c   Approve Acquisition Agreement between   For       For          Management

      the Company and Goldzstein                                               

      Participacoes SA                                                         

2.d   Approve Capital Increase Related to the For       For          Management


2.e   Authorize Board to Execute Acquisition  For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P34093107                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       For          Management

4     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     

5     Change Location of Company Headquarters For       For          Management

      and Amend Article 27 Accordingly                                         





DA OFFICE INVESTMENT CORP, TOKYO                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  J1250G109                           

Meeting Date: OCT 31, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  AUG 31, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Partial Amendment of Articles   For       For          Management

2     Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3     Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

4.1   Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

4.2   Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

5     Approve Appointment of Accounting       For       For          Management






DAITO TRUST CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD.                                              


Ticker:       1878           Security ID:  J11151107                            

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 52                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Reflect               For       For          Management

      Digitalization of Share Certificates                                     

3.1   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.10  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.11  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

4.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       For          Management

4.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       For          Management

4.3   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       Against      Management

5     Amend Stock Option Plan Approved at     For       For          Management

      2004 AGM                                                                 





DAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO. LTD.                                                  


Ticker:       1925           Security ID:  J11508124                           

Meeting Date: JUN 26, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 24                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Reflect               For       For          Management

      Digitalization of Share Certificates                                     

3.1   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.10  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.11  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.12  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.13  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.14  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.15  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.16  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.17  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.18  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

4.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       For          Management

4.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       For          Management

4.3   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       For          Management

4.4   Appoint Statutory Auditor               For       For          Management





DAWNAY DAY SIRIUS LIMITED, ST. PETER PORT                                       


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G2686Y105                           

Meeting Date: AUG 8, 2008    Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  AUG 8, 2008                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Elect/Appoint Director: Robert Sinclair For       For          Management

3.    Elect/Appoint Director: Christopher     For       For          Management


4.    Elect/Appoint Director: Richard         For       For          Management


5.    Elect/Appoint Director: Dr. Gerhard     For       For          Management


6.    Elect/Appoint Director: Peter Klimt     For       For          Management

7.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

8.    Approve Appointment/Remuneration of     For       For          Management


9.    Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management





DAWNAY DAY SIRIUS LIMITED, ST. PETER PORT                                       


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G2686Y105                           

Meeting Date: OCT 10, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 24, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Approve Company Name Change             For       For          Management





DAWNAY DAY TREVERIA PLC, ISLE OF MAN                                           


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G2759M103                           

Meeting Date: JAN 12, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  NOV 23, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Approve Company Name Change             For       For          Management

S.2   Amend Governing Documents -             For       For          Management






DESARROLLADORA HOMEX, S.A.B. DE C.V.                                           


Ticker:       HXM            Security ID:  25030W100                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 1, 2009                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE REPORTS  For       For          Management

      TO BE PRESENTED BY THE BOARD OF                                           

      DIRECTORS, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE                                           

      28,SECTION IV OF THE MEXICAN SECURITIES                                  

      MARKET LAW, INCLUDING THE FINANCIAL                                       

      STATEMENTS CORRESPONDING TO THE YEAR                                     

      ENDED ON DECEMBER 31, 2008.                                              

2     RESOLUTION ON THE ALLOCATION OF PROFITS For       For          Management

      OBTAINED IN SUCH FISCALYEAR, AS PER THE                                  

      PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.                                      

3     DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL, AS THE CASE    For       For          Management

      MAY BE, OF THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF                                         

      RESOURCES THAT MAY BE ALLOCATED FOR                                      

      STOCK REPURCHASE,AS PER THE PROPOSAL OF                                  

      THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.                                                  

4     APPOINTMENT OR RATIFICATION, AS THE     For       For          Management

      CASE MAY BE, OF THE MEMBERS OF THE                                       

      BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SECRETARY, AND                                    

      DETERMINATION OFTHEIR COMPENSATION, AS                                   

      PER THE PROPOSAL OF THE GOVERNANCE                                       

      ANDCOMPENSATION COMMITTEE.                                                

5     APPOINTMENT OR RATIFICATION OF THE      For       For          Management

      CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE AND OF                                   

      THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE AND,                                   

      IF APPROPRIATE, APPOINTMENT OF THE                                       

      OTHER MEMBERS OF SUCH COMMITTEES AND OF                                  

      THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                                   

6     DESIGNATION OF SPECIAL DELEGATES WHO    For       For          Management

      WILL FORMALIZE AND EXECUTE THE                                           

      RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THIS MEETING.                                     





DIAMONDROCK HOSPITALITY COMPANY                                                


Ticker:       DRH            Security ID:  252784301                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 3, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director William W. McCarten      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Daniel J. Altobello      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Mark W. Brugger          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director W. Robert Grafton        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Maureen L. McAvey        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Gilbert T. Ray           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director John L. Williams         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





ENTERPRISE INNS PLC                                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G3070Z153                           

Meeting Date: JAN 22, 2009   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  DEC 16, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

4.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

5.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

6.    Approve Appointment of Auditors         For       For          Management

7.    Approve Auditors Remuneration           For       For          Management

8.    Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

S.9   Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

S.10  Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  F33684105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  MAY 26, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Discharge Management and Supervisory                                     

      Board Members                                                            

2     Approve Treatment of Losses             For       For          Management

3     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

4     Approve Auditors' Special Report        For       For          Management

      Regarding Related-Party Transactions                                     

5     Approve Special Dividend Distribution   For       For          Management

      of EUR 1.60 per Share                                                    

6     Approve Transaction with Gilbert-Jean   For       For          Management

      Audurier Re: Severance Payments                                          

7     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

8     Ratify Appointment of Banque Palatine,  For       For          Management

      Represented by Jean-Marc Ribes as                                        

      Supervisory Board Member                                                  

9     Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       For          Management

      Board Members in the Aggregate Amount                                    

      of EUR 120,000                                                            

10    Allow Management Board to Use All       For       Against      Management

      Outstanding Capital Authorizations in                                    

      the Event of a Public Tender Offer or                                     

      Share Exchange Offer                                                     

11    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

12    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





EUROSIC SA, PARIS                                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  F33684105                           

Meeting Date: NOV 13, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  NOV 7, 2008                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Merger through Absorption with  For       For          Management


2.    Approve the Accounting Treatment of     For       For          Management


3.    Acknowledge the Completion of           For       For          Management


4.    Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       For          Management


5.    Approve Merger through Absorption with  For       For          Management

      Sologne BV                                                               

6.    Acknowledge the Completion of           For       For          Management


7.    Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                  





EZ TEC EMPREENDIMENTOS PARTICIPACOES SA                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P3912H106                           

Meeting Date: SEP 23, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 8, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Cancel Treasury Shares                  For       For          Management

2.    Amend Articles                          For       For          Management





FORESTAR GROUP INC.                                                             


Ticker:       FOR            Security ID:  346233109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 16, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director William G. Currie        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director James A. Rubright        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Louis R. Brill           For       For          Management

2     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





FRANSHION PROPERTI                                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y2642B108                           

Meeting Date: FEB 12, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  FEB 10, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

2.    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management





FRANSHION PROPERTIES (CHINA) LTD                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y2642B108                           

Meeting Date: JUN 18, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUN 11, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                          

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Reelect He Cao as Non-Executive         For       For          Management


4     Reappoint Ernst & Young as Auditors and For       For          Management

      Authorize Board to Fix Their                                             


5     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

6     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES, INC.                                                


Ticker:       GGWPQ          Security ID:  370021107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 13, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 16, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Adam Metz                For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Elect Director Thomas Nolan, Jr.        For       Withhold     Management

1.3   Elect Director John Riordan             For       Withhold     Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





GOODMAN GROUP, SYDNEY NSW                                                       


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Q4229W108                           

Meeting Date: NOV 17, 2008   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  OCT 15, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Elect/Appoint Director: Patrick Goodman For       For          Management

2.    Elect/Appoint Director: John Harkness   For       For          Management

3.    Elect/Appoint Director: James           For       For          Management


4.    Elect/Appoint Director: Anne Keating    For       For          Management

5.    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

S.6   Approve Company Name Change             For       For          Management

7.    Approve Share Grants                    For       For          Management

S.8   Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        





GREAT EAGLE HOLDINGS LTD                                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4069C148                           

Meeting Date: APR 14, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  APR 6, 2009                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Connected Transaction with a    For       For          Management

      Related Party                                                             





GREAT EAGLE HOLDINGS LTD                                                       


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4069C148                            

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 21, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend of HK$0.35 Per   For       For          Management


3a    Reelect Lo To Lee Kwan as Director      For       Against      Management

3b    Reelect Lo Hong Sui, Vincent as         For       Against      Management


3c    Reelect Lo Ying Sui, Archie as Director For       For          Management

3d    Reelect Wong Yue Chim, Richard as       For       For          Management


4     Fix Maximum Number of Directors at 15   For       Against      Management

      and Authorize Board to Appoint                                           

      Additional Directors Up to Such Maximum                                   


5     Approve Directors' Fees of HK$120,000   For       For          Management

      Per Annum as Ordinary Remuneration                                        

      Payable to Each Director for the Year                                    

      Ending Dec. 31, 2009                                                     

6     Reappoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as   For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       

7     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

8     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                         

9     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management


10    Terminate Existing Share Option Scheme  For       Against      Management

11    Approve New Share Option Scheme         For       Against      Management

12    Adopt the Chinese Name as the Company's For       For          Management

      Secondary Name                                                            





GREAT PORTLAND ESTATES PLC                                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G40712179                            

Meeting Date: JUN 4, 2009    Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Authorise Issue of Equity or            For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with and                                        

      without Pre-emptive Rights up to                                         

      Aggregate Nominal Amount of GBP                                          

      16,456,639 in Connection with the                                        

      Rights Issue                                                             





GREAT PORTLAND ESTATES PLC R.E.I.T., LONDON                                    


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G40712179                           

Meeting Date: JUL 3, 2008    Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  JUN 3, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

3.    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4.    Elect/Appoint Director: Richard Peskin  For       For          Management

5.    Elect/Appoint Director: Timon           For       For          Management


6.    Elect/Appoint Director: Phillip Rose    For       For          Management

7.    Approve Appointment of Auditors         For       For          Management

8.    Approve Auditors Remuneration           For       For          Management

9.    Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

S.10  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

S.11  Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management

S.12  Approve Articles                        For       For          Management





GUARANTY FINANCIAL GROUP INC                                                   


Ticker:                      Security ID:  40108N106                           

Meeting Date: SEP 29, 2008   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  AUG 29, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Private Placement/Conversion of For       For          Management






HAMMERSON PLC                                                                  


Ticker:       HMSO           Security ID:  G4273Q107                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

3     Approve Final Dividend of 15.30 Pence   For       For          Management

      Per Ordinary Share                                                       

4     Re-elect John Clare as Director         For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Peter Cole as Director         For       For          Management

6     Re-elect John Nelson as Director        For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Tony Watson as Director        For       For          Management

8     Reappoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors of   For       For          Management

      the Company                                                               

9     Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


10    Authorise Issue of Equity or            For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate                                       

      Nominal Amount of GBP 40,587,096.75                                       

11    Authorise Issue of Equity or            For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of GBP 8,708,145                                          

12    Authorise 103,652,090 Ordinary Shares   For       For          Management

      for Market Purchase                                                      

13    Approve That a General Meeting Other    For       For          Management

      Than an Annual General Meeting May Be                                    

      Called on Not Less Than 14 Clear Days'                                   


14    Adopt New Articles of Association       For       For          Management

15    Approve Scrip Dividend Program          For       For          Management





HAMMERSON PLC R.E.I.T., LONDON                                                 


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4273Q107                           

Meeting Date: FEB 25, 2009   Meeting Type: OTH                                 

Record Date:  FEB 11, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management





HELICAL BAR PLC, LONDON                                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G43904195                            

Meeting Date: JUL 23, 2008   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  JUL 1, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

3.    Elect/Appoint Director: C.G.H. Weaver   For       For          Management

4.    Elect/Appoint Director: W.J. Weeks      For       For          Management

5.    Elect/Appoint Director: M.C.            For       For          Management


6.    Elect/Appoint Director: J.S. Pitman     For       For          Management

7.    Approve Appointment of Auditors         For       For          Management

8.    Approve Auditors Remuneration           For       For          Management

9.    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

10.   Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

S.11  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                         

S.12  Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management

S.13  Approve Articles                        For       For          Management






HIRCO PLC, DOUGLAS                                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4590K106                           

Meeting Date: JAN 16, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  DEC 23, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Asset Purchase                  For       Against      Management

2.    Increase Share Capital                  For       Against      Management

3.    Waive Mandatory Takeover Requirement    For       Against      Management





HIRCO PLC, DOUGLAS                                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4590K106                           

Meeting Date: MAY 6, 2009    Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Remove Niranjan Hiranandani as a        Against   Against      Shareholder


2     Elect Andrew Pegge as a Director        Against   Against      Shareholder

3     Remove David Burton as a Director       Against   Against      Shareholder

4     Elect Michael Haxby as a Director       Against   Against      Shareholder

5     Remove Nigel McGowan as a Director      Against   For          Shareholder

6     Elect John Bourbon as a Director        Against   For          Shareholder

7     Elect Aled Rhys-Jones as a Director     Against   Against      Shareholder

8     Appoint Chairman of the Board who is    Against   For          Shareholder

      Independent from the Hiranandani Family                                  





HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI HOTELS LTD.                                              


Ticker:       45             Security ID:  Y35518110                           

Meeting Date: MAY 13, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 8, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Declare Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Ronald James McAulay as         For       For          Management


3b    Reelect David Kwok Po Li as Director    For       For          Management

3c    Reelect John Andrew Harry Leigh as      For       For          Management


3d    Reelect Nicholas Timothy James Colfer   For       Against      Management

      as Director                                                              

3e    Reelect Neil John Galloway as Director  For       For          Management

4     Reappoint KPMG as Auditors and          For       For          Management

      Authorize the Board to Fix Their                                         


5     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

6     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management


8     Amend Articles of Association           For       For          Management





HOPSON DEVELOPMENT HOLDINGS                                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4600H101                           

Meeting Date: JUN 16, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUN 10, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2a    Reelect Chu Mang Yee as Executive       For       For          Management


2b    Reelect Chen Chang Ying as Executive    For       For          Management


2c    Reelect Au Wai Kin as Executive         For       For          Management


2d    Authorize the Board to Fix Remuneration For       For          Management

      of Executive and Non-Executive                                           


3     Approve Remuneration of Independent     For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Directors                                                  

4     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

5     Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as     For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize the Board to Fix                                  

      Their Remuneration                                                       

6a    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

6b    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

6c    Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






HOPSON DEVELOPMENT HOLDINGS                                                    


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4600H101                           

Meeting Date: JUN 16, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve the New Framework Agreement     For       For          Management

      Entered Into Between the Company and                                     

      Guangdong Hanjiang Construction                                          

      Installation Project Ltd. and Related                                    

      Annual Caps                                                              





HOSPITALITY PROPERTIES TRUST                                                    


Ticker:       HPT            Security ID:  44106M102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 17, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Bruce M. Gans            For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Elect Director Adam D. Portnoy          For       Withhold     Management

2     Declassify the Board of Directors       Against   For          Shareholder





HOST HOTELS & RESORTS, INC.                                                     


Ticker:       HST            Security ID:  44107P104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 14, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 17, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Roberts M. Baylis        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Terence C. Golden        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Ann M. Korologos         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Richard E. Marriott      For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Judith A. McHale         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director John B. Morse, Jr.       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director W. Edward Walter         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

4     Increase Authorized Common Stock        For       For          Management





HUTCHISON TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTL LTD                                           


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G46714104                           

Meeting Date: DEC 11, 2008   Meeting Type: OGM                                 

Record Date:  NOV 25, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P5352J104                           

Meeting Date: JUL 10, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JUN 26, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Elect Finance Committe Members and Set  For       For          Management






IGUATEMI EMPRESA SHOPPING CENTERS S.A                                          


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P5352J104                           

Meeting Date: APR 23, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                             

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


3     Elect Fiscal Council Members and        For       For          Management

      Approve their Remuneration                                               

4     Elect Director                          For       For          Management

5     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     





IMMOFINANZ AG, WIEN                                                            


Ticker:                      Security ID:  A27849149                           

Meeting Date: JUL 23, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JUL 2, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

A.    Approve Acquisition                     For       For          Management

B.    Approve to exercise the voting rights   For       For          Management

      in the meeting of Immoeast AG                                            





IMMOFINANZ AG, WIEN                                                            


Ticker:                      Security ID:  A27849149                           

Meeting Date: SEP 23, 2008   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 3, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Consolidated Financial          None      None         Management


2.    Approve Appropriation of                For       For          Management


3.    Discharge Directors from Liability      For       For          Management


4.    Approve Directors' Remuneration         For       For          Management

5.    Approve Appointment of Auditors         For       For          Management

6.    Increase Share Capital                  For       For          Management

7.    Approve Use of Treasury Shares          For       For          Management

8.    Appoint Supervisory Director(s)         For       For          Management

9.    Amend Articles                          For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P3063V102                           

Meeting Date: MAR 10, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Ratify Appointment of Antonio Carlos    For       For          Management

      Ribeiro Bonchristiano, Fersen Lamas                                      

      Lambranho, and Eduardo Samara to the                                     

      Board of Directors                                                        

2     Elect a New Director                    For       For          Management

3     Amend Article 16 to Reflect Changes to  For       For          Management

      Board Composition                                                         

4     Elect Alternate Directors               For       For          Management





JAPAN RETAIL FUND INVESTMENT CORP, TOKYO                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  J27544105                           

Meeting Date: NOV 25, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  AUG 31, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Partial Amendment of Articles   For       For          Management

2     Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3.1   Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3.2   Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

4     Elect/Appoint Director - Supplementary  For       For          Management

5     Elect/Appoint Director - Supplementary  For       For          Management





JM AB                                                                          


Ticker:                      Security ID:  W4939T109                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 22, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Calling the Meeting to Order; Elect     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Lars Lundquist as Chairman of Meeting                                    

2     Prepare and Approve List of             For       Did Not Vote Management


3     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       Did Not Vote Management


4     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       Did Not Vote Management

5     Approve Agenda of Meeting               For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Receive Reports of the Board and the    None      Did Not Vote Management

      President; Receive Financial                                             

      Statements, Statutory Reports, and                                       

      Auditor's Report                                                         

7     Approve Financial Statements and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

8     Approve Allocation of Income            For       Did Not Vote Management

9     Approve Record Date for Dividend        For       Did Not Vote Management

10    Approve Discharge of Board and          For       Did Not Vote Management


11    Determine Number of Members (7) and     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Deputy Members (0) of Board                                              

12    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       Did Not Vote Management

      the Amount of SEK 590,000 to the                                          

      Chairman and SEK 260,000 to Other                                        

      Directors; Approve Remuneration for                                      

      Committee Work                                                            

13    Approve Remuneration of Auditors        For       Did Not Vote Management

14    Receive Information about Director      None      Did Not Vote Management

      Nominees' Other Assignments                                              

15    Reelect Lars Lundquist (Chair),         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Elisabet Annell, Berthold Lindqvist,                                     

      Johan Skoglund, Aasa Soederstroem, and                                   

      Torbjoern Torell as Directors; Elect                                     

      Anders Narvinger as New Director                                         

16    Authorize Chairman of Board and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Representatives of Four of Company's                                     

      Largest Shareholders to Serve on                                         

      Nominating Committee                                                     

17    Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                        


18    Approve Stock Option Plan for Key       For       Did Not Vote Management

      Employees; Approve Creation of SEK                                       

      625,000 Million Pool of Capital to                                       

      Guarantee Conversion Rights                                               





KAUFMAN  BROAD                                                                 


Ticker:                      Security ID:  F5375H102                           

Meeting Date: APR 9, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 6, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.51 per Share                                          

3     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

4     Approve Auditors' Special Report        For       For          Management

      Regarding Related-Party Transactions                                     

5     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       Against      Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

6     Reelect Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani as  For       For          Management


7     Reelect Alain de Pouzilhac as Director  For       For          Management

8     Reelect Sophie Lombard as Director      For       For          Management

9     Reelect Bertrand Meunier as Director    For       For          Management

10    Reelect Frederic Stevenin as Director   For       For          Management

11    Reappoint Ernst & Young Audit as        For       For          Management

      Auditor, and Appoint Auditex as                                          

      Alternate Auditor                                                        

12    Reappoint Deloitte & Associes as        For       For          Management

      Auditor, and Appoint BEAS as Alternate                                   


13    Authorize up to 220,000 Shares of       For       Against      Management

      Issued Capital for Use in Restricted                                     

      Stock Plan                                                               

14    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

15    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





KAUFMAN ET BROAD SA, NEUILLY SUR SEINE                                         


Ticker:                      Security ID:  F5375H102                           

Meeting Date: NOV 24, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                  

Record Date:  NOV 18, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Increase Share Capital                  For       For          Management

2.    Increase Share Capital                  For       For          Management

3.    Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       For          Management


4.    Limit Capital Increase                  For       For          Management

5.    Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                  





KB HOME                                                                        


Ticker:       KBH            Security ID:  48666K109                           

Meeting Date: APR 2, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 14, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Stephen F. Bollenbach    For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Timothy W. Finchem       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Kenneth M. Jastrow, II   For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Robert L. Johnson        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Melissa Lora             For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Michael G. McCaffery     For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Jeffrey T. Mezger        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Approve Stock Ownership Limitations     For       For          Management

4     Approve Shareholder Rights Plan (Poison For       For          Management


5     Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan  For       For          Management

6     Pay For Superior Performance            Against   For          Shareholder

7     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive Against   For          Shareholder

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

8     Adopt Principles for Health Care Reform Against   Against      Shareholder





KERRY PROPERTIES LTD.                                                          


Ticker:       683            Security ID:  G52440107                           

Meeting Date: MAR 31, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  MAR 27, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Master Joint Venture Agreement  For       For          Management

      and Related Transactions                                                 





KERRY PROPERTIES LTD.                                                           


Ticker:       683            Security ID:  G52440107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 8, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 6, 2009                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Ma Wing Kai, William as         For       Against      Management


3b    Reelect Lau Ling Fai, Herald as         For       For          Management


3c    Reelect Tse Kai Chi as Director         For       For          Management

4     Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


5     Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as     For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       

6a    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                          

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

6b    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

6c    Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






KIMCO REALTY CORP.                                                             


Ticker:       KIM            Security ID:  49446R109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Milton Cooper            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Richard G. Dooley        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Joe Grills               For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director David B. Henry           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director F. Patrick Hughes        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Frank Lourenso           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Richard Saltzman         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Philip Coviello          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





KLCC PROPERTY HOLDINGS BHD                                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y4804V104                           

Meeting Date: JUL 8, 2008    Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  JUN 13, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

3.    Elect/Appoint Director: Dato Leong Ah   For       For          Management


4.    Elect/Appoint Director: Pragasa Moorthi For       For          Management

      A/L Krishnasamy                                                          

5.    Elect/Appoint Director: Hashim Bin      For       For          Management


6.    Elect/Appoint Director: Tunku Tan Sri   For       For          Management

      Dato Seri Ahmad Bin Tunku Yahaya                                         

7.    Approve Directors' Remuneration         For       For          Management

8.    Approve Appointment/Remuneration of     For       For          Management








Ticker:       LI             Security ID:  F5396X102                           

Meeting Date: APR 9, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 6, 2009                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Auditors' Special Report        For       For          Management

      Regarding Related-Party Transactions                                     

4     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.25  per Share                                         

5     Approve Stock Dividend Program          For       For          Management

6     Reelect Bertrand Jacquillat as          For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board Member                                                 

7     Reelect Bertrand Letamendia as          For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board Member                                                 

8     Reelect Philippe Thel as Supervisory    For       For          Management

      Board Member                                                              

9     Ratify Appointment of Michel Clair as   For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board Member                                                 

10    Ratify Appointment of Sarah Roussel as  For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board Member                                                 

11    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

12    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

13    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 60 Million                                         

14    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 60 Million                                         

15    Authorize Board to Set Issue Price      For       Against      Management

      Annually  for 10 Percent of Issued                                       

      Capital Per Year Pursuant to Issue                                       

      Authority without Preemptive Rights                                      

16    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       Against      Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                    

      to Issuances With or Without Preemptive                                  

      Rights Submitted to Shareholder Vote                                     

17    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                     


18    Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of For       For          Management

      Up to EUR 100 Million for Bonus Issue                                    

      or Increase in Par Value                                                 

19    Approve Employee Savings-Related Share  For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            

20    Authorize up to 0.5 Percent of Issued   For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


21    Authorize up to 1 Percent of Issued     For       For          Management

      Capital for Use in Stock Option Plan                                     

22    Set Global Limit for Capital Increase   For       For          Management

      to Result from All Issuance Requests at                                  

      EUR 100 Million                                                          

23    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





KOWLOON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED                                             


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y49749107                           

Meeting Date: JUN 10, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Keith Alan Holman as Director   For       For          Management

3b    Reelect Ng Chi Man as Director          For       For          Management

3c    Reelect Or Pui Kwan as Director         For       For          Management

3d    Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


4     Reappoint KPMG as Auditors and          For       For          Management

      Authorize Board to Fix Their                                             


5     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

6     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP                                                           


Ticker:       LVS            Security ID:  517834107                            

Meeting Date: JUN 10, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 13, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Michael A. Leven         For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Elect Director Jason N. Ader            For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jeffrey H. Schwartz      For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Prepare Sustainability Report           Against   For          Shareholder





LENNAR CORP.                                                                    


Ticker:       LEN            Security ID:  526057104                           

Meeting Date: APR 15, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 19, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Irving Bolotin           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Steven L. Gerard         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Sherrill W. Hudson       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director R. Kirk Landon           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Sidney Lapidus           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Stuart A. Miller         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Donna E. Shalala         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Jeffrey Sonnenfeld       For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       Against      Management

4     Adopt Quantitative GHG Goals for        Against   For          Shareholder

      Products and Operations                                                  





MACK-CALI REALTY CORP.                                                         


Ticker:       CLI            Security ID:  554489104                           

Meeting Date: JUN 2, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 7, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Mitchell E. Hersh        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John R. Cali             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Irvin D. Reid            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Martin S. Berger         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





MAGUIRE PROPERTIES INC                                                         


Ticker:                      Security ID:  559775101                           

Meeting Date: OCT 2, 2008    Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  AUG 13, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Nominee - JONATHAN M. BROOKS      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Nominee - CHRISTINE N. GARVEY     For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Nominee - CYRUS S. HADIDI         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Nominee - NELSON C. RISING        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Nominee - GEORGE A. VANDEMAN      For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Nominee - PAUL M. WATSON          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Nominee - DAVID L. WEINSTEIN      For       For          Management

2     Ratify Appointment of Auditors          For       For          Management





MANDARIN ORIENTAL INTERNATIONAL LTD.                                           


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G57848106                           

Meeting Date: MAY 6, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Auditor's Report and Declare Final                                       


2     Reelect Edouard Ettedgui as Director    For       Against      Management

3     Reelect Henry Keswick as Director       For       Against      Management

4     Reelect R C Kwok as Director            For       Against      Management

5     Reelect Sydney S W Leong as Director    For       Against      Management

6     Approve Auditors and Authorize Board to For       Against      Management

      Fix Their Remuneration                                                   

7     Authorize Issue of Equity or            For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Pre-emptive Rights up to Aggregate                                       

      Nominal Amount of USD 16.5 Million and                                   

      without Pre-emptive Rights up to                                         

      Aggregate Nominal Amount of USD 2.5                                      


8     Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management





MAPELEY LTD                                                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G58216105                           

Meeting Date: JAN 26, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  DEC 29, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Issue Debt Instruments                  For       For          Management





MAPELEY LTD                                                                    


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G58216105                           

Meeting Date: MAR 18, 2009   Meeting Type: OGM                                  

Record Date:  FEB 23, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Approve Delisting                       For       For          Management





MAPELEY LTD                                                                    


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G58216105                           

Meeting Date: MAR 18, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Cancellation of the Admission   For       For          Management

      of the Company's Ordinary Shares of No                                   

      Par Value Each to the Official List of                                   

      the UK Listing Authority and to Trading                                  

      on the London Stock Exchange plc's                                       

      Market for Listed Securities                                             





MCDONALD'S CORP.                                                               


Ticker:       MCD            Security ID:  580135101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 30, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Robert A. Eckert         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Enrique Hernandez, Jr.   For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Jeanne P. Jackson        For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Andrew J. McKenna        For       For          Management

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

6     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

7     Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan  For       For          Management

8     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive Against   For          Shareholder

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

9     Phase out Sales of Eggs from Battery    Against   Against      Shareholder

      Cage Hens                                                                 





MERITAGE HOMES CORP                                                            


Ticker:                      Security ID:  59001A102                           

Meeting Date: FEB 16, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  JAN 5, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Restrict Share Transfers                For       For          Management





MERITAGE HOMES CORP                                                             


Ticker:       MTH            Security ID:  59001A102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 21, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Peter L. Ax              For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Robert G. Sarver         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Gerald W. Haddock        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





MFA FINANCIAL INC                                                              


Ticker:       MFA            Security ID:  55272X102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 21, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 24, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Michael L. Dahir         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director George H. Krauss         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





MIDLAND HOLDINGS LTD                                                            


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G4491W100                           

Meeting Date: SEP 18, 2008   Meeting Type: SGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 16, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Stock Plan                      For       For          Management







Ticker:       1200           Security ID:  G4491W100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Tang Mei Lai, Metty as Director For       For          Management

3b    Reelect Wong Kam Hong as Director       For       For          Management

3c    Reelect Ip Kit Yee, Kitty as Director   For       Against      Management

3d    Reelect Koo Fook Sun, Louis as Director For       For          Management

3e    Reelect Sun Tak Chiu as Director        For       For          Management

3f    Reelect Wang Ching Miao, Wilson as      For       For          Management


3g    Authorize Board to Fix the Remuneration For       For          Management

      of Directors                                                             

4     Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as     For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                       

      Their Remuneration                                                       

5     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                          

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

6     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

7     Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management








Ticker:       1200           Security ID:  G4491W100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 15, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Service Contract Between Wong   For       Against      Management

      Kin Yip, Freddie and the Company                                          





MINOR INTERNATIONAL PCL                                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y6069M133                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 13, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting     For       For          Management

2     Acknowledge 2008 Directors' Report      For       For          Management

3     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

4     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Omission of Dividend                                                     

5.1   Elect William Ellwood Heinecke as       For       For          Management


5.2   Elect Anil Thadani as Director          For       For          Management

5.3   Elect Kittipol Pramoj Na Ayudhya as     For       For          Management


6     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

7     Approve PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Ltd For       For          Management

      as Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                   

      Their Remuneration                                                       





MINOR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC CO LTD                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y6069M133                           

Meeting Date: MAR 6, 2009    Meeting Type: EGM                                  

Record Date:  FEB 6, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Meeting Minutes                 For       For          Management

2.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

3.    Cancel Warrant Issue                    For       For          Management

4.    Reduce Share Capital                    For       For          Management

5.    Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       For          Management


6.    Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.1.  Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

7.2   Issue Warrants to Directors/Employees   For       For          Management

8.    Approve Restructuring                   For       For          Management

9.    Issue Warrants without Preemptive       For       For          Management


10.   Increase Share Capital                  For       For          Management

11.   Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       For          Management


12.   Amend Articles                          For       For          Management

13.   Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       For          Management


14.   Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

15.   Issue Warrants without Preemptive       For       For          Management


16.   Reduce Share Capital                    For       For          Management

17.   Reduce Share Capital                    For       For          Management

18.   Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       For          Management


19.   Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                  

20.   Approve Other Business                  For       Against      Management





MITSUI FUDOSAN CO. LTD.                                                        


Ticker:       8801           Security ID:  J4509L101                           

Meeting Date: JUN 26, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 11                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Reflect               For       For          Management

      Digitalization of Share Certificates                                     

3.1   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.10  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.11  Elect Director                          For       For          Management

4     Approve Annual Bonus Payment to         For       For          Management






MRV ENGENHARIA PARTICIPACOES SA                                                


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P6986W107                            

Meeting Date: APR 8, 2009    Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Authorize Issuance of BRL 100 Million   For       For          Management

      in Debentures                                                            

2     Authorize Executives to Undertake       For       For          Management

      Debenture Issuance                                                       





MRV ENGENHARIA PARTICIPACOES SA                                                


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P6986W107                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                             

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       For          Management

4     Elect Executive Officers                For       For          Management

5     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers amd Non-Executive Directors                                      





MRV ENGENHARIA PARTICIPACOES SA                                                


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P6986W107                            

Meeting Date: JUN 16, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Capital Increase Due to         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Issuance of Shares to Meet Obligations                                   

      of Stock Option Plan, and Amend Article                                  

      5 Accordingly                                                            

2     Approve Increase in Authorized Capital  For       Did Not Vote Management





MULTIPLAN EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIARIOS SA                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  P69913104                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                   

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Against      Management


3     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     

4     Approve Conversion of Preferred Shares  For       For          Management

      Held by 1700480 Ontario Inc into                                         

      Ordinary Shares, and Amend Article 5                                     






NEW WORLD CHINA LAND LTD.                                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G6493A101                           

Meeting Date: JUN 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Connected Transaction with a    For       For          Management

      Related Party and Related Annual Caps                                    

2     Authorize the Company to Send or Supply For       For          Management

      Corporate Communications to the                                           

      Shareholders Through the Company's                                       


3a    Amend Memorandum of Association         For       For          Management

3b    Amend Articles of Association           For       For          Management

3c    Adopt New Memorandum and Articles of    For       For          Management






NEW WORLD DEV LTD                                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y63084126                            

Meeting Date: DEC 2, 2008    Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  NOV 24, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

3.i   Elect/Appoint Director - Cheng Yu-Tung  For       For          Management

3.ii  Elect/Appoint Director - Sin Wai-Kin    For       For          Management

3.ii  Elect/Appoint Director - Liang          For       For          Management

      Chong-Hou, David                                                         

3.iv  Elect/Appoint Director - Yeung          For       For          Management

      Ping-Leung, Howard                                                       

3.v   Reduce Board Size                       For       For          Management

3.vi  Approve Directors' Remuneration         For       For          Management

4.    Approve Appointment/Remuneration of     For       For          Management


5.    Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management

6.    Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

7.    Approve Use of Treasury Shares          For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  F6527B126                           

Meeting Date: MAY 13, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  MAY 8, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Discharge Directors                                                      

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.50 per Share                                          

3     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

4     Approve Auditors' Special Report        For       For          Management

      Regarding Related-Party Transactions                                     

5     Approve Transactions with CNCE or its   For       For          Management


6     Approve Transaction with Alain Dinin    For       Against      Management

      Re: Severance Payment                                                    

7     Approve Transaction with Herve Denize   For       Against      Management

      Re: Severance Payment                                                     

8     Ratify Appointment of Bernard Comolet   For       Against      Management

      as Director                                                              

9     Ratify Appointment of Alain Lemaire as  For       Against      Management


10    Reelect Caisse des Depots et            For       Against      Management

      Consignations as Director                                                

11    Reelect Martine Carette as Director     For       Against      Management

12    Ratify Conseil Audit & Synthese as      For       For          Management


13    Reappoint Yves Canac as Alternate       For       For          Management


14    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

15    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

16    Authorize up to 1 Percent of Issued     For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


17    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





NOMURA REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, INC.                                               


Ticker:       3231           Security ID:  J5893B104                           

Meeting Date: JUN 26, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 20                                                 

2     Amend Articles To Reflect               For       For          Management

      Digitalization of Share Certificates                                     

3.1   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director                          For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director                          For       For          Management





NORWEGIAN PROPERTY AS, STAVANGER                                                


Ticker:                      Security ID:  R6370J108                           

Meeting Date: JUL 16, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JUL 3, 2008                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Elect Meeting Chairman                  For       For          Management

2.    Approve Notice and Agenda               For       For          Management

3.    Elect Person to Sign Minutes            For       For          Management

4.    Elect/Appoint Board Slate               None      For          Management

5.    Elect Nomination Committee              None      For          Management





NORWEGIAN PROPERTY AS, STAVANGER                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  R6370J108                           

Meeting Date: DEC 19, 2008   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  DEC 16, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Elect Meeting Chairman                  For       For          Management

2.    Approve Meeting Agenda                  For       For          Management

3.    Approve Meeting Minutes                 For       For          Management

4.    Shareholder Request to Elect New        For       For          Management


5.    Shareholder Request to Approve Board    For       For          Management






NORWEGIAN PROPERTY ASA                                                         


Ticker:                      Security ID:  R6370J108                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Chairman of Meeting               For       For          Management

2     Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda    For       For          Management

3     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       For          Management


4     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports; Approve Allocation                                    

      of Income and Omission of Dividends                                      

5     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

6     Approve Remuneration of Members of      For       For          Management

      Nominating Committee                                                     

7     Approve Remuneration of Auditors        For       For          Management

8     Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       For          Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                        


9     Approve Creation of NOK 500 Million     For       For          Management

      Pool of Capital without Preemptive                                        


10    Approve Creation of NOK 500 Million     For       For          Management

      Pool of Capital without Preemptive                                        






NORWEGIAN PROPERTY ASA                                                          


Ticker:                      Security ID:  R6370J108                           

Meeting Date: JUN 24, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Chairman of Meeting               For       For          Management

2     Approve Notice of Meeting and Agenda    For       For          Management

3     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       For          Management


4     Approve NOK 4.94 Billion Reduction in   For       For          Management

      Share Capital                                                             

5     Approve Issuance of 202 Million Shares  For       For          Management

      for a Private Placement to Arctic                                        

      Securities ASA, Pareto Securities AS,                                    

      and/or Pareto Private Equity AS                                          





NWS HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                            


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G66897110                           

Meeting Date: DEC 1, 2008    Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  NOV 25, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Dividend                        For       For          Management

3.A.  Elect/Appoint Director: Dr. Cheng Kar   For       For          Management

      Shun, Henry                                                              

3.A.  Elect/Appoint Director: Doo Wai Hoi,    For       For          Management


3.A.  Elect/Appoint Director: Chan Kam Ling   For       For          Management

3.A.  Elect/Appoint Director: Wong Kwok Kin,  For       For          Management


3.B   Approve Directors' Remuneration         For       For          Management

4.    Approve Appointment/Remuneration of     For       For          Management


5.1   Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

5.2   Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management

5.3   Approve Use of Treasury Shares          For       For          Management





ORCO PROPERTY GROUP, LUXEMBOURG                                                


Ticker:                      Security ID:  F68711104                            

Meeting Date: JUL 8, 2008    Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  JUN 5, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       For          Management


2.    Amend Articles                          For       For          Management

3.    Amend Articles                          For       For          Management

4.    Amend Governing Documents               For       For          Management


5.    Approve Other Business                  For       None         Management





ORIENT EXPRESS HOTELS, INC.                                                    


Ticker:       OEH            Security ID:  G67743107                           

Meeting Date: JUN 5, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 8, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Director John D. Campbell               For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Director Mitchell C. Hochberg           For       Withhold     Management

1.3   Director James B. Hurlock               For       Withhold     Management

1.4   Director Prudence M. Leith              For       Withhold     Management

1.5   Director J. Robert Lovejoy              For       Withhold     Management

1.6   Director Georg R. Rafael                For       Withhold     Management

1.7   Director James B. Sherwood              For       Withhold     Management

1.8   Director Paul  M. White                 For       Withhold     Management

2     Approval Of The Company S 2009 Share    For       For          Management

      Award And Incentive Plan                                                 

3     Appointment Of Deloitte Llp As The      For       For          Management

      Company S Independentregistered Public                                   

      Accounting Firm, And Authorization Of                                    

      Theaudit Committee To Fix The                                            

      Accounting Firm's Remuneration                                           





ORIENT-EXPRESS HOTELS                                                          


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G67743107                           

Meeting Date: OCT 10, 2008   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  SEP 22, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Treat Class B Shares as Treasury Shares For       For          Management

2     Eliminate Dual Class Common Stock       For       Against      Management





PARQUE ARAUCO S.A.                                                              


Ticker:       PARAUCO        Security ID:  P76328106                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                   

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Remuneration of Directors for   For       For          Management

      Fiscal Year 2009 and Accept Expense                                      

      Report of Board of Directors for Fiscal                                  

      Year 2008                                                                

3     Accept Report Re: Directors' Committee  For       For          Management

      Activities and Expenses; Fix Their                                       

      Remuneration and Budget for Fiscal Year                                  


4     Approve Special Auditors' Report        None      None         Management

      Regarding Related-Party Transactions                                     

5     Elect External Auditors                 For       For          Management

6     Designate Risk Assessment Companies     For       For          Management

7     Designate Newspaper to Publish Meeting  For       For          Management


8     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividend Policy                                                          

9     Other Business (Voting)                 For       Against      Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P7649U108                           

Meeting Date: MAR 31, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Earlier Date for the Exercise   For       For          Management

      of Options to Purchase the Remaining 20                                  

      Percent Stake in Goldfarb incorporacoes                                  

      e Construcoes SA, so that Its                                            

      Acquisition Can Take Place Along with                                    

      that of MP Holding 3 Ltda                                                

2     Approve Acquisition Agreement between   For       For          Management

      the Company and MP Holding 3 Ltda                                        

3     Appoint Independent Firm to Appraise    For       For          Management

      Book Value of Goldfarb Holding                                           

4     Approve Independent Firm's Appraisal    For       For          Management


5     Approve Acquisition of MP Holding 3     For       For          Management


6     Approve Share Capital Increase          For       For          Management

      Associated with the Acquisition                                          

7     Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       For          Management








Ticker:                      Security ID:  P7649U108                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Earlier Date for the Exercise   For       For          Management

      of Options to Purchase a 30-Percent                                      

      Stake in CHL Desenvolvimento                                             

      Imobiliario SA                                                           

2     Approve Acquisition Agreement between   For       For          Management

      the Company and CHL Desenvolvimento                                      

      Imobiliario SA                                                           

3     Appoint Independent Firm to Appraise    For       For          Management

      Proposed Acquisition                                                      

4     Approve Independent Firm's Appraisal    For       For          Management


5     Approve Acquisition of CHL              For       For          Management

      Desenvolvimento Imobiliario SA                                           

6     Approve Issuance of Shares and Warrants For       For          Management

      in Connection with the Acquisition                                        

7     Amend Articles 5 to Reflect Capital     For       For          Management

      Increase; Amend Article 5 to Ease                                        

      Voting Restrictions                                                      

8     Amend Article 16                        For       For          Management

9     Amend Article 17 re: Appointment of     For       For          Management

      Company Representatives                                                  







Ticker:                      Security ID:  P7649U108                           

Meeting Date: APR 30, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2008                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       Against      Management

4     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers and Non-Executive Directors                                     

5     Authorize Second Issuance of Debentures For       For          Management

6     Authorize Board to Set Some of the      For       For          Management

      Terms of the Debenture Issuance                                          

7     Authorize Executives to Undertake       For       For          Management

      Debenture Issuance                                                       

8     Approve Discharge of Executive Officer  For       For          Management







PFIZER INC.                                                                    


Ticker:       PFE            Security ID:  717081103                           

Meeting Date: APR 23, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 24, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Dennis A. Ausiello       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Michael S. Brown         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director M. Anthony Burns         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Robert N. Burt           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director W. Don Cornwell          For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director William H. Gray, III     For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Constance J. Horner      For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director James M. Kilts           For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Jeffrey B. Kindler       For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director George A. Lorch          For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Dana G. Mead             For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director Suzanne Nora Johnson     For       For          Management

1.13  Elect Director Stephen W. Sanger        For       For          Management

1.14  Elect Director William C. Steere, Jr.   For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

4     Limit/Prohibit Executive Stock-Based    Against   Against      Shareholder


5     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive Against   For          Shareholder

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

6     Provide for Cumulative Voting           Against   For          Shareholder

7     Amend Bylaws -- Call Special Meetings   Against   For          Shareholder





PIERRE & VACANCES                                                               


Ticker:                      Security ID:  F4447W106                           

Meeting Date: FEB 12, 2009   Meeting Type: EGM                                 

Record Date:  FEB 6, 2009                                                       


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

o.1   Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

o.2   Approve Appropriation of                For       For          Management


o.3   Approve Consolidated Financial          For       For          Management


o.4   Approve Directors' Remuneration         For       For          Management

o.5   Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

o.6   Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

o.7   Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

o.8   Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management

E.9   Approve Use of Treasury Shares          For       For          Management

E.10  Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

E.11  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

E.12  Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

E.13  Increase Share Capital                  For       For          Management

E.14  Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       For          Management


E.15  Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

E.16  Approve Capital Increase for Employee   For       For          Management


E.17  Issue Warrants without Preemptive       For       For          Management


E.18  Issue Debt Instruments                  For       For          Management

E.19  Authorize Board to Determine            For       For          Management

      Beneficiaries of Warrants                                                 

E.20  Amend Bylaws                            For       For          Management

E.21  Amend Bylaws                            For       For          Management

E.22  Authorize Board to Act on Matters       For       For          Management

      Adopted by Shareholders                                                  





PIK GROUP                                                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  69338N107                           

Meeting Date: JAN 9, 2009    Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  NOV 28, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1A    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

1B    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

1C    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management

1D    Approve Related Party Transactions      For       For          Management





PIK GROUP                                                                       


Ticker:                      Security ID:  69338N107                           

Meeting Date: FEB 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  DEC 16, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Board Size                      For       For          Management

2     Early Termination of Board Powers       For       For          Management

3A    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3B    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3C    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3D    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3E    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3F    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3G    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3H    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3I    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3J    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

3K    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management





PIK GROUP                                                                       


Ticker:       PKGP           Security ID:  69338N107                           

Meeting Date: JUN 29, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 15, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Annual Report and Financial     For       For          Management


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Omission of Dividends                                                    

3.1   Elect Yury Zhukov as Director           None      Against      Management

3.2   Elect Kirill Pisarev as Director        None      Against      Management

3.3   Elect Artem Eyramdzhants as Director    None      Against      Management

3.4   Elect Sergey Kanayev as Director        None      Against      Management

3.5   Elect Stuart Timmins as Director        None      For          Management

3.6   Elect Anselm Schmucki as Director       None      For          Management

3.7   Elect Shanti Sen as Director            None      For          Management

3.8   Elect Alek Maryanchik as Director       None      For          Management

3.9   Elect Aleksandr Gubarev as Director     None      Against      Management

3.10  Elect Denis Nozdrachev as Director      None      Against      Management

3.11  Elect Pavel Grachev as Director         None      Against      Management

3.12  Elect Aleksandr Mosionzhik as Director  None      Against      Management

3.13  Elect Andrey Rodionov as Director       None      Against      Management

4.1   Elect Lyudmila Monetova as Audit        For       For          Management

      Commission Member                                                        

4.2   Elect Yelena Ivanova as Audit           For       For          Management

      Commission Member                                                         

4.3   Elect Olga Kobizskaya as Audit          For       For          Management

      Commission Member                                                        

5     Ratify ZAO BDO Yunikon as Auditor       For       For          Management

6     Approve Related-Party Transaction       For       For          Management





PIRELLI & C. REAL ESTATE S.P.A.                                                


Ticker:                      Security ID:  T7630K107                           

Meeting Date: APR 17, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 15, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Elect Director                          For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares                                         

1     Approve Capital Increase in the Maximum For       Did Not Vote Management

      Amount of EUR 400 Million With                                           

      Preemptive Rights                                                        





PIRELLI & COMPANY                                                              


Ticker:       PECI           Security ID:  T76434108                           

Meeting Date: APR 20, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                       

Record Date:  APR 16, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Appoint Internal Statutory Auditors,    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Elect Chairman, and Approve Auditors'                                    


1     Approve Reduction of Special Reserve to For       Did Not Vote Management

      Offset Losses Occurred in Fiscal Year                                    






POST PROPERTIES, INC.                                                          


Ticker:       PPS            Security ID:  737464107                           

Meeting Date: JUN 9, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 15, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Robert C. Goddard, III   For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Douglas Crocker, II      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director David P. Stockert        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Herschel M. Bloom        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Walter M. Deriso, Jr.    For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Russell R. French        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Dale Anne Reiss          For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director David R. Schwartz        For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Stella F. Thayer         For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Ronald de Waal           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PREUKSA REAL ESTATE PUBLIC CO LTD                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y707A3121                           

Meeting Date: APR 9, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 16, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Minutes of Previous AGM         For       For          Management

2     Accept Annual Report and 2008 Operating For       For          Management


3     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

4     Approve Payment of Dividend of THB 0.33 For       For          Management

      Per Share                                                                

5.1.1 Elect Narong Manavapat as Director      For       For          Management

5.1.2 Elect Prasert Taedullayasatit as        For       For          Management


5.1.3 Elect Rattana Promsawad as Director     For       For          Management

5.1.4 Elect Piya Prayong as Director          For       For          Management

5.2   Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

6     Approve KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd as     For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                       

7     Approve Increase in Number of Company   For       For          Management


8     Amend Articles of Association Re:       For       For          Management

      Company Seals                                                            

9     Approve Cancellation of the Issuance    For       For          Management

      and Offer of the Second Batch of Share                                   

      Warrants to Directors, Executives, and                                   

      Employees of the Company and its                                          

      Subsdiaries which was Approved on April                                  

      11, 2008                                                                 

10    Approve Reduction in Registered Capital For       For          Management

      from THB 2.26 Billion to THB 2.22                                        

      Billion by Cancelling 31 Million                                         

      Ordinary Shares of THB 1.00 Each                                          

11    Amend Memorandum of Association to      For       For          Management

      Reflect Decrease in Registered Capital                                   

12    Approve Sale and Issuance of Debt       For       For          Management

      Instruments Under the Shelf Filling                                      

      Project Not Exceeding THB 2.5 Billion                                    

13    Other Business                          For       Against      Management







Ticker:       PLD            Security ID:  743410102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 20, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 23, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Stephen L. Feinberg      For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Elect Director George L. Fotiades       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Christine N. Garvey      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Lawrence V. Jackson      For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Donald P. Jacobs         For       Withhold     Management

1.6   Elect Director Walter C. Rakowich       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director D. Michael Steuert       For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director J. Andre Teixeira        For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director William D. Zollars       For       Withhold     Management

1.10  Elect Director Andrea M. Zulberti       For       Withhold     Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PROLOGIS EUROPEAN PROPERTIES                                                   


Ticker:                      Security ID:  L7762X107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements             For       Did Not Vote Management

2     Ratify Ernst and Young SA asAuditors    For       Did Not Vote Management

3     Elect Didier J. Cherpitel as            For       Did Not Vote Management

      Independent Director                                                     





PULTE HOMES INC.                                                                


Ticker:       PHM            Security ID:  745867101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 14, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 17, 2009                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Debra J. Kelly-Ennis     For       Withhold     Management

1.2   Elect Director Bernard W. Reznicek      For       Withhold     Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard G. Wolford       For       Withhold     Management

2     Amend Stock Ownership Limitations       For       Against      Management

3     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       Against      Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

5     Require a Majority Vote for the         Against   For          Shareholder

      Election of Directors                                                    

6     Declassify the Board of Directors       Against   For          Shareholder

7     Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   For          Shareholder

8     Performance-Based Equity Awards         Against   For          Shareholder

9     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive Against   For          Shareholder

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

10    Report on Pay Disparity                 Against   Against      Shareholder







Ticker:                      Security ID:  G73003108                           

Meeting Date: SEP 24, 2008   Meeting Type: OGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 9, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Amend Articles                          For       For          Management







Ticker:                      Security ID:  G73003108                            

Meeting Date: JAN 14, 2009   Meeting Type: AGM                                 

Record Date:  DEC 9, 2008                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor    

1.    Approve Financial Statements/Reports    For       For          Management

2.    Approve Appointment/Remuneration of     For       For          Management


3.    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

4.    Approve Political Donations             For       For          Management

5.    Approve Share Issue                     For       For          Management

6.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

7.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

8.    Elect/Appoint Director                  For       For          Management

S.9   Approve Share Issue - Disapplication of For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

S.10  Approve Share Buyback                   For       For          Management

S.11  Amend Articles                          For       For          Management





R.G.I INTERNATIONAL LTD                                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G75442106                            

Meeting Date: APR 20, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Elect Yoram Evan and Glenn Aaronson as  For       Against      Management


3     Ratify ZAO PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit For       For          Management

      as Auditors                                                              

4     Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management






REALIA BUSINESS SA                                                              


Ticker:                      Security ID:  E8433U108                           

Meeting Date: JUN 9, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Individual and Consolidated     For       For          Management

      Financial Statements, Approve Discharge                                   

      Directors for the Year Ended Dec. 31,                                    


2     Approve Allocation of Income for the    For       For          Management

      Fiscal Year 2008                                                         

3.1   Fix Number of Directors to 14 Members   For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Cartera Deva S.A. as Director     For       Against      Management

3.3   Elect Inmogestion y Patrimonios, S.A.   For       Against      Management

      as Director                                                              

4     Amend Article 27 of the Company Bylaws  For       For          Management

      Re: Audit and Control Committee                                          

5     Approve Delisting of Shares from Stock  For       For          Management

      Exchanges of Bilbao and Valencia                                         

6     Approve Merger by Absorption of RB      For       For          Management

      Business Holding; Approve Merger                                         

      Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2008                                        

7     Authorize Repurchase of Shares          For       For          Management

8     Authorize the Board to Issue            For       For          Management

      Debentures, Bonds, and Other Fixed Rate                                  

      Securities, Exchangeable and/or                                           

      Convertible with the Possibilily of                                      

      Excluding Preemptive Rights in                                           

      Accordance with Articles 153.1 b) and                                     

      159.2 of the Spanish Company Law                                         

9     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

10    Elect External Auditors                 For       For          Management

11    Receive Management Board Report as      None      None         Management

      Mandated by Article 116 bis of the                                       

      Spanish Stock Market Law                                                 

12    Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                     

13    Approve Minutes of Meeting              For       For          Management





REGENCY CENTERS CORP.                                                          


Ticker:       REG            Security ID:  758849103                           

Meeting Date: MAY 5, 2009    Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 24, 2009                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Martin E. Stein, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Raymond L. Bank          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director C. Ronald Blankenship    For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director A. R. Carpenter          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director J. Dix Druce             For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Mary Lou Fiala           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Bruce M. Johnson         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Douglas S. Luke          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director John C. Schweitzer       For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Brian M. Smith           For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Thomas G. Wattles        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





REGUS GROUP PLC, CHERTSEY                                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G74844104                           

Meeting Date: SEP 24, 2008   Meeting Type: CRT                                 

Record Date:  SEP 10, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.    Approve Scheme of Arrangement           For       For          Management





REGUS GROUP PLC, CHERTSEY                                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  G74844104                           

Meeting Date: SEP 24, 2008   Meeting Type: OGM                                 

Record Date:  SEP 10, 2008                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

S.1   Approve Scheme of Arrangement           For       For          Management

S.2   Reduce Share Capital                    For       For          Management

S.3   Reduce Share Premium Account            For       For          Management

S.4   Approve Articles                        For       For          Management

5.    Approve Incentive Plan                  For       For          Management

6.    Approve Incentive Plan                  For       For          Management

7.    Approve Stock Plan                      For       For          Management





REGUS PLC                                                                      


Ticker:       RGU            Security ID:  G7477W101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 19, 2009   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Standalone Financial Statements  For       For          Management

      and Annual Accounts                                                       

3     Approve Remuneration Report             For       Against      Management

4     Grant Discharge to the Directors in     For       For          Management

      Respect of Certain Duties Owed to                                         

      Shareholders Under Luxembourg Law                                        

5     Approve Final Dividend of 1.2 Pence Per For       For          Management

      Ordinary Share                                                            

6     Reappoint KPMG Audit S.a.r.l as         For       For          Management

      Auditors of the Company                                                  

7     Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


8     Re-elect John Matthews as Director      For       For          Management

9     Re-elect Stephen Gleadle as Director    For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Martin Robinson as Director    For       For          Management

11    Elect Lance Browne as Director          For       For          Management

12    Elect Ulrich Ogiermann as Director      For       For          Management

13    Elect Douglas Sutherland as Director    For       For          Management

14    Auth. Issue of Equity with Rights Under For       For          Management

      a General Authority up to Aggregate