Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                    Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 Or 15d-16 Of The
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                         For the month of February, 2004

             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its Charter)

                           LATIN AMERICAN EXPORT BANK
                 (Translation of Registrant's name into English)

                        Calle 50 y Aquilino de la Guardia
                                 Apartado 6-1497
                             El Dorado, Panama City
                               Republic of Panama
              (Address of Registrant's Principal Executive Offices)

(Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports
under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)

                          Form 20-F |X|   Form 40-F|_|

(Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  by furnishing  the  information
contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing  information to the Commission
pursuant to Rule 12g-3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.)

                                 Yes |_|   No|X|

(If "Yes" is marked,  indicate below the file number  assigned to the registrant
in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b). 82__.)


      Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereto duly authorized.

February 10, 2004

                                    Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones, S.A.

                                                 By: /s/ Pedro Toll

                                                 Name:  Pedro Toll
                                                 Title: General Manager

                                                                January 28, 2004

[LOGO]     BALANCE SHEETS* December 2002 and January to December 2003
                                 (In Balboas)**

                                                                                                        2002               2003
       Description                                              Absolute                   %          December           January
LIQUID ASSETS                                               -175,644,555.70             -48.22     364,244,498.88     420,189,950.64
     Local Deposits in Banks                                 -10,067,981.21             -98.49      10,222,848.30      10,151,010.74
         Demand                                                  -67,981.21             -30.51         222,848.30         151,010.74
         Time                                                -10,000,000.00            -100.00      10,000,000.00      10,000,000.00
     Foreign Deposits in Banks                              -165,543,206.99             -46.78     353,862,726.41     409,867,894.07
         Demand                                              -10,642,243.10             -93.66      11,362,726.41      11,567,894.07
         Time                                               -154,900,963.89             -45.23     342,500,000.00     398,300,000.00
     Others                                                      -33,367.50             -21.00         158,924.17         171,045.83
CREDIT PORTFOLIO                                            -121,369,852.08              -6.54   1,856,506,523.46   1,820,225,637.85
     Local                                                    22,746,011.55              12.07     188,481,512.75     169,925,586.46
     Foreign                                                -144,115,863.63              -8.64   1,668,025,010.71   1,650,300,051.39
INVESTMENT SECURITIES                                       -217,383,043.97             -65.44     332,206,427.36     325,729,292.54
     Local                                                  -132,022,050.00            -100.00     132,022,050.00     132,022,050.00
     Foreign                                                 -85,360,993.97             -42.64     200,184,377.36     193,707,242.54
OTHER ASSETS                                                 -67,149,465.17             -57.05     117,709,413.36      83,621,143.24
     Local                                                      -989,928.69             -13.83       7,159,938.45      12,349,990.51
     Foreign                                                 -66,159,536.48             -59.85     110,549,474.91      71,271,152.73
TOTAL ASSETS                                                -581,546,916.92             -21.78   2,670,666,863.06   2,649,766,024.27
DEPOSITS                                                     112,572,540.35              28.01     401,841,775.68     404,541,770.43
     Local                                                    -8,462,308.31             -16.26      52,049,793.89      55,561,807.27
         From Banks                                           -8,462,308.31             -16.26      52,049,793.89      55,561,807.27
              Demand                                          -7,646,880.60             -62.46      12,242,704.92      13,688,539.99
              Time                                              -815,427.71              -2.05      39,807,088.97      41,873,267.28
     Foreign                                                 121,034,848.66              34.60     349,791,981.79     348,979,963.16
         Customers                                            64,459,489.00              80.97      79,610,234.19      47,652,701.89
              Demand                                           1,801,172.39             112.95       1,594,689.07       1,595,748.88
              Time                                            62,658,316.61              80.32      78,015,545.12      46,056,953.01
         From Banks                                           56,575,359.66              20.94     270,181,747.60     301,327,261.27
              Demand                                           1,966,726.06              21.53       9,133,820.94       9,201,891.98
              Time                                            54,608,633.60              20.92     261,047,926.66     292,125,369.29
BORROWINGS                                                  -911,878,371.20             -47.18   1,932,837,754.13   1,894,444,153.87
     Local                                                     6,603,810.80              44.03      15,000,000.00      15,000,000.00
     Foreign                                                -918,482,182.00             -47.89   1,917,837,754.13   1,879,444,153.87
OTHER LIABILITIES                                            -15,426,299.06             -13.77     112,045,514.65     120,849,511.54
     Local                                                     4,175,042.08              15.95      26,172,131.00      25,020,885.29
     Foreign                                                 -19,601,341.14             -22.83      85,873,383.65      95,828,626.25
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         233,185,212.99             104.13     223,941,818.60     229,930,588.43
     Capital                                                 122,658,486.44              59.67     205,566,726.13     205,564,896.13
     Capital Reserves                                                  0.00               0.00      16,609,728.78      16,609,728.78
     Retained Earnings                                      -283,619,766.09             -99.77     284,284,265.18       1,883,078.33
     Net Income                                              384,152,549.05            -136.03    -282,401,184.12       4,858,438.21
     Gain or Loss in Securities
        available for sale                                     9,993,943.59          -8,489.78        -117,717.37       1,014,446.98
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                        -581,546,916.92             -21.78   2,670,666,863.06   2,649,766,024.27

       Description                                     February               March                 April                   May
LIQUID ASSETS                                       392,160,810.49        451,138,292.18        364,651,905.45        306,873,128.90
     Local Deposits in Banks                         10,303,606.40            262,568.38            243,530.76            144,333.50
         Demand                                         303,606.40            262,568.38            243,530.76            144,333.50
         Time                                        10,000,000.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Foreign Deposits in Banks                      381,660,167.01        450,718,751.73        364,281,661.72        306,600,439.26
         Demand                                      12,060,167.01         10,171,200.93         10,057,138.88          7,300,439.26
         Time                                       369,600,000.00        440,547,550.80        354,224,522.84        299,300,000.00
     Others                                             197,037.08            156,972.07            126,712.97            128,356.14
CREDIT PORTFOLIO                                  1,748,022,117.80      1,765,333,707.21      1,670,148,823.45      1,582,546,467.77
     Local                                          196,230,614.46        223,585,224.46        237,117,142.00        239,592,142.00
     Foreign                                      1,551,791,503.34      1,541,748,482.75      1,433,031,681.45      1,342,954,325.77
INVESTMENT SECURITIES                               332,223,670.35        324,638,733.80        177,510,849.02        177,614,077.11
     Local                                          132,022,050.00        132,022,050.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Foreign                                        200,201,620.35        192,616,683.80        177,510,849.02        177,614,077.11
OTHER ASSETS                                         83,092,625.17         65,252,760.85         83,902,944.01        102,068,844.50
     Local                                           12,628,109.78         12,673,575.70         13,082,670.94         13,751,278.31
     Foreign                                         70,464,515.39         52,579,185.15         70,820,273.07         88,317,566.19
TOTAL ASSETS                                      2,555,499,223.81      2,606,363,494.04      2,296,214,521.93      2,169,102,518.28
DEPOSITS                                            390,065,936.46        427,266,413.44        302,650,714.87        288,895,718.00
     Local                                           66,131,362.73         79,099,567.33         28,121,096.61         34,928,159.54
         From Banks                                  66,131,362.73         79,099,567.33         28,121,096.61         34,928,159.54
              Demand                                 13,673,446.97         13,681,483.71          2,154,384.66          4,667,665.03
              Time                                   52,457,915.76         65,418,083.62         25,966,711.95         30,260,494.51
     Foreign                                        323,934,573.73        348,166,846.11        274,529,618.26        253,967,558.46
         Customers                                   52,762,868.75         56,167,436.14         38,672,366.08         34,644,879.64
              Demand                                  1,604,623.06          1,606,282.58          1,607,864.07          1,579,128.61
              Time                                   51,158,245.69         54,561,153.56         37,064,502.01         33,065,751.03
         From Banks                                 271,171,704.98        291,999,409.97        235,857,252.18        219,322,678.82
              Demand                                 10,008,025.83          9,043,361.93         13,650,129.69         11,549,358.53
              Time                                  261,163,679.15        282,956,048.04        222,207,122.49        207,773,320.29
BORROWINGS                                        1,810,574,353.42      1,811,370,511.29      1,610,373,600.35      1,448,522,985.04
     Local                                           20,000,000.00         10,004,278.07          5,000,000.00                  0.00
     Foreign                                      1,790,574,353.42      1,801,366,233.22      1,605,373,600.35      1,448,522,985.04
OTHER LIABILITIES                                   117,133,230.17        123,017,028.67        128,382,741.23        134,265,630.75
     Local                                           29,733,785.59         24,992,805.87         33,989,610.53         34,221,760.16
     Foreign                                         87,399,444.58         98,024,222.80         94,393,130.70        100,043,870.59
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                237,725,703.76        244,709,540.64        254,807,465.48        297,418,184.49
     Capital                                        205,560,686.13        205,549,166.13        205,549,166.13        204,033,876.13
     Capital Reserves                                16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78
     Other Reserves                                           0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Retained Earnings                                1,883,078.33          1,883,078.33          1,883,078.33          1,395,655.53
     Net Income                                       6,553,630.26          9,618,774.74         23,992,239.13         66,129,811.60
     Gain or Loss in Securities
        available for sale                            7,118,580.26         11,048,792.66          6,773,253.11          9,249,112.45
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY              2,555,499,223.81      2,606,363,494.04      2,296,214,521.93      2,169,102,518.28

       Description                                                June               July             August             September
LIQUID ASSETS                                                337,819,955.30     160,649,229.92     205,840,926.18     169,922,045.88
     Local Deposits in Banks                                     181,162.99         198,813.29         839,322.68         168,149.94
         Demand                                                  181,162.99         198,813.29         839,322.68         168,149.94
         Time                                                          0.00               0.00               0.00               0.00
     Foreign Deposits in Banks                               337,511,996.70     160,318,601.46     204,908,375.01     169,625,475.52
         Demand                                               48,611,996.70      23,818,601.46      15,708,375.01      16,525,475.52
         Time                                                288,900,000.00     136,500,000.00     189,200,000.00     153,100,000.00
     Others                                                      126,795.61         131,815.17          93,228.49         128,420.42
CREDIT PORTFOLIO                                           1,702,851,207.67   1,619,715,408.02   1,596,434,488.37   1,620,109,347.76
     Local                                                   262,832,336.23     242,287,956.00     226,171,582.00     261,576,715.50
     Foreign                                               1,440,018,871.44   1,377,427,452.02   1,370,262,906.37   1,358,532,632.26
INVESTMENT SECURITIES                                        168,354,329.59     167,286,325.52     131,193,519.02     129,289,885.23
     Local                                                             0.00               0.00               0.00               0.00
     Foreign                                                 168,354,329.59     167,286,325.52     131,193,519.02     129,289,885.23
OTHER ASSETS                                                  80,904,277.85      54,194,632.02      83,162,444.45      70,027,882.37
     Local                                                     7,771,302.68       7,481,971.96       7,434,047.39       6,786,716.71
     Foreign                                                  73,132,975.17      46,712,660.06      75,728,397.06      63,241,165.66
TOTAL ASSETS                                               2,289,929,770.41   2,001,845,595.48   2,016,631,378.02   1,989,349,161.24
DEPOSITS                                                     416,327,147.44     303,533,591.51     386,219,826.10     414,842,838.00
     Local                                                    31,689,315.83      32,500,624.31      34,088,093.81      41,903,688.18
         From Banks                                           31,689,315.83      32,500,624.31      34,088,093.81      41,903,688.18
              Demand                                           6,722,326.71       7,528,147.58       5,110,569.06       4,421,699.91
              Time                                            24,966,989.12      24,972,476.73      28,977,524.75      37,481,988.27
     Foreign                                                 384,637,831.61     271,032,967.20     352,131,732.29     372,939,149.82
         Customers                                            35,352,481.11      38,654,480.28     118,656,659.20     165,996,755.81
              Demand                                           1,585,701.97       1,587,011.29       1,588,192.13       2,127,380.54
              Time                                            33,766,779.14      37,067,468.99     117,068,467.07     163,869,375.27
         From Banks                                          349,285,350.50     232,378,486.92     233,475,073.09     206,942,394.01
              Demand                                          15,788,540.66      12,856,328.22      10,409,637.68       9,858,016.48
              Time                                           333,496,809.84     219,522,158.70     223,065,435.41     197,084,377.53
BORROWINGS                                                 1,332,128,816.44   1,173,002,379.55   1,088,627,446.32   1,027,480,425.48
     Local                                                         5,273.61           2,273.29               0.00               0.00
     Foreign                                               1,332,123,542.83   1,173,000,106.26   1,088,627,446.32   1,027,480,425.48
OTHER LIABILITIES                                             98,996,478.57      88,264,163.28     101,087,369.71     101,053,533.99
     Local                                                    25,865,403.99      28,189,852.27      25,983,007.81      26,926,933.64
     Foreign                                                  73,131,074.58      60,074,311.01      75,104,361.90      74,126,600.35
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         442,477,327.96     437,045,461.14     440,696,735.89     445,972,363.77
     Capital                                                 338,834,520.47     328,059,580.47     328,059,580.47     328,059,580.47
     Capital Reserves                                         16,609,728.78      16,609,728.78      16,609,728.78      16,609,728.78
     Retained Earnings                                         1,395,655.53       1,395,650.42       1,395,650.42       1,395,650.42
     Net Income                                               76,732,254.63      81,074,326.77      85,820,253.91      90,933,129.44
     Gain or Loss in Securities available for sale             8,905,168.55       9,906,174.70       8,811,522.31       8,974,274.66
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                       2,289,929,770.41   2,001,845,595.48   2,016,631,378.02   1,989,349,161.24

       Description                                                         October                November                December
LIQUID ASSETS                                                           235,486,069.77         302,773,383.53         188,599,943.18
     Local Deposits in Banks                                                161,708.05             453,577.63             154,867.09
         Demand                                                             161,708.05             453,577.63             154,867.09
         Time                                                                     0.00                   0.00                   0.00
     Foreign Deposits in Banks                                          235,211,650.64         302,225,871.32         188,319,519.42
         Demand                                                           2,411,650.64           1,543,506.52             720,483.31
         Time                                                           232,800,000.00         300,682,364.80         187,599,036.11
     Others                                                                 112,711.08              93,934.58             125,556.67
CREDIT PORTFOLIO                                                      1,439,623,900.80       1,314,991,999.22       1,735,136,671.38
     Local                                                              251,288,523.00         203,424,434.00         211,227,524.30
     Foreign                                                          1,188,335,377.80       1,111,567,565.22       1,523,909,147.08
INVESTMENT SECURITIES                                                   128,815,638.67         129,085,242.70         114,823,383.39
     Local                                                                        0.00                   0.00                   0.00
     Foreign                                                            128,815,638.67         129,085,242.70         114,823,383.39
OTHER ASSETS                                                             68,028,157.03          57,815,248.27          50,559,948.19
     Local                                                                6,463,213.22           6,516,320.49           6,170,009.76
     Foreign                                                             61,564,943.81          51,298,927.78          44,389,938.43
TOTAL ASSETS                                                          1,871,953,766.27       1,804,665,873.72       2,089,119,946.14
DEPOSITS                                                                405,718,690.99         430,434,443.58         514,414,316.03
     Local                                                               36,068,642.37          29,578,432.40          43,587,485.58
         From Banks                                                      36,068,642.37          29,578,432.40          43,587,485.58
              Demand                                                      7,085,993.77           5,391,027.22           4,595,824.32
              Time                                                       28,982,648.60          24,187,405.18          38,991,661.26
     Foreign                                                            369,650,048.62         400,856,011.18         470,826,830.45
         Customers                                                      139,445,251.09         119,208,674.43         144,069,723.19
              Demand                                                      1,873,766.55           1,634,812.70           3,395,861.46
              Time                                                      137,571,484.54         117,573,861.73         140,673,861.73
         From Banks                                                     230,204,797.53         281,647,336.75         326,757,107.26
              Demand                                                     11,355,589.01           9,783,306.72          11,100,547.00
              Time                                                      218,849,208.52         271,864,030.03         315,656,560.26
BORROWINGS                                                              912,882,074.25         819,151,728.14       1,020,959,382.93
     Local                                                                        0.00                   0.00          21,603,810.80
     Foreign                                                            912,882,074.25         819,151,728.14         999,355,572.13
OTHER LIABILITIES                                                       103,169,700.10          96,137,990.67          96,619,215.59
     Local                                                               26,528,095.14          27,960,800.33          30,347,173.08
     Foreign                                                             76,641,604.96          68,177,190.34          66,272,042.51
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                    450,183,300.93         458,941,711.33         457,127,031.59
     Capital                                                            328,059,580.47         328,059,580.47         328,225,212.57
     Capital Reserves                                                    16,609,728.78          16,609,728.78          16,609,728.78
     Other Reserves
     Retained Earnings                                                    1,395,641.37           1,273,777.76             664,499.09
     Net Income                                                          95,360,666.88         103,746,572.35         101,751,364.93
     Gain or Loss in Securities available for sale                        8,757,683.43           9,252,051.97           9,876,226.22
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                                  1,871,953,766.27       1,804,665,873.72       2,089,119,946.14

*     Includes only Panama - New York accounts.

**    Monetary unit at par and equivalent with US$ dollars.

This is a free translation from Spanish original version, taken from the monthly
publication of the Republica de Panama Superintendencia de Bancos (website:

                                                                January 28, 2004

                             STATEMENTS OF INCOME *
                            January to December 2003

                                 (In Balboas)**

       Description                                          January               February             March             I Quarter
Interest Income                                           10,233,155.33         8,004,951.60        7,528,750.95       25,766,857.88
     Loans                                                 8,284,971.12         6,787,904.44        5,928,970.96       21,001,846.52
     Deposits                                                481,656.43           413,060.93          514,818.12        1,409,535.48
     Investments                                           1,466,527.78           803,986.23        1,084,961.87        3,355,475.88
Interest Expense                                           4,889,617.62         4,216,994.65        4,434,105.79       13,540,718.06
     Interest                                              4,642,423.25         3,995,829.09        4,895,269.64       13,533,521.98
     Commissions                                             247,194.37           221,165.56         -461,163.85            7,196.08
Net Interest Income                                        5,343,537.71         3,787,956.95        3,094,645.16       12,226,139.82
Other Income                                                 723,109.18          -440,116.00        1,336,472.67        1,619,465.85
     Commissions                                             672,339.27           652,262.48        1,114,211.23        2,438,812.98
     Foreign currency operations                            -498,205.87           122,432.83          357,291.99          -18,481.05
     Other Income                                            548,975.78        -1,214,811.31         -135,030.55         -800,866.08
Operating Income                                           6,066,646.89         3,347,840.95        4,431,117.83       13,845,605.67
Operating Expenses                                         1,208,208.67         1,652,648.90        9,449,753.10       12,310,610.67
     Administrative expenses                                 733,132.11         1,086,410.70        1,140,373.10        2,959,915.91
     General expenses                                        148,579.99           281,720.24          203,514.41          633,814.64
     Depreciation                                            129,262.56           115,196.47          128,122.17          372,581.20
     Other expenses                                          197,234.01           169,321.49        7,977,743.42        8,344,298.92
Net Income before provision
     for loan losses                                       4,858,438.22         1,695,192.05       -5,018,635.27        1,534,995.00
     Provision for loan losses                                     0.00                 0.00       -8,083,779.75       -8,083,779.75
Net Income                                                 4,858,438.22         1,695,192.05        3,065,144.48        9,618,774.75

       Description                                          April                 May                  June             II Quarter
Interest Income                                         10,192,762.01         6,947,706.20         6,236,681.95        23,377,150.16
     Loans                                               8,727,143.55         5,994,404.72         5,283,443.20        20,004,991.47
     Deposits                                              468,037.19           384,904.66           340,062.27         1,193,004.12
     Investments                                           997,581.27           568,396.82           613,176.48         2,179,154.57
Interest Expense                                         4,293,595.88         3,909,419.81         3,539,355.21        11,742,370.90
     Interest                                            4,123,945.67         3,908,496.20         3,602,379.17        11,634,821.04
     Commissions                                           169,650.21               923.61           -63,023.96           107,549.86
Net Interest Income                                      5,899,166.13         3,038,286.39         2,697,326.74        11,634,779.26
Other Income                                             9,965,378.51         3,452,259.56         1,849,628.28        15,267,266.35
     Commissions                                           697,251.19           599,888.57           646,645.01         1,943,784.77
     Foreign currency operations                           -55,327.50          -436,878.22            -4,645.01          -496,850.73
     Other Income                                        9,323,454.82         3,289,249.21         1,207,628.28        13,820,332.31
Operating Income                                        15,864,544.64         6,490,545.95         4,546,955.02        26,902,045.61
Operating Expenses                                       1,491,080.24         2,819,046.27        -5,343,413.38        -1,033,286.87
     Administrative expenses                             1,008,626.96         1,344,978.10         1,291,405.02         3,645,010.08
     General expenses                                      217,242.35           418,083.43           227,837.49           863,163.27
     Depreciation                                          123,749.60           127,611.78           122,064.29           373,425.67
     Other expenses                                        141,461.33           928,372.96        -6,984,720.18        -5,914,885.89
Net Income before provision
     for loan losses                                    14,373,464.40         3,671,499.68         9,890,368.40        27,935,332.48
     Provision for loan losses                                   0.00       -38,466,072.79          -712,074.61       -39,178,147.40
Net Income                                              14,373,464.40        42,137,572.47        10,602,443.01        67,113,479.88

       Description                                              July               August            September          III Quarter
Interest Income                                             8,259,433.19        6,117,194.02        5,905,722.96       20,282,350.17
     Loans                                                  7,253,203.67        5,485,349.60        5,206,218.36       17,944,771.63
     Deposits                                                 299,734.93          166,708.12          182,063.53          648,506.58
     Investments                                              706,494.59          465,136.30          517,441.07        1,689,071.96
Interest Expense                                            3,077,258.97        2,807,190.19        2,552,680.62        8,437,129.78
     Interest                                               3,064,901.04        2,732,381.99        2,509,782.83        8,307,065.86
     Commissions                                               12,357.93           74,808.20           42,897.79          130,063.92
Net Interest Income                                         5,182,174.22        3,310,003.83        3,353,042.34       11,845,220.39
Other Income                                                  777,006.74        2,881,488.10          620,604.34        4,279,099.18
     Commissions                                              514,143.09          660,355.37          738,647.10        1,913,145.56
     Foreign currency operations                              166,679.29           -4,396.74           10,705.37          172,987.92
     Other Income                                              96,184.36        2,225,529.47         -128,748.13        2,192,965.70
Operating Income                                            5,959,180.96        6,191,491.93        3,973,646.68       16,124,319.57
Operating Expenses                                          1,617,108.82        1,765,727.42        6,458,481.87        9,841,318.11
     Administrative expenses                                  985,769.22          897,071.44        1,121,873.34        3,004,714.00
     General expenses                                         271,445.58          366,389.38          217,808.26          855,643.22
     Depreciation                                             125,042.86          125,679.23          124,041.64          374,763.73
     Other expenses                                           234,851.16          376,587.37        4,994,758.63        5,606,197.16
Net Income before provision
     for loan losses                                        4,342,072.14        4,425,764.51       -2,484,835.19        6,283,001.46
     Provision for loan losses                                      0.00         -320,162.66       -7,597,710.72       -7,917,873.38
Net Income                                                  4,342,072.14        4,745,927.17        5,112,875.53       14,200,874.84

       Description                                   October          November        December        IV Quarter        Year to date
Interest Income                                    6,667,627.62     5,574,976.79     6,710,151.99    18,952,756.40     88,379,114.61
     Loans                                         5,957,148.10     4,867,687.33     6,098,449.73    16,923,285.16     75,874,894.78
     Deposits                                        200,754.29       198,178.04       141,197.29       540,129.62      3,791,175.80
     Investments                                     509,725.23       509,111.42       470,504.97     1,489,341.62      8,713,044.03
Interest Expense                                   2,478,861.76     2,515,266.13     2,477,208.10     7,471,335.99     41,191,554.73
     Interest                                      2,435,941.73     2,455,776.46     2,394,626.29     7,286,344.48     40,761,753.36
     Commissions                                      42,920.03        59,489.67        82,581.81       184,991.51        429,801.37
Net Interest Income                                4,188,765.86     3,059,710.66     4,232,943.89    11,481,420.41     47,187,559.88
Other Income                                         378,170.58       589,668.11       458,440.93     1,426,279.62     22,592,111.00
     Commissions                                     454,502.15       578,278.45       562,489.03     1,595,269.63      7,891,012.94
     Foreign currency operations                       2,601.10       -10,643.12        10,367.76         2,325.74       -340,018.12
     Other Income                                    -78,932.67        22,032.78      -114,415.86      -171,315.75     15,041,116.18
Operating Income                                   4,566,936.44     3,649,378.77     4,691,384.82    12,907,700.03     69,779,670.88
Operating Expenses                                 1,636,856.69     3,462,055.98     7,803,978.53    12,902,891.20     34,021,533.11
     Administrative expenses                         992,171.60     1,185,373.65     3,296,589.34     5,474,134.59     15,083,774.58
     General expenses                                353,270.10       374,541.85       621,623.23     1,349,435.18      3,702,056.31
     Depreciation                                    129,722.62       127,068.72       120,433.68       377,225.02      1,497,995.62
     Other expenses                                  161,692.37     1,775,071.76     3,765,332.28     5,702,096.41     13,737,706.60
Net Income before provision
     for loan losses                               2,930,079.75       187,322.79    -3,112,593.71         4,808.83     35,758,137.77
     Provision for loan losses                    -1,497,457.69    -8,198,582.47    -1,117,386.28   -10,813,426.44    -65,993,226.97
Net Income                                         4,427,537.44     8,385,905.26    -1,995,207.43    10,818,235.27    101,751,364.74

*     Includes only Panama - New York accounts.

**    Monetary unit at par and equivalent with US$ dollars.

This is a free translation from Spanish original version, taken from the monthly
publication of the Republica de Panama Superintendencia de Bancos (website:

                                                             28 de Enero de 2004

                                  (En Balboas)

                                                                                                   2002                   2003
       Descripcion                                         Absoluta                   %          Diciembre                Enero
ACTIVOS LIQUIDOS                                        -175,644,555.70            -48.22      364,244,498.88         420,189,950.64
     Depositos Locales en Bancos                         -10,067,981.21            -98.49       10,222,848.30          10,151,010.74
         A la Vista                                          -67,981.21            -30.51          222,848.30             151,010.74
         A Plazo                                         -10,000,000.00           -100.00       10,000,000.00          10,000,000.00
     Depositos Extranjeros en Bancos                    -165,543,206.99            -46.78      353,862,726.41         409,867,894.07
         A la Vista                                      -10,642,243.10            -93.66       11,362,726.41          11,567,894.07
         A Plazo                                        -154,900,963.89            -45.23      342,500,000.00         398,300,000.00
     Otros                                                   -33,367.50            -21.00          158,924.17             171,045.83
CARTERA CREDITICIA                                      -121,369,852.08             -6.54    1,856,506,523.46       1,820,225,637.85
     Locales                                              22,746,011.55             12.07      188,481,512.75         169,925,586.46
     Extranjero                                         -144,115,863.63             -8.64    1,668,025,010.71       1,650,300,051.39
INVERSIONES EN VALORES                                  -217,383,043.97            -65.44      332,206,427.36         325,729,292.54
     Locales                                            -132,022,050.00           -100.00      132,022,050.00         132,022,050.00
     Extranjero                                          -85,360,993.97            -42.64      200,184,377.36         193,707,242.54
OTROS ACTIVOS                                            -67,149,465.17            -57.05      117,709,413.36          83,621,143.24
     Locales                                                -989,928.69            -13.83        7,159,938.45          12,349,990.51
     Extranjero                                          -66,159,536.48            -59.85      110,549,474.91          71,271,152.73
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS                                        -581,546,916.92            -21.78    2,670,666,863.06       2,649,766,024.27
DEPOSITOS                                                112,572,540.35             28.01      401,841,775.68         404,541,770.43
     Locales                                              -8,462,308.31            -16.26       52,049,793.89          55,561,807.27
         De Bancos                                        -8,462,308.31            -16.26       52,049,793.89          55,561,807.27
              A la Vista                                  -7,646,880.60            -62.46       12,242,704.92          13,688,539.99
              A Plazo                                       -815,427.71             -2.05       39,807,088.97          41,873,267.28
     Extranjero                                          121,034,848.66             34.60      349,791,981.79         348,979,963.16
         De Particulares                                  64,459,489.00             80.97       79,610,234.19          47,652,701.89
              A la Vista                                   1,801,172.39            112.95        1,594,689.07           1,595,748.88
              A Plazo                                     62,658,316.61             80.32       78,015,545.12          46,056,953.01
         De Bancos                                        56,575,359.66             20.94      270,181,747.60         301,327,261.27
              A la Vista                                   1,966,726.06             21.53        9,133,820.94           9,201,891.98
              A Plazo                                     54,608,633.60             20.92      261,047,926.66         292,125,369.29
OBLIGACIONES                                            -911,878,371.20            -47.18    1,932,837,754.13       1,894,444,153.87
     Locales                                               6,603,810.80             44.03       15,000,000.00          15,000,000.00
     Extranjero                                         -918,482,182.00            -47.89    1,917,837,754.13       1,879,444,153.87
OTROS PASIVOS                                            -15,426,299.06            -13.77      112,045,514.65         120,849,511.54
     Locales                                               4,175,042.08             15.95       26,172,131.00          25,020,885.29
     Extranjero                                          -19,601,341.14            -22.83       85,873,383.65          95,828,626.25
PATRIMONIO                                               233,185,212.99            104.13      223,941,818.60         229,930,588.43
     Capital                                             122,658,486.44             59.67      205,566,726.13         205,564,896.13
     Reservas de Capital                                           0.00              0.00       16,609,728.78          16,609,728.78
     Utilidad de Periodos Anteriores                    -283,619,766.09            -99.77      284,284,265.18           1,883,078.33
     Utilidad de Periodo                                 384,152,549.05           -136.03     -282,401,184.12           4,858,438.21
     Ganancia o Perdida en Valores
       Disponible para la venta                            9,993,943.59         -8,489.78         -117,717.37           1,014,446.98
PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO                                     -581,546,916.92            -21.78    2,670,666,863.06       2,649,766,024.27

       Descripcion                                     Febrero                Marzo                 Abril                  Mayo
ACTIVOS LIQUIDOS                                    392,160,810.49        451,138,292.18        364,651,905.45        306,873,128.90
     Depositos Locales en Bancos                     10,303,606.40            262,568.38            243,530.76            144,333.50
         A la Vista                                     303,606.40            262,568.38            243,530.76            144,333.50
         A Plazo                                     10,000,000.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Depositos Extranjeros en Bancos                381,660,167.01        450,718,751.73        364,281,661.72        306,600,439.26
         A la Vista                                  12,060,167.01         10,171,200.93         10,057,138.88          7,300,439.26
         A Plazo                                    369,600,000.00        440,547,550.80        354,224,522.84        299,300,000.00
     Otros                                              197,037.08            156,972.07            126,712.97            128,356.14
CARTERA CREDITICIA                                1,748,022,117.80      1,765,333,707.21      1,670,148,823.45      1,582,546,467.77
     Locales                                        196,230,614.46        223,585,224.46        237,117,142.00        239,592,142.00
     Extranjero                                   1,551,791,503.34      1,541,748,482.75      1,433,031,681.45      1,342,954,325.77
INVERSIONES EN VALORES                              332,223,670.35        324,638,733.80        177,510,849.02        177,614,077.11
     Locales                                        132,022,050.00        132,022,050.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Extranjero                                     200,201,620.35        192,616,683.80        177,510,849.02        177,614,077.11
OTROS ACTIVOS                                        83,092,625.17         65,252,760.85         83,902,944.01        102,068,844.50
     Locales                                         12,628,109.78         12,673,575.70         13,082,670.94         13,751,278.31
     Extranjero                                      70,464,515.39         52,579,185.15         70,820,273.07         88,317,566.19
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS                                  2,555,499,223.81      2,606,363,494.04      2,296,214,521.93      2,169,102,518.28
DEPOSITOS                                           390,065,936.46        427,266,413.44        302,650,714.87        288,895,718.00
     Locales                                         66,131,362.73         79,099,567.33         28,121,096.61         34,928,159.54
         De Bancos                                   66,131,362.73         79,099,567.33         28,121,096.61         34,928,159.54
              A la Vista                             13,673,446.97         13,681,483.71          2,154,384.66          4,667,665.03
              A Plazo                                52,457,915.76         65,418,083.62         25,966,711.95         30,260,494.51
     Extranjero                                     323,934,573.73        348,166,846.11        274,529,618.26        253,967,558.46
         De Particulares                             52,762,868.75         56,167,436.14         38,672,366.08         34,644,879.64
              A la Vista                              1,604,623.06          1,606,282.58          1,607,864.07          1,579,128.61
              A Plazo                                51,158,245.69         54,561,153.56         37,064,502.01         33,065,751.03
         De Bancos                                  271,171,704.98        291,999,409.97        235,857,252.18        219,322,678.82
              A la Vista                             10,008,025.83          9,043,361.93         13,650,129.69         11,549,358.53
              A Plazo                               261,163,679.15        282,956,048.04        222,207,122.49        207,773,320.29
OBLIGACIONES                                      1,810,574,353.42      1,811,370,511.29      1,610,373,600.35      1,448,522,985.04
     Locales                                         20,000,000.00         10,004,278.07          5,000,000.00                  0.00
     Extranjero                                   1,790,574,353.42      1,801,366,233.22      1,605,373,600.35      1,448,522,985.04
OTROS PASIVOS                                       117,133,230.17        123,017,028.67        128,382,741.23        134,265,630.75
     Locales                                         29,733,785.59         24,992,805.87         33,989,610.53         34,221,760.16
     Extranjero                                      87,399,444.58         98,024,222.80         94,393,130.70        100,043,870.59
PATRIMONIO                                          237,725,703.76        244,709,540.64        254,807,465.48        297,418,184.49
     Capital                                        205,560,686.13        205,549,166.13        205,549,166.13        204,033,876.13
     Reservas de Capital                             16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78
     Utilidad de Periodos Anteriores                  1,883,078.33          1,883,078.33          1,883,078.33          1,395,655.53
     Utilidad de Periodo                              6,553,630.26          9,618,774.74         23,992,239.13         66,129,811.60
     Ganancia o Perdida en Valores
       Disponible para la venta                       7,118,580.26         11,048,792.66          6,773,253.11          9,249,112.45
PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO                               2,555,499,223.81      2,606,363,494.04      2,296,214,521.93      2,169,102,518.28

       Descripcion                                      Junio                 Julio                 Agosto              Septiembre
ACTIVOS LIQUIDOS                                    337,819,955.30        160,649,229.92        205,840,926.18        169,922,045.88
     Depositos Locales en Bancos                        181,162.99            198,813.29            839,322.68            168,149.94
         A la Vista                                     181,162.99            198,813.29            839,322.68            168,149.94
         A Plazo                                              0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Depositos Extranjeros en Bancos                337,511,996.70        160,318,601.46        204,908,375.01        169,625,475.52
         A la Vista                                  48,611,996.70         23,818,601.46         15,708,375.01         16,525,475.52
         A Plazo                                    288,900,000.00        136,500,000.00        189,200,000.00        153,100,000.00
     Otros                                              126,795.61            131,815.17             93,228.49            128,420.42
CARTERA CREDITICIA                                1,702,851,207.67      1,619,715,408.02      1,596,434,488.37      1,620,109,347.76
     Locales                                        262,832,336.23        242,287,956.00        226,171,582.00        261,576,715.50
     Extranjero                                   1,440,018,871.44      1,377,427,452.02      1,370,262,906.37      1,358,532,632.26
INVERSIONES EN VALORES                              168,354,329.59        167,286,325.52        131,193,519.02        129,289,885.23
     Locales                                                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Extranjero                                     168,354,329.59        167,286,325.52        131,193,519.02        129,289,885.23
OTROS ACTIVOS                                        80,904,277.85         54,194,632.02         83,162,444.45         70,027,882.37
     Locales                                          7,771,302.68          7,481,971.96          7,434,047.39          6,786,716.71
     Extranjero                                      73,132,975.17         46,712,660.06         75,728,397.06         63,241,165.66
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS                                  2,289,929,770.41      2,001,845,595.48      2,016,631,378.02      1,989,349,161.24
DEPOSITOS                                           416,327,147.44        303,533,591.51        386,219,826.10        414,842,838.00
     Locales                                         31,689,315.83         32,500,624.31         34,088,093.81         41,903,688.18
         De Bancos                                   31,689,315.83         32,500,624.31         34,088,093.81         41,903,688.18
              A la Vista                              6,722,326.71          7,528,147.58          5,110,569.06          4,421,699.91
              A Plazo                                24,966,989.12         24,972,476.73         28,977,524.75         37,481,988.27
     Extranjero                                     384,637,831.61        271,032,967.20        352,131,732.29        372,939,149.82
         Oficiales                                            0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
         De Particulares                             35,352,481.11         38,654,480.28        118,656,659.20        165,996,755.81
              A la Vista                              1,585,701.97          1,587,011.29          1,588,192.13          2,127,380.54
              A Plazo                                33,766,779.14         37,067,468.99        117,068,467.07        163,869,375.27
         De Bancos                                  349,285,350.50        232,378,486.92        233,475,073.09        206,942,394.01
              A la Vista                             15,788,540.66         12,856,328.22         10,409,637.68          9,858,016.48
              A Plazo                               333,496,809.84        219,522,158.70        223,065,435.41        197,084,377.53
OBLIGACIONES                                      1,332,128,816.44      1,173,002,379.55      1,088,627,446.32      1,027,480,425.48
     Locales                                              5,273.61              2,273.29                  0.00                  0.00
     Extranjero                                   1,332,123,542.83      1,173,000,106.26      1,088,627,446.32      1,027,480,425.48
OTROS PASIVOS                                        98,996,478.57         88,264,163.28        101,087,369.71        101,053,533.99
     Locales                                         25,865,403.99         28,189,852.27         25,983,007.81         26,926,933.64
     Extranjero                                      73,131,074.58         60,074,311.01         75,104,361.90         74,126,600.35
PATRIMONIO                                          442,477,327.96        437,045,461.14        440,696,735.89        445,972,363.77
     Capital                                        338,834,520.47        328,059,580.47        328,059,580.47        328,059,580.47
     Reservas de Capital                             16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78         16,609,728.78
     Otras Reservas                                           0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00
     Utilidad de Periodos Anteriores                  1,395,655.53          1,395,650.42          1,395,650.42          1,395,650.42
     Utilidad de Periodo                             76,732,254.63         81,074,326.77         85,820,253.91         90,933,129.44
     Ganancia o Perdida en Valores
       Disponible para la venta                       8,905,168.55          9,906,174.70          8,811,522.31          8,974,274.66
PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO                               2,289,929,770.41      2,001,845,595.48      2,016,631,378.02      1,989,349,161.24

       Descripcion                                                      Octubre                 Noviembre               Diciembre
ACTIVOS LIQUIDOS                                                    235,486,069.77           302,773,383.53           188,599,943.18
     Depositos Locales en Bancos                                        161,708.05               453,577.63               154,867.09
         A la Vista                                                     161,708.05               453,577.63               154,867.09
         A Plazo                                                              0.00                     0.00                     0.00
     Depositos Extranjeros en Bancos                                235,211,650.64           302,225,871.32           188,319,519.42
         A la Vista                                                   2,411,650.64             1,543,506.52               720,483.31
         A Plazo                                                    232,800,000.00           300,682,364.80           187,599,036.11
     Otros                                                              112,711.08                93,934.58               125,556.67
CARTERA CREDITICIA                                                1,439,623,900.80         1,314,991,999.22         1,735,136,671.38
     Locales                                                        251,288,523.00           203,424,434.00           211,227,524.30
     Extranjero                                                   1,188,335,377.80         1,111,567,565.22         1,523,909,147.08
INVERSIONES EN VALORES                                              128,815,638.67           129,085,242.70           114,823,383.39
     Locales                                                                  0.00                     0.00                     0.00
     Extranjero                                                     128,815,638.67           129,085,242.70           114,823,383.39
OTROS ACTIVOS                                                        68,028,157.03            57,815,248.27            50,559,948.19
     Locales                                                          6,463,213.22             6,516,320.49             6,170,009.76
     Extranjero                                                      61,564,943.81            51,298,927.78            44,389,938.43
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS                                                  1,871,953,766.27         1,804,665,873.72         2,089,119,946.14
DEPOSITOS                                                           405,718,690.99           430,434,443.58           514,414,316.03
     Locales                                                         36,068,642.37            29,578,432.40            43,587,485.58
         De Bancos                                                   36,068,642.37            29,578,432.40            43,587,485.58
              A la Vista                                              7,085,993.77             5,391,027.22             4,595,824.32
              A Plazo                                                28,982,648.60            24,187,405.18            38,991,661.26
     Extranjero                                                     369,650,048.62           400,856,011.18           470,826,830.45
         De Particulares                                            139,445,251.09           119,208,674.43           144,069,723.19
              A la Vista                                              1,873,766.55             1,634,812.70             3,395,861.46
              A Plazo                                               137,571,484.54           117,573,861.73           140,673,861.73
         De Bancos                                                  230,204,797.53           281,647,336.75           326,757,107.26
              A la Vista                                             11,355,589.01             9,783,306.72            11,100,547.00
              A Plazo                                               218,849,208.52           271,864,030.03           315,656,560.26
OBLIGACIONES                                                        912,882,074.25           819,151,728.14         1,020,959,382.93
     Locales                                                                  0.00                     0.00            21,603,810.80
     Extranjero                                                     912,882,074.25           819,151,728.14           999,355,572.13
OTROS PASIVOS                                                       103,169,700.10            96,137,990.67            96,619,215.59
     Locales                                                         26,528,095.14            27,960,800.33            30,347,173.08
     Extranjero                                                      76,641,604.96            68,177,190.34            66,272,042.51
PATRIMONIO                                                          450,183,300.93           458,941,711.33           457,127,031.59
     Capital                                                        328,059,580.47           328,059,580.47           328,225,212.57
     Reservas de Capital                                             16,609,728.78            16,609,728.78            16,609,728.78
     Utilidad de Periodos Anteriores                                  1,395,641.37             1,273,777.76               664,499.09
     Utilidad de Periodo                                             95,360,666.88           103,746,572.35           101,751,364.93
     Ganancia o Perdida en Valores
       Disponible para la venta                                       8,757,683.43             9,252,051.97             9,876,226.22
PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO                                               1,871,953,766.27         1,804,665,873.72         2,089,119,946.14

                                                             28 de Enero de 2004

                              ESTADO DE RESULTADO
                             ENERO - DICIEMBRE 2003

                                  (En Balboas)

       Descripcion                                           Enero                Febrero              Marzo            Trimestre I
Ingresos Por Intereses                                    10,233,155.33         8,004,951.60        7,528,750.95       25,766,857.88
     Prestamos                                             8,284,971.12         6,787,904.44        5,928,970.96       21,001,846.52
     Depositos                                               481,656.43           413,060.93          514,818.12        1,409,535.48
     Inversiones                                           1,466,527.78           803,986.23        1,084,961.87        3,355,475.88
Egresos de Operaciones                                     4,889,617.62         4,216,994.65        4,434,105.79       13,540,718.06
     Intereses Pagados                                     4,642,423.25         3,995,829.09        4,895,269.64       13,533,521.98
     Comisiones                                              247,194.37           221,165.56         -461,163.85            7,196.08
Ingreso Neto de Intereses                                  5,343,537.71         3,787,956.95        3,094,645.16       12,226,139.82
Otros Ingresos                                               723,109.18          -440,116.00        1,336,472.67        1,619,465.85
     Comisiones                                              672,339.27           652,262.48        1,114,211.23        2,438,812.98
     Operaciones con Divisas                                -498,205.87           122,432.83          357,291.99          -18,481.05
     Otros ingresos                                          548,975.78        -1,214,811.31         -135,030.55         -800,866.08
Ingresos de Operaciones                                    6,066,646.89         3,347,840.95        4,431,117.83       13,845,605.67
Egresos Generales                                          1,208,208.67         1,652,648.90        9,449,753.10       12,310,610.67
     Gastos Administrativos                                  733,132.11         1,086,410.70        1,140,373.10        2,959,915.91
     Gastos Generales                                        148,579.99           281,720.24          203,514.41          633,814.64
     Gastos de Depreciacion                                  129,262.56           115,196.47          128,122.17          372,581.20
     Otros Gastos                                            197,234.01           169,321.49        7,977,743.42        8,344,298.92
Utilidad antes de Provisiones                              4,858,438.22         1,695,192.05       -5,018,635.27        1,534,995.00
     Provisiones por Cuentas Malas                                 0.00                 0.00       -8,083,779.75       -8,083,779.75
Utilidad del Periodo                                       4,858,438.22         1,695,192.05        3,065,144.48        9,618,774.75

       Descripcion                                             Abril               Mayo                Junio           Trimestre II
Ingresos Por Intereses                                     10,192,762.01        6,947,706.20        6,236,681.95       23,377,150.16
     Prestamos                                              8,727,143.55        5,994,404.72        5,283,443.20       20,004,991.47
     Depositos                                                468,037.19          384,904.66          340,062.27        1,193,004.12
     Inversiones                                              997,581.27          568,396.82          613,176.48        2,179,154.57
Egresos de Operaciones                                      4,293,595.88        3,909,419.81        3,539,355.21       11,742,370.90
     Intereses Pagados                                      4,123,945.67        3,908,496.20        3,602,379.17       11,634,821.04
     Comisiones                                               169,650.21              923.61          -63,023.96          107,549.86
Ingreso Neto de Intereses                                   5,899,166.13        3,038,286.39        2,697,326.74       11,634,779.26
Otros Ingresos                                              9,965,378.51        3,452,259.56        1,849,628.28       15,267,266.35
     Comisiones                                               697,251.19          599,888.57          646,645.01        1,943,784.77
     Operaciones con Divisas                                  -55,327.50         -436,878.22           -4,645.01         -496,850.73
     Otros ingresos                                         9,323,454.82        3,289,249.21        1,207,628.28       13,820,332.31
Ingresos de Operaciones                                    15,864,544.64        6,490,545.95        4,546,955.02       26,902,045.61
Egresos Generales                                           1,491,080.24        2,819,046.27       -5,343,413.38       -1,033,286.87
     Gastos Administrativos                                 1,008,626.96        1,344,978.10        1,291,405.02        3,645,010.08
     Gastos Generales                                         217,242.35          418,083.43          227,837.49          863,163.27
     Gastos de Depreciacion                                   123,749.60          127,611.78          122,064.29          373,425.67
     Otros Gastos                                             141,461.33          928,372.96       -6,984,720.18       -5,914,885.89
Utilidad antes de Provisiones                              14,373,464.40        3,671,499.68        9,890,368.40       27,935,332.48
     Provisiones por Cuentas Malas                                  0.00      -38,466,072.79         -712,074.61      -39,178,147.40
Utilidad del Periodo                                       14,373,464.40       42,137,572.47       10,602,443.01       67,113,479.88

       Descripcion                                             Julio               Agosto            Septiembre        Trimestre III
Ingresos Por Intereses                                      8,259,433.19        6,117,194.02        5,905,722.96       20,282,350.17
     Prestamos                                              7,253,203.67        5,485,349.60        5,206,218.36       17,944,771.63
     Depositos                                                299,734.93          166,708.12          182,063.53          648,506.58
     Inversiones                                              706,494.59          465,136.30          517,441.07        1,689,071.96
Egresos de Operaciones                                      3,077,258.97        2,807,190.19        2,552,680.62        8,437,129.78
     Intereses Pagados                                      3,064,901.04        2,732,381.99        2,509,782.83        8,307,065.86
     Comisiones                                                12,357.93           74,808.20           42,897.79          130,063.92
Ingreso Neto de Intereses                                   5,182,174.22        3,310,003.83        3,353,042.34       11,845,220.39
Otros Ingresos                                                777,006.74        2,881,488.10          620,604.34        4,279,099.18
     Comisiones                                               514,143.09          660,355.37          738,647.10        1,913,145.56
     Operaciones con Divisas                                  166,679.29           -4,396.74           10,705.37          172,987.92
     Otros ingresos                                            96,184.36        2,225,529.47         -128,748.13        2,192,965.70
Ingresos de Operaciones                                     5,959,180.96        6,191,491.93        3,973,646.68       16,124,319.57
Egresos Generales                                           1,617,108.82        1,765,727.42        6,458,481.87        9,841,318.11
     Gastos Administrativos                                   985,769.22          897,071.44        1,121,873.34        3,004,714.00
     Gastos Generales                                         271,445.58          366,389.38          217,808.26          855,643.22
     Gastos de Depreciacion                                   125,042.86          125,679.23          124,041.64          374,763.73
     Otros Gastos                                             234,851.16          376,587.37        4,994,758.63        5,606,197.16
Utilidad antes de Provisiones                               4,342,072.14        4,425,764.51       -2,484,835.19        6,283,001.46
     Provisiones por Cuentas Malas                                  0.00         -320,162.66       -7,597,710.72       -7,917,873.38
Utilidad del Periodo                                        4,342,072.14        4,745,927.17        5,112,875.53       14,200,874.84

       Descripcion                                  Octubre         Noviembre        Diciembre      Trimestre IV     Acumulado Anual
Ingresos Por Intereses                            6,667,627.62     5,574,976.79     6,710,151.99    18,952,756.40     88,379,114.61
     Prestamos                                    5,957,148.10     4,867,687.33     6,098,449.73    16,923,285.16     75,874,894.78
     Depositos                                      200,754.29       198,178.04       141,197.29       540,129.62      3,791,175.80
     Inversiones                                    509,725.23       509,111.42       470,504.97     1,489,341.62      8,713,044.03
Egresos de Operaciones                            2,478,861.76     2,515,266.13     2,477,208.10     7,471,335.99     41,191,554.73
     Intereses Pagados                            2,435,941.73     2,455,776.46     2,394,626.29     7,286,344.48     40,761,753.36
     Comisiones                                      42,920.03        59,489.67        82,581.81       184,991.51        429,801.37
Ingreso Neto de Intereses                         4,188,765.86     3,059,710.66     4,232,943.89    11,481,420.41     47,187,559.88
Otros Ingresos                                      378,170.58       589,668.11       458,440.93     1,426,279.62     22,592,111.00
     Comisiones                                     454,502.15       578,278.45       562,489.03     1,595,269.63      7,891,012.94
     Operaciones con Divisas                          2,601.10       -10,643.12        10,367.76         2,325.74       -340,018.12
     Otros ingresos                                 -78,932.67        22,032.78      -114,415.86      -171,315.75     15,041,116.18
Ingresos de Operaciones                           4,566,936.44     3,649,378.77     4,691,384.82    12,907,700.03     69,779,670.88
Egresos Generales                                 1,636,856.69     3,462,055.98     7,803,978.53    12,902,891.20     34,021,533.11
     Gastos Administrativos                         992,171.60     1,185,373.65     3,296,589.34     5,474,134.59     15,083,774.58
     Gastos Generales                               353,270.10       374,541.85       621,623.23     1,349,435.18      3,702,056.31
     Gastos de Depreciacion                         129,722.62       127,068.72       120,433.68       377,225.02      1,497,995.62
     Otros Gastos                                   161,692.37     1,775,071.76     3,765,332.28     5,702,096.41     13,737,706.60
Utilidad antes de Provisiones                     2,930,079.75       187,322.79    -3,112,593.71         4,808.83     35,758,137.77
     Provisiones por Cuentas Malas               -1,497,457.69    -8,198,582.47    -1,117,386.28   -10,813,426.44    -65,993,226.97
Utilidad del Periodo                              4,427,537.44     8,385,905.26    -1,995,207.43    10,818,235.27    101,751,364.74