140 58th Street
                                Bldg. B, Suite 8E
                            Brooklyn, New York 11220

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                        Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the registrant |X|
Filed by a party other than the registrant |_|
Check the appropriate box:
      |_|   Preliminary Proxy Statement
      |X|   Definitive Proxy Statement
      |_|   Definitive Additional Materials
      |_|   Soliciting Material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                 IEH CORPORATION
                (Name of the Corporation as Specified in Charter)

                             ROBERT KNOTH, SECRETARY
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box)
      |X|   No fee required
      |_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rule 14c-5(g) and 0-11

(1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
      to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

(4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)   Total Fee Paid:

|_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

|_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
form or schedule and the date of filing.

(1)   Amount previously paid:

(2)   Form schedule or registration number:

(3)   Filing party:

(4)   Dated filed:


                                 IEH CORPORATION
                                 140 58th Street
                                Bldg. B, Suite 8E
                            Brooklyn, New York 11220
                        To Be Held on September 30, 2005

To the Shareholders of

      NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of IEH
CORPORATION  (the  "Corporation")  will be held at the Company's  offices at 140
58th Street,  Bldg. B, Suite 8E, Brooklyn,  New York 11220 on September 30, 2005
at 9:00 a.m., New York time, for the following purposes:

      1.    To elect one (1) Director to IEH's Board of Directors to hold office
            for a period of two years or until his successor is duly elected and

      2.    To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
            Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      The close of business on August 26, 2005 has been fixed as the record date
for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
meeting and any adjournment thereof.

      You are cordially  invited to attend the meeting.  Whether or not you plan
to attend,  please complete,  date and sign the accompanying proxy and return it
promptly in the enclosed  envelope to assure that your shares are represented at
the  meeting.  If you do attend,  you may  revoke any prior  proxy and vote your
shares in person if you wish to do so.  Any prior  proxy will  automatically  be
revoked if you execute the accompanying  proxy or if you notify the Secretary of
IEH, in writing, prior to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              Robert Knoth,

Dated: August 31, 2005


                                 IEH CORPORATION
                                 140 58th Street
                              Building B, Suite 8E
                            Brooklyn, New York 11220

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKI1OLDERS
                        TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2005


Why am I receiving this proxy statement?

      This  proxy  statement  describes  the  proposal  on  which  our  board of
directors of IEH Corporation  (the "Company")  would like you, as a stockholder,
to vote at the annual  meeting of the  stockholders  of the Company,  which will
take place on September 30, 2005. It also gives you information on this proposal
so that  you can  make an  informed  decision.  We  intend  to mail  this  proxy
statement  and  accompanying  proxy  card on or  about  August  31,  2005 to all
stockholders of record entitled to vote at the annual meeting.

In this proxy  statement,  we refer to IEH Corporation as "IEH",  the "Company",
"we", "us" or "our."

Who can vote at the annual meeting of stockholders?

      Stockholders  who  owned  shares of common  stock on August  26,  2005 may
attend and vote at the annual meeting. Each share is entitled to one vote. There
were 2,303,468  shares of the Company*s  common stock  outstanding on August 26,
2005.  All  shares  of common  stock  shall  vote  together  as a single  class.
Information about the  stockholdings of our directors and executive  officers is
contained in the section of this proxy statement entitled "Voting Securities and
Ownership of Certain  Beneficial Owners and Management" on page ten (10) of this
proxy statement.

What is the proxy card?

      The proxy card enables you to appoint Mr. Robert  Knoth,  Secretary of the
Company, and Michael Offerman, Chief Executive Officer as your representative at
the  annual  meeting.  By  completing  and  returning  the proxy  card,  you are
authorizing  these  persons  to  vote  your  shares  at the  annual  meeting  in
accordance with your  instructions on the proxy card. This way, your shares will
be voted  whether  or not you attend  the  annual  meeting.  Even if you plan to
attend the annual  meeting,  it is a good idea to complete and return your proxy
card  before  the  annual  meeting  date just in case your  plans  change.  If a
proposal  comes up for vote at the annual meeting that is not on the proxy card,
the  proxies  will vote your  shares,  under your proxy,  according  to his best

What am I voting on?

      You are being asked to vote on the election of Allen B.  Gottlieb to IEH's
Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting.

      Although we are unaware of any  possible  business to be  addressed at the
meeting, we will also transact any other business that properly comes before the
annual meeting.

How does the board of directors recommend that I vote?

      Our board of directors unanimously recommends that the nominated person be
re-elected back to the IEH's Board of Directors as a Class II member.

What is the difference  between holding shares as a stockholder of record and as
a beneficial owner?

      Most of our  stockholders  hold their  shares in an account at a brokerage
firm,  bank or other nominee holder,  rather than holding share  certificates in
their own name. As summarized below, there are some distinctions  between shares
held record and those owned beneficially.

Stockholder of Record

      If on August 26, 2005, your shares were  registered  directly in your name
with our transfer agent,  Registrar and Transfer Company,  you are a stockholder
of record who may vote at the annual  meeting,  and we are  sending  these proxy
materials  directly to you. As the stockholder of record,  you have the right to
direct the voting of your shares by returning  the enclosed  proxy card to us or
to vote in person at the annual  meeting.  Whether or not you plan to attend the
annual meeting, please complete, date and sign the enclosed proxy card to ensure
that your vote is counted.

Beneficial Owner

      If on August 26,  2005,  your shares are held in an account at a brokerage
firm or at a bank or other nominee  holder,  you are  considered  the beneficial
owner of shares  held "in street  name,"  and these  proxy  materials  are being
forwarded to you by your broker or nominee who is considered the  stockholder of
record for purposes of voting at the annual  meeting.  As the beneficial  owner,
you have the right to direct  your  broker  on how to vote  your  shares  and to
attend the annual meeting. However, since you are not the stockholder of record,
you may not vote these shares in person at the annual meeting unless you receive
a valid proxy from your brokerage firm, bank or other nominee holder.  To obtain
a valid proxy,  you must make a special  request of your brokerage firm, bank or
other nominee  holder.  If you do not make this  request,  you can still vote by
using the voting  instruction card enclosed with this proxy statement;  however,
you will not be able to vote in person at the annual meeting.

How do I Vote?

      (1)   You may vote by mail.

      You may vote by mail by completing, signing and dating your proxy card and
returning it in the enclosed,  postage-paid and addressed envelope.  If you mark
your voting instructions on the proxy card, your shares will be voted:

      o     as you instruct, and

      o     according to the best  judgment of Mr. Knoth if a proposal  comes up
            for a vote at the annual meeting that is not on the proxy card.

      If you return a signed card, but do not provide voting instructions,  your
shares will be voted:


      o     to approve the election of the nominated  person to the IEH Board of
            Directors, and

      o     according to the best  judgment of Mr. Knoth if a proposal  comes up
            for a vote at the annual meeting that is not on the proxy card.

      (2)   You may vote in person at the annual meeting.

      We will pass out written ballots to anyone who wants to vote at the annual
meeting.  However, if you hold your shares in street name, you must bring to the
annual meeting a valid proxy from the broker, bank or other nominee holding your
shares that confirms your  beneficial  ownership of the shares and gives you the
right to vote your  shares.  Holding  shares in street  name means you hold them
through a brokerage  firm,  bank or other nominee,  and therefore the shares are
not held in your  individual  name.  We encourage you to examine your proxy card
closely to make sure you are voting all of your shares in the Company.

What does it mean if I receive more than one proxy card?

      You  may  have  multiple  accounts  at  the  transfer  agent  and/or  with
stockbrokers.  Please sign and return all proxy cards to ensure that all of your
shares are voted.

What if I change my mind after I return my proxy?

      You may  revoke  your proxy and  change  your vote at any time  before the
polls close at the annual meeting. You may do this by:

      o     sending a written notice to the Secretary of the Company, Mr. Knoth,
            Secretary of the Company  stating that you would like to revoke your
            proxy of a particular date,

      o     signing another proxy card with a later date and returning it before
            the polls  close at the  annual  meeting,  or  attending  the annual
            meeting and voting in person.

      Please  note,  however,  that if your  shares  are  held  of  record  by a
brokerage  firm, bank or other nominee,  you must instruct your broker,  bank or
other nominee that you wish to change your vote by following  the  procedures on
the voting form provided to you by the broker,  bank or other  nominee.  If your
shares are held in street  name,  and you wish to attend the annual  meeting and
vote at the annual  meeting,  you must bring to the annual meeting a legal proxy
from the broker,  bank or other  nominee  holding your shares,  confirming  your
beneficial ownership of the shares and giving you the right to vote your shares.

Will my shares be voted if I do not sign and return my proxy card?

      If your shares are held in street name or in your name and you do not sign
and return  your proxy card,  your  shares will not be voted  unless you vote in
person at the annual meeting.

How are votes counted?

      You may vote "for,"  "against,"  or  "abstain"  on  re-electing  the board


How many stockholders are needed either in person or by proxy to hold the annual

      To hold the  annual  meeting  and  conduct  business,  a  majority  of the
Company*s  outstanding  shares of common  stock  entitled to vote,  in person or
represented by proxy,  must be present at the annual  meeting.  This is called a

      Shares are  counted as  present at the annual  meeting if the  stockholder

      o     is present and votes in person at the annual meeting, or

      o     has properly submitted a proxy card.

How many votes are  required to re-elect  the  nominated  person to the Board of

      The  affirmative  vote of a plurality  of the votes cast as the meeting of
the  shareholders  by the holders of shares of Common Stock  entitled to vote in
the election is required to elect each director.

How many votes are  required to approve  other  matters that may come before the
stockholders at the annual meeting?

      An affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting
is required for approval of all other items being submitted to the  shareholders
for their consideration.

What happens if I don*t indicate how to vote my proxy?

      If you just sign your proxy card without providing  further  instructions,
your shares will be counted as a "for" vote for the election of the director.

Is my vote kept confidential?

      Proxies,  ballots and voting tabulations identifying stockholders are kept
confidential  and will not be disclosed except as may be necessary to meet legal

Where do I find the voting results of the annual meeting?

      We will announce preliminary voting results at the annual meeting and will
announce the final  results in a press  release.  We will also publish the final
results in our quarterly  report on Form lO-Q for the fiscal  quarter  following
the results of the voting on this matter. We will file that report with the SEC,
and you can obtain a copy by calling the SEC at l-800-SEC-0330  for the location
of  the  nearest  public   reference  room,  or  through  the  EDGAR  system  at

Who can help answer my questions?

You can contact our corporate  headquarters,  at (718) 492-9673 or by sending to
Mr.  Robert  Knoth at 140 58th Street,  Bldg.  B, Suite 8E,  Brooklyn,  New York
11220, any questions about proposals described in this proxy statement or how to
execute your vote.


                                 IEH CORPORATION
                                 140 58th Street
                                Bldg. B, Suite 8E
                            Brooklyn, New York 11220


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                        To Be Held on September 30, 2005


      This proxy statement and the  accompanying  form of proxy have been mailed
on or about August 31, 2005 to the Common Stock shareholders of record on August
26, 2005 (the "Record Date") of IEH CORPORATION,  a New York corporation ("IEH")
in connection with the  solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of IEH
for use at the Annual Meeting of  shareholders  to be held on September 30, 2005
at 9:00 a.m. at IEH's offices at 140 58th Street,  Suite 8E, Brooklyn,  New York
11220, and at any adjournment thereof.


      Shares of IEH's Common  Stock  represented  by an  effective  proxy in the
accompanying form will, unless contrary instructions are specified in the proxy,
be voted (i) FOR the  election of the ONE (1) person  nominated  by the Board of
Directors as Director;  and (ii) to transact such other business as may properly
come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      Any  such  proxy  may be  revoked  at  any  time  before  it is  voted.  A
shareholder  may revoke this proxy by notifying  the  Secretary of IEH either in
writing  prior to the  Annual  Meeting or in person at the  Annual  Meeting,  by
submitting  a proxy  bearing a later  date or by voting in person at the  Annual
Meeting.  The  presence of a majority of the holders of the  outstanding  Shares
entitled to vote, in person or  represented by proxy,  will  constitute a quorum
for the  transaction of business.  Directors  shall be elected by a plurality of
the  votes  cast at a  meeting  of the  shareholders  by the  holders  of shares
entitled to vote in the election. An affirmative vote of a majority of the votes
cast at the meeting is required for approval of all other items being  submitted
to the shareholders for their  consideration.  The term votes cast is defined as
the votes  actually  cast for or against  the  resolution.  A  shareholder,  not
present at the Annual Meeting,  voting through a proxy, who abstains from voting
on any matter which is submitted to the shareholders  for a vote,  including the
election  of  Directors,  is  considered  to be present at the  meeting  for the
purpose of establishing a quorum,  however,  the shares are not counted as being
voted for or against the matter submitted. Brokers holding shares for beneficial
owners  in  "street  names"  must  vote  those  shares   according  to  specific
instructions  they received from the owners of such shares.  If instructions are
not received, brokers may vote the shares on all matters to be voted upon at the
Annual Meeting.

      IEH will  bear the cost of the  solicitation  of  proxies  by the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors may use the services of its executive officers
and  certain  Directors   to  solicit  proxies  from   shareholders  in   person
and by mail,  telegram  and  telephone.  Arrangements  may  also  be  made  with

brokers, fiduciaries, custodians, and nominees to send proxies, proxy statements
and other material to the beneficial owners of IEH's Common Stock held of record
by such  persons,  and IEH  may  reimburse  them  for  reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses incurred by them in so doing.

      The Annual  Report to  shareholders  for the fiscal  year ended  March 25,
2005, including financial statements, accompanies this proxy statement.

      The  principal  executive  offices of IEH are located at 140 58th  Street,
Bldg. B, Suite 8E,  Brooklyn,  New York 11220.  IEH's telephone  number is (718)

Principal Independent Accountants and Services; Fees Paid

      The Board of Directors of IEH selected Jerome Rosenberg,  P.C.,  Certified
Public Accountant,  as the independent  registered auditor of IEH for the fiscal
year ending  March 25,  2005.  Shareholders  are not being asked to approve such
selection because such approval is not required.  The audit services provided by
Jerome Rosenberg, P.C. consist of examination of financial statements,  services
relative  to  filings  with  the   Securities  and  Exchange   Commission,   and
consultation in regard to various accounting matters. Jerome Rosenberg,  P.C. or
a member of his firm is  expected  to be present at the  meeting,  will have the
opportunity  to make a statement  if he so  desires,  and will be  available  to
respond to appropriate questions.

      Audit  Fees.  During the fiscal  year ended  March 25,  2005 and March 26,
2004, IEH paid an aggregate of $27,000 each year to Jerome  Rosenberg,  P.C. for
fees related to the audit of its financial statements.

      Financial Systems Design and Implementation.  During the fiscal year ended
March 25,  2005,  no fees were paid to Jerome  Rosenberg,  P.C.  with respect to
financial systems design or implementation.

      Tax Fees. During the fiscal years ended March 25, 2005 and March 26, 2004,
the Company paid to Jerome  Rosenberg CPA P.C. the sums of $3,000 and $3,000 for
tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning services.

      All Other Fees.  During the fiscal year ended March 25, 2005 and March 26,
2004, IEH did not pay any other fees for services to its auditor.

      The Board of Directors has determined that the services provided by Jerome
Rosenberg,  P.C. and the fees paid to it for such  services has not  compromised
the independence of Jerome Rosenberg,  P.C. We do not have an Audit Committee of
the Board. Because of our small size of operations and because we are not traded
on an exchange or on the Nasdaq  Stock  Markets,  we are not  required by law or
applicable  regulations  to have an Audit  Committee.  The Board acts as a whole
with  respect  to  matters  which  might  otherwise  be  acted  upon by an Audit
Committee.  Further,  as a  result  of  our  financial  condition,  and  limited
financial  resources to obtain directors' and officers  insurance and to provide
financial  incentives to Board members, we have been unable to attract qualified
persons to serve on our Board.



      The  securities  entitled to vote at the meeting are IEH's  Common  Stock,
$.01 par value.  The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of a majority of shares
entitled to vote will constitute a quorum for the meeting.  Each share of Common
Stock entitles its holder to one vote on each matter  submitted to shareholders.
The close of  business  on August 26, 2005 has been fixed as the Record Date for
the  determination of the shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at the
meeting and any adjournment  thereof.  At that date,  2,303,468 shares of Common
Stock  were  outstanding.  Voting  of  the  shares  of  Common  Stock  is  on  a
non-cumulative basis.

      The following  table sets forth certain  information as of August 26, 2005
with respect to (i) the persons  (including  any "group" as that term is used in
Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), known by IEH to be the
beneficial  owner of more than five  percent  (5%) of any class of IEH's  voting
securities;  (ii) each  Executive  Officer and Director who owns Common Stock in
IEH; and (iii) all Executive Officers and Directors as a group. As of August 26,
2005, there were 2,303,468 shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding.

                                                                         Amount of and
                                                                         Nature of
                                  Name and Address of                    Beneficial       Percentage of Class
Title of Class                    Beneficial Owner                       Ownership
Common Stock                      Michael Offerman                           946,784                41%
$.01 Par Value                    140 58th Street
                                  Brooklyn, NY 11220(1)

                                  Murray Sennet                               24,500               1.1%
                                  1900 Manor Lane
                                  Plano, TX 75093

                                  Allen Gottlieb                                   0                 0
                                  325 Coral Way
                                  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

                                  Robert Knoth                                   400               0.02%
                                  140 58th Street
                                  Brooklyn, NY 11220

                                  David and Nancy Lopez                      188,500                8%
                                  171 Edge of Woods Road
                                  Southhampton, NY 11969(2)

All Officers & Directors as a Group
(4 in number)                                                                991,684              43.08%

         *  Less than 1%.

1.    43,600  shares of Common Stock are jointly  owned by Mr.  Offerman and his
      wife, Gail Offerman.


2.    Based upon a Form 13d  Amendment  dated July 29,  2005 filed by  reporting

All shares set forth above are  directly  owned by the named  individual  unless
otherwise stated.

      It is  expected  that the only  matters  to be  considered  at the  Annual
Meeting will be the election of Directors.


      IEH's Certificate of Incorporation  provides that the Directors of IEH are
to be elected in two (2)  classes;  each class to be elected to a staggered  two
(2) year term.  The Board of Directors  currently  consists of three (3) members
divided into two (2) classes.  Each class should have two (2) members, but, as a
result  of the  death of Mr.  Robert  Pittman,  there  is now only one  Class II
member.  Mr.  Pittman's  term was due to expire  in 2005,  however  the  vacancy
created by his death will not filled at the 2005 annual meeting and the Board of
Directors  shall  continue to consist of three  members.  Under our bylaws,  the
Board has the power to fill a vacancy without shareholder approval.  The members
of each class are elected  for a staggered  term of two (2) years each and until
their successors are duly elected and qualified.  The Bylaws of IEH provide that
the Board shall consist of between three and eleven  persons,  and the Board has
currently set the number of persons on the Board at three  members.  The members
of each class are elected  for a staggered  term of two (2) years each and until
their successors are duly elected and qualified.

      The person  nominated  for  election  to IEH's Board of  Directors  at the
Annual  Meeting is Allen B.  Gottlieb  who will serve as a Class II member.  The
nominee currently serves on the Board of Directors.

      The affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast at a meeting of the
shareholders  by the holders of shares of Common  Stock  entitled to vote in the
election is required to elect each Director.  All proxies  received by the Board
of  Directors  will be voted for the  election  as  Directors  of the nominee as
indicated  below if no  direction  to the  contrary  is given.  In the event the
nominee is unable to serve,  the proxy  solicited  hereby  may be voted,  in the
discretion of the holder of the proxy, for the election of another person in his
stead.  The Board of Directors knows of no reason to anticipate this will occur.
No family  relationships exist between any Director or nominee for election as a

      The following  table sets forth certain  information as of the date hereof
with respect to all of the  Directors of IEH,  including the ONE (1) nominee for
election to IEH's Board of Directors at the 2005 Annual Meeting. The information
provided below  indicates  those  Directors  whose term of office expires at the
Annual  Meeting and those  Directors  whose term of office  expires in 2006. The
Directors whose terms of office expire at the Annual Meeting are those Directors
nominated for election at the 2005 Annual Meeting.

                              Director                   Position with 
       Name                    Since        Age           Corporation               Term Expires
       ----                    -----        ---           -----------               ------------
Michael Offerman                1973         60      Chairman of the Board of           2006
                                                     Directors and President

Murray Sennet                   1970         78      Director                           2006

Allen B. Gottlieb               1992         60      Director                           2005



      Michael Offerman has been a member of IEH's Board of Directors since 1973.
In May,  1987,  Mr.  Offerman  was  elected  President  of IEH and has held that
position since that date. Prior to his becoming  President,  Mr. Offerman served
as Executive Vice-President of IEH.

      Murray  Sennet has been a member of IEH's Board of  Directors  since 1968.
Mr. Sennet was the Secretary and Treasurer of IEH at the time of his  retirement
in April, 1986.

      Allen  Gottlieb  (Nominee)  has been a member  of the  Company's  Board of
Directors since 1992. Mr. Gottleib has been an attorney in private  practice for
the past five (5) years.

Significant Employees

      Robert Knoth  joined IEH as  Controller  in January,  1990 and was elected
treasurer  of IEH in March,  1990.  Mr. Knoth was elected as Secretary of IEH in
September  1992 and Mr. Knoth has held these  positions  since said dates.  From
1986 to January, 1990, Mr. Knoth was employed as controller by G&R Preuss, Inc.,
a company engaged in the business of manufacturing truck bodies and accessories.

      Joan  Prideaux  joined the Company in July 1995 as National  Sales Manager
and also served as a Vice President until January 2002. Ms. Prideaux resigned as
an executive officer in January 2002, but continues to serve as a National Sales

      Mark Iskin is the  Director  of  Purchasing,  a position he has held since
September  2000.  Prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Iskin worked as a materials
and purchasing  specialist in manufacturing and distribution  companies.  In his
last position  with an industrial  distributor,  Mr. Iskin was  responsible  for
purchasing and managing vendors for the cutting tool section of the catalog.  In
addition  he   participated   in  setting  up  and   developing   the  company's
forecasting/planning software related to that department procedures.

Certain Reports

      Section  16(a)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  requires  the
Company's  directors and officers and persons who own,  directly or  indirectly,
more than 10% of a registered class of IEH's equity securities, to file with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of Common Stock of IEH.

      Officers,  directors  and greater  than 10%  shareholders  are required to
furnish the Company  with copies of all Section  16(a)  reports  that they file.
Based  solely on review of the copies of such  reports  received by the Company,
the Company believes that filing requirements applicable to officers,  directors
and 10% shareholders were complied with during the fiscal year.

Board Meetings, Committees and Compensation

      IEH does not have any nominating,  audit or compensation  committee of the
Board of Directors. The Board believes that because of its relatively small size
and  operations,  the Board is well  positioned  to  address  issues as a whole,
including the  appointment of independent  auditors.  Each Director  receives an
annual fee of $l,000  for  serving  as a member of the Board of  Directors  each
fiscal year;  however,  the Board of Directors did not receive any  compensation
during the last three (3) fiscal years due to the Company's financial condition.
Mr.  Murray  Sennet  has  received  the sum of $7,200  for  consulting  services
provided to IEH for each of the last three fiscal years.


      During the fiscal  year ended March 25,  2005,  2 meetings of the Board of
Directors by telephone  conference were held. All Directors  participated in all
meetings of the Board.

      All matters  relating to audit,  compensation,  nominations  and corporate
governance are  considered and acted upon by our Board of Directors.  We have no
independent  directors as determined under the rules of any securities  exchange
such as the New York Stock Exchange or the rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market. Our
Common Stock is not traded on any exchange or on the Nasdaq.

Compensation  Committee  Interlocks and Insider  Participation  in  Compensation

      The Board does not have a compensation committee.  There are no interlocks
between our Directors and Directors of other companies.

Audit Committee and Audit Committee Financial Expert

      We do not have an Audit Committee of the Board.  Because of our small size
of  operations  and  because we are not traded on an  exchange  or on the Nasdaq
Stock Markets,  we are not required by law or applicable  regulations to have an
Audit  Committee.  The Board acts as a whole with respect to matters which might
otherwise  be acted  upon by an Audit  Committee.  Further,  as a result  of our
financial  condition,  and limited financial  resources to obtain directors' and
officers insurance and to provide financial incentives to Board members, we have
been unable to attract  qualified persons to serve on our Board. We believe that
two of our  directors,  Mr. Allen  Gottleib and Mr.  Murray  Sennet,  would both
qualify as "independent  directors" within the meaning of the term as applied by
the Nasdaq Stock Market Rule 4200(a)(14)

      Our Board of  Directors  has  determined  that we do have one person,  Mr.
Murray Sennet, who qualifies as an audit committee  financial expert pursuant to
Item 401 of Regulation S-B.

Nominations to the Board of Directors

      We do not have a separate Nominating  Committee of our Board of Directors.
Given the small size of our operations,  and our lack of financial resources, we
have  been  unable  to  attract  qualified  persons  to  serve  on our  Board of
Directors.  As a  result,  our  Board  acts  as a  whole  with  respect  to  the
consideration  of  additional  candidates  for  service on the Board.  The Board
considers candidates for election to our Board of Directors, whether recommended
by security  holders or otherwise,  in accordance  with the following  criteria,
applicable to all candidates:

      o     Nominees  shall  have  a  reputation  for  integrity,   honesty  and
            adherence to high ethical standards.
      o     Nominees should have  demonstrated  business acumen,  experience and
            the ability to  exercise  sound  judgment in matters  that relate to
            current and  long-term  objectives  of IEH and should be willing and
            able to contribute positively to our decision-making process.
      o     Nominees  should  have  a  commitment  to  understand  IEH  and  its
            industries  and to regularly  attend and  participate in meetings of
            the Board and its committees.
      o     Nominees  should have the  interest  and ability to  understand  the
            sometimes  conflicting  interests of the various  constituencies  of
            IEH, which include stockholders,  employees, customers, governmental
            units, creditors and the general public, and to act in the interests
            of all stockholders.
      o     Nominees should not have, nor appear to have, a conflict of interest
            that would impair the  nominees'  ability to represent the interests
            of all of IEH' stockholders and to fulfill


            the responsibilities of a director.
      o     Nominees  shall not be  discriminated  against on the basis of race,
            religion,  national  origin,  sex,  disability  or any  other  basis
            proscribed by applicable law.

      The  renomination  of existing  directors is not viewed as automatic,  but
shall be based on continuing  qualification  under the criteria set forth above.
In addition,  the Board  considers the existing  directors'  performance  on the
Board and any committee  thereof.  The Board also considers the  backgrounds and
qualifications of the directors considered as a group and our ability to attract
other  persons  to  serve  in light of our  industry,  financial  condition  and
financial resources. The Board desires to ensure that the Board, when taken as a
whole,  should  provide a  significant  breadth  of  experience,  knowledge  and
abilities that shall assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities.

Procedure to be Followed by Security  Holders in Submitting  Director  Candidate

      Any  security  holder  who  desires  the  Board  to  consider  one or more
candidates for nomination as a director should either by personal delivery or by
United States mail, postage prepaid,  deliver a written recommendation addressed
to the Chairman of the Board of Directors,  at 140 58th Street Building B, Suite
8E, Brooklyn,  New York 11220, not later than (i) with respect to an election to
be held at an annual meeting of stockholders,  120 days prior to the anniversary
date of the immediately  preceding  annual meeting;  and (ii) with respect to an
election to be held at a special  meeting of  stockholders  for the  election of
directors,  the close of business on the tenth day  following  the date on which
notice  of  such   meeting  is  first  given  to   stockholders.   Each  written
recommendation  should set forth:  (a) the name and  address of the  stockholder
making the  recommendation  and of the person or  persons  recommended;  (b) the
consent of such  person(s) to serve as a  director(s)  of IEH if  nominated  and
elected;  (c) description of how the person(s)  satisfy the general criteria for
consideration  as a candidate  referred to above and (d) a biography  or similar
information   regarding  the  person  being   nominated  as  would  satisfy  the
information requirements required under the rules and regulations of the SEC for
inclusion in a proxy statement.

Communications with the Board of Directors

      Any  shareholder  who wishes to  communicate  with the Board of  Directors
should send a written  letter to the Secretary of the Company,  at the Company's
principal  address.  Letters  may be  directed  to the  Board  as a whole  or to
individual members.

Code of Ethics

      Our Board of  Directors  adopted a Code of Ethics  and a copy  appears  as
Exhibit A to this Proxy Statement. Our Code of Ethics and Conduct covers all our
employees  and  Directors,  including  our  Chief  Executive  Officer  and Chief
Financial Officer.

 The Board of Directors recommends that you vote "FOR" the nominee for Director.

Executive Compensation

      The  following  table sets forth  below the summary  compensation  paid or
accrued by the Corporation  during the fiscal years ended March 25, 2005.  March
26, 2004, and March 28, 2003 for the Corporation's Chief Executive Officer:


                                                                             Other Annual
Name and Principal Position                 Year          Salary    Bonus    Compensation
                                       --------------    --------   -----    ------------
Michael Offerman, Chief Executive
Officer, President (1)                 March 25, 2005    $ 96,235   1,424         0
                                       March 26, 2004      95,500     -           0
                                       March 28, 2003      95,500     -           0

(1)   During the years ended March 25, 2005,  March 26, 2004 and March 28, 2003,
the Corporation  provided automobile  allowances to Mr. Offerman.  This does not
include the aggregate  incremental cost to the Corporation of such automobile or
automobile   allowances.   The  Corporation  is  unable  to  determine   without
unreasonable  effort and expense the specific  amount of such benefit,  however,
the  Corporation  has  concluded  that the  aggregate  amounts of such  personal
benefit  for Mr.  Offerman  does not exceed  $25,000 or 10% of the  compensation
reported as total salary and bonus reported.

      There are no employment  agreements between the Company and members of its
senior management, including the Chief Executive, Michael Offerman.

      No other  officer of the  Corporation  received  compensation  (salary and
bonus) in excess of  $100,000  during the fiscal  years  ended March 25, 2005 or
March 26, 2004.

Pension/Benefit Incentive Plan

      In 1964, the  Corporation's  Shareholders and Board of Directors adopted a
contributory pension plan (the "Salaried Pension Plan") effective April 1, 1964,
for salaried employees of the Corporation.  The Salaried Pension Plan as revised
on April 1, 1987,  provides for retirement benefits for qualified employees upon
or prior to retirement.

      For early retirement, employees are eligible to receive a portion of their
retirement benefits, starting 10 years prior to the employees anticipated normal
retirement  age (age 65), if the employee  has  completed 15 years of service to
the Corporation. The employee is eligible to receive reduced retirement benefits
based on an  actuarial  table for a period not  exceeding  ten (10) years of his
lifetime. In no event would benefits exceed $12,000 per year.

      For  normal  retirement  at the age of  sixty-five  (65) the  employee  is
entitled to receive full retirement benefits for a period not exceeding ten (10)
years of his lifetime.  If the employee should die prior to the ten-year period,
his beneficiaries will continue to receive the full benefit for the remainder of
the ten-year term. In no event will benefits exceed $12,000 per year.

      If payment is made on the  "joint  and  survivor  basis" as elected by the
employee, benefits will be provided to both the employee and spouse on a reduced
basis over the life of both the employee and his spouse.  If the employee should
die prior to the  guaranteed  ten year  period,  the  spouse  will  receive  the
employee  benefit for the  remainder of the term,  after which,  the spouse will
received  the reduced  spousal  benefit for the life of the spouse.  In no event
will the benefits  pursuant to the joint and survivor  basis exceed  $12,000 per

      On June 30,  1995,  the Company  applied to the Pension  Benefit  Guaranty
Corporation   ("PBGC")   to  have  the  PBGC   assume   all  of  the   Company's
responsibilities  and liabilities  under its Salaried Pension Plan. On April 26,
1996, the PBGC determined that the Salaried Pension Plan did not have sufficient
assets  available to pay  benefits  which were and are  currently  due under the
terms of the Plan.


      The  PBGC  further  determined  that  pursuant  to the  provisions  of the
Employment  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA"),  that
the Plan must be  terminated  in order to protect  the  interests  of the Plan's
participants. Accordingly, the PBGC proceeded pursuant to ERISA to have the Plan
terminated  and the PBGC  appointed as statutory  trustee,  and to have July 31,
1995  established  as the Plan's  termination  date.  The  Company  and the PBGC
negotiated a settlement  on the entire  matter and on July 2, 2001, an agreement
was reached whereby the Company's liability to the PBGC was reduced to $244,000.
The Company will make monthly payments to the PBGC as follows:

         September 1, 2003 to August 1, 2004         $2,000 per month
         September 1, 2004 to August 1, 2006         $3,000 per month
         September 1, 2006 to August 1, 2007         $4,000 per month

In addition,  to the above referenced  monthly  payments,  the Company will make
balloon payments of $25,000 each on the following dates:

                                 January 1, 2004
                                 May 1, 2004
                                 May 1, 2005
                                 January 1, 2006

The  Company  also  granted  the  PBGC a lien  on the  Company's  machinery  and
equipment, subject to the pre-existing liens in favor of the UDC.

As a result of this  agreement the amount due the PBGC was restated to $244,000,
$56,000 was paid during the year ended March 25,  2005,  $39,000 was paid during
the year ended March 26,  2004.  The balance of $149,000 is reported as follows:
$86,000 as a current liability and $63,000 as a long-term liability.

Stock Option Plan.

      On September 21, 2001 the Company's  shareholders approved the adoption of
the  Company's  2002  Employees  Stock  Option  Plan to provide for the grant of
options to purchase up to 750,000  shares of the  Company's  common stock to all
employees,  including senior management. Options granted to employees under this
plan may be  designated  as options  which  qualify for  incentive  stock option
treatment  under  Section 422A of the Internal  Revenue Code, or option which do
not so qualify.

      Under  this  plan,  the  exercise  price  of an  option  designated  as an
Incentive  Stock  Option  shall  not be less than the fair  market  value of the
Company's common stock on the day the option is granted.  In the event an option
designated as an incentive  stock option is granted to a ten percent (10%) share
holder,  such  exercise  price shall be at least 110 Percent  (110%) of the fair
market  value  or  the  Company's  common  stock  and  the  option  must  not be
exercisable  after  the  expiration  of five  years  from the day of the  grant.
Exercise  prices of non incentive stock options may be less than the fair market
value of the Company's common stock.

      The aggregate fair market value of shares subject to options  granted to a
participants,  which are designated as incentive stock options, and which become
exercisable in any calendar  year,  shall not exceed  $100,000.  As of March 25,
2004 no options had been granted under the plan.

Cash Bonus Plan

      In 1987,  the Company  adopted a cash bonus plan ("Cash  Bonus  Plan") for
Executive Officers. Contributions to the Bonus Plan are made by the Company only
after pre-tax  operating  profits exceed $150,000 for a fiscal year, and then to
the extent of 10% of the excess of the  greater  of  $150,000  of 25% of pre-tax
operating profits.  There were no 


contributions  to the Bonus Plan for the fiscal  years  ended March 26, 2004 and
March 28, 2003.  For the fiscal year ended March 25, 2005 the  contribution  was

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

set forth a good faith  representation  that as of August 26,  2005,  the person
making the request was the beneficial  owner of Common Shares of IEH entitled to
vote at the 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

                               IV. OTHER BUSINESS

      As of the date of this proxy statement, the items discussed herein contain
the only business  which the Board of Directors  intends to present,  and is not
aware of any other  matters  which may come  before  the  meeting.  If any other
matter or  matters  are  properly  brought  before the  Annual  Meeting,  or any
adjournments  thereof,  it  is  the  intention  of  the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying  form of proxy to vote the proxy on such matters in accordance with
their judgment.

Shareholder Proposals

      Proposals  of  Shareholders  intended to be presented at IEH's 2005 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be received by IEH on or prior to May 1, 2006 to be
eligible for inclusion in IEH's proxy  statement and form of proxy to be used in
connection with the 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors.

                                             Robert Knoth,

Dated: August 31, 2005.



                                 IEH CORPORATION

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                               September 30, 2005


      The undersigned hereby appoints ROBERT KNOTH and MICHAEL OFFERMAN and each
of them,  proxies,  with full power of  substitution to each, to vote all Common
Shares of IEH  CORPORATION  owned by the  undersigned  at the Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders  of IEH  CORPORATION  to be held on  September  30, 2005 at 9:00 am
(eastern  standard time) and at any  adjournments  thereof,  hereby revoking any
proxy heretofore given. The undersigned instructs such proxies to vote:


       FOR all nominees listed            WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
       below (except as marked            to vote for all nominees
       to the contrary below) [_]         listed below [_]

      (Instruction:  Please check appropriate box. To withhold authority for any
individual nominee, strike a line through the nominee's name in the list below)


      Allen B. Gottlieb

MEETING OR ANY  ADJOURNMENT  THEREOF,  all as described  in the Proxy  Statement
dated on or about August 31, 2005 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

      Either of the proxies, who shall be present and acting, shall have and may
exercise all the powers hereby granted and to vote to adjourn the meeting.

      Unless contrary  instructions  are given,  the shares  represented by this
proxy will be voted (a) for the Election of the two (2) Directors  nominated and
(b) to vote upon any other  business as may properly  come before the meeting or
any  adjournment  thereof.  Please sign  exactly as name appears  hereon.  Joint
Owners  should each sign.  When  signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee or guardian, please give full title as such.

      Said proxies will use their  discretion  with respect to any other matters
which properly come before the meeting.

      This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors.

      Please sign and return the proxy in the enclosed envelope.

                        Dated:  _________________________________, 2005


                        Print Name

                        (Please  date and sign  exactly as name appears at left.
                        For  joint  accounts,  each  joint  owner  should  sign,
                        executors,  administrators,  trustees, etc., should also
                        so indicate when signing.)