Washington, D.C. 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer

                        Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Dated February 4, 2004
Commission File Number 1-31318

                               Gold Fields Limited
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

                               24 St. Andrews Rd.
                                 Parktown, 2193
                                  South Africa
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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On January 28, 2004, Gold Fields released its results for the three-month period
and the six-month  period ended December 31, 2003,  details of which are set out
below,  along with  comparable  data from the same  periods in the prior  fiscal
year.  These data are unaudited and have been prepared in accordance  with South
African GAAP, which differs from U.S. GAAP. A summary of the differences between
U.S.  GAAP and South  African  GAAP  applicable  to Gold  Fields is also set out

                                Income Statement
                               South African GAAP

US DOLLARS                                                     For the three-month               For the six-month periods
                                                                 periods ending                           ending
(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)           December 31,      December             December       December
                                                                    2003      31, 2002             31, 2003       31, 2002
                                                             (unaudited)   (unaudited)          (unaudited)    (unaudited)
Revenue                                                            430.7         370.0                827.5          751.8
Operating costs                                                    346.7         240.0                661.5          471.4
Gold inventory change                                                3.6         (5.7)                  9.1          (7.3)
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
Operating profit                                                    80.4         135.7                156.9          287.7
Amortization and depreciation                                       45.2          35.9                 85.4           68.8
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
Net operating profit                                                35.2          99.8                 71.5          218.9
Finance income/(cost)                                                6.4           8.5                  9.4            4.8
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
-   Net interest and investment income/(cost)                      (2.0)           5.5                  0.8            8.7
-   Exchange gains/(losses) on foreign debt and cash                 8.4           3.0                  8.6          (3.9)
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
Gain/(loss) on financial instruments                                17.1          16.0                 22.0          (3.5)
Other income/(expense)                                               0.5         (0.8)                  2.2            0.3
Exploration                                                        (5.3)         (3.6)               (12.7)          (8.0)
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
Profit before taxation and exceptional items                        53.9         119.9                 92.4          212.5
Exceptional gain                                                     5.7          12.2                 33.2           12.2
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
Profit before taxation                                              59.6         132.1                125.6          224.7
Mining and income taxation                                          12.1          45.8                 17.1           82.9
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
-   Normal taxation                                                  6.0          26.2                 12.4           54.0
-   Deferred taxation                                                6.1          19.6                  4.7           28.9
                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------

                                                           -------------- -------------       -------------- -------------
Profit after taxation                                               47.5          86.3                108.5          141.8
Minority interest                                                    5.8           3.6                 10.2            6.8
Net earnings                                                        41.7          82.7                 98.3          135.0

                                 Balance Sheets
                               South African GAAP

(Figures are in millions, unless otherwise stated)                                               US DOLLARS
                                                                                 As of December 31,      As of June 30, 2003
                                                                                   2003 (unaudited)
Mining and mineral assets                                                                   2,266.4                  1,973.2
Non-current assets                                                                             42.1                     35.3
Investments                                                                                   111.2                     65.7
Current assets                                                                                510.9                    392.7
                                                                              ---------------------      -------------------
-   Other current assets                                                                      350.2                    259.1
-   Net cash and deposits                                                                     160.7                    133.6
                                                                              ---------------------      -------------------
                           -  Gross cash and deposits                                         324.7                    133.6
                           -  Less overdraft                                                  164.0                        -
                                                                              ---------------------      -------------------
                                                                              ---------------------      -------------------
Total assets                                                                                2,930.6                  2,466.9
Shareholders' equity                                                                        1,889.2                  1,450.0
Minority interest                                                                              79.3                     85.8
Deferred taxation                                                                             622.1                    549.4
Long-term loans                                                                                 6.5                     21.1
Environmental rehabilitation provisions                                                       104.6                     91.8
Post-retirement health care provisions                                                         10.7                     11.6
Current liabilities                                                                           218.2                    257.2
                                                                              ---------------------      -------------------
-   Other current liabilities                                                                 210.0                    236.7
-   Current portion of long-term loans                                                          8.2                     20.5
                                                                              ---------------------      -------------------
Total equity and liabilities                                                                2,930.6                  2,466.9

                    Condensed Statements of Changes in Equity
                               South African GAAP

(Figures are in millions, unless otherwise stated)                                               US DOLLARS
                                                                                  For the six-month        For the six-month
                                                                                       period ended             period ended
                                                                                  December 31, 2003        December 31, 2002
                                                                                        (unaudited)              (unaudited)
Balance as at the beginning of the financial year                                           1,450.0                  1,071.0
Currency translation adjustment and other                                                     164.4                    116.6
Issue of share capital                                                                          1.3                      0.1
Increase in share premium                                                                     220.0                      1.5
Marked to market valuation of listed investments                                               18.4                     14.6
Dividends                                                                                    (63.2)                   (96.6)
Net earnings                                                                                   98.3                    135.0
Balance as at the end of December                                                           1,889.2                  1,242.2

                              Cash Flow Statements
                               South African GAAP

US DOLLARS                                                 For the three-month periods          For the six-month periods
                                                                      ended                               ended
(Figures are in millions, unless otherwise stated)          December 31,   December 31,         December 31,   December 31,
                                                                    2003           2002                 2003           2002
                                                             (unaudited)    (unaudited)          (unaudited)    (unaudited)
Cash flow from operating activities                                 95.5          136.7                 99.7          232.0
                                                           -------------- -------------        -------------  -------------
Profit before tax and exceptional items                             53.9          119.9                 92.4          212.5
Exceptional items                                                    5.7           12.2                 33.2           12.2
Amortization and depreciation                                       45.2           35.9                 85.4           68.8
Change in working capital                                           10.7           13.7               (17.7)          (1.9)
Taxation paid                                                      (9.1)          (4.9)               (49.9)         (52.4)
Other non-cash items                                              (10.9)         (40.1)               (43.7)          (7.2)
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Dividends paid                                                                    (2.9)               (63.2)         (99.5)
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Ordinary shareholders                                                  -              -               (63.2)         (96.6)
Minority shareholders in subsidiaries                                  -          (2.9)                    -          (2.9)
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Cash utilised in investing activities                             (96.0)         (50.0)              (199.0)        (105.4)
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Capital expenditure - additions                                   (96.8)         (54.4)              (171.1)        (108.1)
Capital expenditure - proceeds on disposal                           4.5            0.1                 12.1            0.1
Purchase of investments                                            (9.8)          (6.2)               (47.5)          (7.4)
Proceeds on the disposal of investments/subsidiary                   7.7           11.9                 10.1           11.9
Environmental and post-retirement health care payments             (1.6)          (1.4)                (2.6)          (1.9)
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Cash flow from financing activities                                198.2         (24.5)                189.7         (22.2)
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Loans repaid                                                      (14.6)         (21.5)               (27.0)         (21.5)
Minority shareholder's loan received/(repaid)                        2.2          (3.8)                  3.9          (3.8)
Shares issued                                                      210.6            0.8                212.8            3.1
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Net cash inflow                                                    197.7           59.3                 27.2            4.9
Translation adjustment                                               1.8           22.6                (0.1)           16.8
Cash at beginning of period                                       (38.8)          135.5                133.6          195.7
                                                           -------------  -------------        -------------  -------------
Cash at end of period                                              160.7          217.4                160.7          217.4

                                    CONTACT DETAILS

                                    CORPORATE OFFICE

      Gold Fields Limited                        London Office
      24 St Andrews Road
      Parktown                                   St James' Corporate Services
      Johannesburg                               Limited
      2193                                       6 St James' Place
      Postnet Suite 252                          London SW1A 1 NP
      Private Bag x 30500                        Tel:  +944 207 499-3916
      Houghton 2041                              Fax:  +944 207 491-1989
      Tel:  +27 11 644-2400
      Fax:  +27 11 484-0626


      C M T Thompson (Chairman)                  R L Pennant-Rea *
      A J Wright (Deputy Chairman)               P J Ryan
      I D Cockerill * (Chief Executive Officer)  T M G Sexwale
      G J Gerwel                                 B R van Rooyen
      N J Holland * (Chief Financial Officer)    C I von Christierson
      J M McMahon *
      G R Parker #                               Canadian     * British
                                                 # USA

                                   COMPANY SECRETARY

      C Farrel
      24 St Andrews Road                         Postnet Suite 252
      Parktown                                   Private Bag x 30500
      Johannesburg                               Houghton 2041
      2193                                       Tel:  +27 11 644-2406
                                                 Fax:  +27 11 484-0626
                                  INVESTOR RELATIONS

                                    Willie Jacobsz
                                 Tel: +27 11 644-2460

      Europe & South Africa                      North America

      Nerina Bodasing                            Cheryl A. Martin
      Tel:  +27 11 644-2630                      Tel:  +1 303 796-8683
      Fax:  +27 11 484-0639                      Fax:  +1 303 796-8293
      E-mail:        E-mail:

                                   TRANSFER OFFICES

      Johannesburg                               London

      Computershare Limited                      Capita Registrars
      Ground Floor                               Bourne House
      70 Marshall Street                         34 Beckenham Road
      Johannesburg, 2001                         Beckenham Kent BR3 4TU
      P O Box 61051                              Tel: +944 208 639-2000
      Marshalltown, 2107                         Fax: +944 208 658-3430
      Tel: 27 11 370-5000
      Fax: 27 11 370-5271


      United States                              United Kingdom

      Bank of New York                           Bank of New York
      101 Barclay Street                         46 Berkley Street
      New York N.Y. 10286                        London
      USA                                        W1X 6AA
      Tel:  +91 212 815-5133                     Tel:  +944 207 322-6341
      Fax:  +91 212 571-3050                     Fax:  +944 207 322-6028


Certain  statements in this document  constitute  "forward  looking  statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the US  Securities  Act of 1933 and Section
21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Such forward looking statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties
and other important factors that could cause the actual results,  performance or
achievements of the company to be materially  different from the future results,
performance  or  achievements  expressed  or  implied  by such  forward  looking
statements.  Such risks, uncertainties and other important factors include among
others:  economic,  business and political conditions in South Africa; decreases
in the market price of gold;  hazards  associated  with  underground and surface
gold mining; labour disruptions; changes in government regulations, particularly
environmental  regulations;  changes in exchange rates;  currency  devaluations;
inflation and other macro-economic factors; and the impact of the AIDS crisis in
South Africa. These forward looking statements speak only as of the date of this

The company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions
to these forward looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the
date of this document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Gold Fields Limited

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number 1968/004880/06
Share code:       GFI
Issuer code:      GOGOF
ISIN: ZAE 000018123

Reconciliation  of net  income  for  the  year  ended  June  30,  2003  and  the
shareholders' equity as of June 30, 2003 from U.S. GAAP to S.A. GAAP.

Gold Fields annual  financial  statements  included in its annual report on Form
20-F for the year ended June 30, 2003 have been prepared in accordance with U.S.
GAAP.  Pursuant to the requirements of the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa,
Gold Fields reports quarterly financial  information prepared in accordance with
S.A.  GAAP.  In order for a U.S.  investor  to obtain  an  understanding  of the
differences  between U.S. GAAP and S.A. GAAP as applicable to Gold Fields,  Gold
Fields has provided  below a  reconciliation  from U.S. GAAP to S.A. GAAP of its
net income for the year ended June 30, 2003 and the  shareholders'  equity as of
June 30, 2003, along with an explanation of applicable  differences between S.A.

Reconciliation of net income
                                                              Year ended June
(in $ million, except where otherwise noted)
 Net income under U.S. GAAP ....................................        257.0
 S.A. GAAP adjustments
 Business combinations - formation of Original
   Gold Fields .................................................         19.9
 Business combinations - accounting for composite
   transaction (1) .............................................          2.7

 Business combinations -- valuation of traded equity
   securities issued ...........................................        (4.7)

 Amortization of multiple reserves .............................         21.0

 Amortization -- inclusion of future costs ......................         0.9
 Exploration costs .............................................         28.5
 Provision for rehabilitation ..................................          2.3

 Investments in affiliates .....................................        (4.3)

 Post-retirement medical costs .................................       (12.0)
 Deferred stripping ............................................          2.6
 Inventory at net realizable value .............................        (1.5)
 Impairment of Agnew ...........................................         29.6
Effects of adjustments on minority interests ...................            -

 Effect of adjustments on taxation .............................       (16.4)
 Net income under S.A. GAAP ....................................        325.6

Weighted average common shares outstanding .....................  471,814,106
Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding .............  475,294,239
Basic earnings per share under S.A. GAAP ($) ...................          .69
Diluted earnings per share under S.A. GAAP ($) .................          .69


(1)   The composite  transaction was a series of transactions  with legal effect
      from January 1, 1999 which  culminated in the acquisition of Original Gold
      Fields by the company that is today Gold Fields. See " - overview".

Reconciliation of shareholders' equity
                                                                     June 30,
(in $ million, except where otherwise noted)

Total shareholders' equity under U.S. GAAP
 ..................................................................   1,619.3
S.A. GAAP adjustments
Business combination -- formation of Original Gold Fields .........    (62.0)
Business combination -- composite transaction (1) .................    (63.6)
Business combination -- valuation of traded equity
   securities issued ..............................................       8.5

Business combination -- acquired tax benefits .....................       9.6
Impairment of assets ..............................................   (299.3)
Amortization of multiple reserves .................................      28.5
Amortization -- inclusion of future costs .........................     (2.1)
Exploration costs .................................................      80.9
Provision for rehabilitation ......................................      10.8
Post-retirement medical benefits ..................................       9.6
Deferred stripping ................................................       3.0
Inventory at net realizable value .................................       1.5
Impairment of Agnew ...............................................      34.4
Effect of adjustments on minority interests .......................    (27.0)
Effect of adjustments on taxation .................................      98.0

Total shareholders' equity under S.A. GAAP ........................   1,450.1


(1)  The composite  transaction was a series of  transactions  with legal effect
     from January 1, 1999 which  culminated in the  acquisition of Original Gold
     Fields by the company that is today Gold Fields. See " - overview".

The following is the summary of  differences  between U.S. GAAP and S.A. GAAP as
applicable to Gold Fields.

Business  combination - formation of Original Gold Fields.  Under U.S. GAAP, the
formation of Original Gold Fields was  accounted  for as a purchase.  The assets
acquired  and  liabilities  assumed from GFSA were carried over at book value as
determined  on a U.S.  GAAP basis due to them being under  common  control.  The
assets  acquired  and the  liabilities  assumed  from New Wits,  Gencor  and the
minority  shareholders  in the publicly  traded  companies were recorded at fair

Under S.A.  GAAP, the formation of the original Gold Fields was accounted for as
a uniting of interests (similar to pooling of interest  accounting in the United
States).  Accordingly,  all the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed from
GFSA,  New Wits,  Gencor and the minority  shareholders  in the publicly  traded
companies were recorded at book value as determined on the S.A. GAAP basis.

Due to the  amortization  of the fair value  adjustments  under U.S. GAAP,  this
difference  increased  Gold  Fields' net income by $19.9  million and  decreased
shareholders' equity by $62.0 million under S.A. GAAP.

Business  combination  - accounting  for the composite  transaction.  Under U.S.
GAAP,  the  difference  between the purchase price and the carrying value of the
assets acquired was allocated to the assets acquired and is being amortized over
their estimated useful life.

Under S.A.  GAAP,  the  difference  between the purchase  price and the carrying
value  of the  assets  acquired  was  treated  as  goodwill  that  arose on this
transaction,  which  was  set-off  against  shareholders'  equity on the date of

This adjustment gave rise to an increased  amortization  charge under U.S. GAAP,
which  increased  the net  income of Gold  Fields by $2.7  million  and  reduced
shareholders' equity by $63.6 million under S.A. GAAP.

Business   combinations  -  valuation  of  traded  equity   securities   issued.
Differences  exist between U.S. GAAP and S.A. GAAP in valuing traded  securities
issued  pursuant  to a formula  arrangement  as part of a business  combination.
Under U.S.  GAAP,  the value of traded equity  securities  issued  pursuant to a
formula  agreement  is  determined  using the share  price a few days before and
after the number of shares to be issued becomes known.

Under S.A.  GAAP,  the value of traded  equity  securities  issued in a business
combination is determined  based upon the share price on the date the shares are

This  difference  resulted in a decrease to the  amortization  charge under U.S.
GAAP which decreased the net income of Gold Fields by $4.7 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $8.5 million under S.A. GAAP.

Business  combination - acquired tax benefits.  Under U.S. GAAP, when tax losses
which have been acquired for which deferred tax assets have been recognized, and
against  which a valuation  allowance has been  recorded  which is  subsequently
released,  the release of the valuation  allowance recorded against deferred tax
assets is first charged against goodwill and any other intangible  assets,  with
the remaining balance of the valuation allowance release recognized in income.

Under S.A.  GAAP,  when tax losses are  acquired  which result  subsequently  in
deferred tax assets being recognized, the benefit is recorded in income.

This difference increased shareholders' equity by $9.6 million under S.A. GAAP.

Impairment  of assets.  The book value of one of the  assets  acquired  upon the
formation of Original  Gold Fields under S.A GAAP was higher than the fair value
of that asset utilized in purchase accounting under U.S GAAP.  Accordingly,  the
book value  recorded for the shares issued as  consideration  for that asset was
higher under S.A GAAP than the fair value recorded under U.S GAAP.

During prior  periods,  this asset was  determined to be impaired under both S.A
GAAP and U.S GAAP. However, because the carrying value was higher under S.A GAAP
than under U.S GAAP the impact on the  income  statement  under S.A GAAP and U.S
GAAP in those periods was different.

The difference decreased shareholders' equity by $299.3 million under S.A. GAAP.

Amortization  of multiple  reserves.  Under S.A.  GAAP, a multiple of proven and
probable  reserves  at  the  Australian   operations  is  used  for  calculating
depreciation and amortization. Under U.S. GAAP, depreciation and amortization is
calculated based upon existing proven and probable reserves.

The difference  increased Gold Fields' net income by $21.0 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $28.5 million under S.A. GAAP.

Amortization  -  inclusion  of  future  costs.  Under  S.A.  GAAP,  future  mine
development costs are included in mining assets in calculating  depreciation and
amortization.  Under U.S. GAAP, future development costs are not included in the
calculation of depreciation and amortization.

The  difference  increased Gold Fields' net income by $0.9 million and decreased
shareholders' equity by $2.1 million under S.A. GAAP.

Exploration costs.  Under S.A. GAAP,  exploration costs are capitalized from the
date the drilling  program confirms  sufficient  evidence of  mineralization  to
proceed  with a  feasibility  study.  Under  U.S.  GAAP,  exploration  costs are
capitalized from the date a bankable feasibility study is completed.

The difference  increased Gold Fields' net income by $28.5 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $80.9 million under S.A. GAAP.

Provision for rehabilitation

       Method of recognition

       Under S.A.  GAAP,  environmental  rehabilitation  costs are provided for,
       based upon the net present value of the expected future  obligation and a
       corresponding  asset is raised.  Under U.S.  GAAP,  prior to fiscal 2003,
       environmental  rehabilitation costs were provided for, based on the units
       of  production  method  based  on the  expected  ultimate  rehabilitation

       Amortization of rehabilitation asset

       The rehabilitation  assets carrying value under S.A. GAAP is different to
       that under U.S. GAAP, which results in a differing  amortization  charge.
       This is mainly due to the difference between the S.A GAAP methodology and
       that prescribed under U.S GAAP.

       Disclosure of the accretion of the asset retirement obligation

       Under S.A.  GAAP,  the  accretion of the asset  retirement  obligation is
       split between  interest expense and operating  expense.  Under U.S. GAAP,
       the entire accretion of the asset retirement  obligation is treated as an
       operating expense.

These  differences  increased  Gold  Fields'  net  income  by $2.3  million  and
increased shareholders' equity by $10.8 million under S.A. GAAP.

Investments in affiliates.  Under U.S GAAP, investments in affiliates are equity
accounted  for with Gold  Fields'  share of  profits  or losses of an  affiliate
adjusted to the carrying value of the  investment in the affiliate.  Gold Fields
does not continue to account for losses of an affiliate  once the carrying value
of the  investment  has been  reduced  to zero,  unless it has agreed to provide
financial  guarantees or financial  support to the affiliate.  The value of Gold
Fields' investments in affiliates was reduced to zero in fiscal 2001.

Under S.A. GAAP, these investments are treated as available-for-sale  securities
with changes in fair value reflected in shareholders' equity.

The  difference  decreased  Gold Fields' net income by $4.3  million  under S.A.

Post-retirement  medical  benefits.  The amount of the  post-retirement  medical
benefit  obligation and annual cost is determined using different  methodologies
under  S.A.  GAAP than those used under  U.S.  GAAP.  The  adjustments  recorded
represent the difference  between the S.A. GAAP  methodology and that prescribed
by FAS 106 under U.S. GAAP.

The difference  decreased Gold Fields' net income by $12.0 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $9.6 million under S.A. GAAP.

Deferred  stripping.  Under S.A.  GAAP,  Gold Fields defers the waste  stripping
costs in excess of the expected  average pit life  stripping  ratio.  Under U.S.
GAAP waste stripping costs are expensed as incurred.

The  difference  increased Gold Fields' net income by $2.6 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $3.0 million under S.A. GAAP.

Inventory at net  realizable  value.  Under U.S.  GAAP, due to the impact of the
amortization  adjustments on the inventory valuation,  an adjustment is required
to record inventory at net realizable value.  Under S.A. GAAP, no adjustment was
required to record inventory at net realizable value.

The  difference  decreased Gold Fields' net income by $1.5 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $1.5 million under S.A. GAAP.

Impairment of Agnew. Under S.A GAAP, Gold Fields reallocated part of the initial
purchase  price from the Agnew mine orebody,  mining  tenements and  undeveloped
properties  to the St.  Ives mine  orebody,  mining  tenements  and  undeveloped
properties.  Accordingly under S.A GAAP, the Agnew mine was not determined to be

US GAAP does not permit a company to reallocate  the purchase  price more than a
year beyond the acquisition date, when sufficient data was available to make the
initial  purchase price  allocation.  Accordingly,  an impairment write down was
recorded to reflect the Agnew mine assets at their fair value.

The difference  increased Gold Fields' net income by $29.6 million and increased
shareholders' equity by $34.4 million under S.A. GAAP.

Effect of adjustments on minority interest: The minority interest effects of the
preceding  differences  had no impact on Gold  Fields net  income and  decreased
shareholders' equity by $27.0 million under S.A. GAAP.

Effect of  adjustments  on  taxation:  The  taxation  effects  of the  preceding
differences  decreased  Gold Fields net income by $16.4  million  and  increased
shareholders' equity by $98.0 million under S.A. GAAP.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                         GOLD FIELDS LIMITED

Date: 4 February 2004

                                         By:    /s/ W J Jacobsz

                                         Name:  Mr W J Jacobsz
                                         Title: Senior Vice President:  Investor
                                                Relations and Corporate Affairs