Name of Director / PDMR
Number of Ordinary Shares / ADS vested
Number of Ordinary Shares / ADS disposed (i)
Number of Ordinary Shares / ADS following notification
Olivier Bohuon (ii)
66,667 Ords
16,689 Ords
109,841 Ords
John Campo
7,077 ADS
3,372 ADS
98,841 Ords (including 18,839 ADS)
Michael Frazzette
8,846 ADS
3,362 ADS
156,160 Ords (including 24,734 ADS)
R Gordon Howe
4,423 ADS
1,448 ADS
74,170 Ords (including 14,834 ADS)
G Kelvin Johnson
35,324 Ords
0 Ords
95,371 Ords
Roger Teasdale
44,155 Ords
23,032 Ords
65,930 Ords
i) Ordinary Shares and American Depositary Shares ("ADS") were sold to settle the income tax liability which arose on vesting. The market value of the Ordinary Shares and ADS acquired and sold on 2 April 2013 was 763.0789p
per Ordinary Share and $58.15 per ADS, respectively. |
ii) The award was granted over 200,000 Ordinary Shares on 1 April 2011. One third of the award vested on 1 April 2012, a further third vested on 1 April 2013 and, subject to continued employment, the final third will vest on 1
April 2014. |
iii) One ADS is equivalent to five Ordinary Shares of US$0.20 each.
iv) The transactions took place in London, UK and New York, USA.
v) The percentage of issued share capital acquired, disposed and held following notification are all under 0.1% of the total issued share capital of the Company.
vi) This announcement is made in accordance with the requirements of DTR 3.1.4 R(1)(a).