THE GABELLI
                                 UTILITY TRUST

MARCH 31, 2003

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
                                  THE GABELLI
                                 UTILITY TRUST

        Our cover icon represents the underpinnings of Gabelli.
        The Teton mountains in Wyoming represent what we believe in
        in America -- that creativity, ingenuity, hard work and a global
        uniqueness provide enduring values. They also stand out in
        an increasingly complex, interconnected and interdependent
        economic world.


The Gabelli Utility Trust is a closed-end, non-diversified management investment
company whose primary objectives are long-term growth of capital and income. The
Utility Trust will invest in companies that provide products, services or
equipment for the generation or distribution of electricity, gas and water.
Additionally, the Utility Trust will invest in companies in telecommunications
services or infrastructure operations.



      In our  view,  the major  investment  theme  for  electric,  gas and water
utilities can be summed up in two words: size matters.  Electric generators with
a large and  geographically  diverse  portfolio of  generating  plants can trade
around their  structural  long  positions to enhance  returns while avoiding the
risk of  asset  concentration  in a  single  market.  Electric,  gas  and  water
distribution  companies can spread their  substantial  fixed costs over a larger
base of customers,  and see the cost per customer  decline,  enhancing  earnings
while reducing prices.  Although the current unsettled market conditions seem to
have caused the consolidation  activity seen over the past several years to slow
for a while, the underlying  economics continue to support additional merger and
acquisition  activity  over  time.  We believe  that the  recent  entry of large
European acquirers, the relatively low stock prices of utility companies and the
potential  repeal by Congress of the 1935 Public  Utility  Holding  Company Act,
known as PUHCA, could accelerate the utility  consolidation  trend in the coming




      As a refresher to our shareholders,  the price of a closed-end mutual fund
is  determined in the open market by willing  buyers and sellers.  Shares of The
Gabelli Utility Trust (the "Trust") trade on the New York Stock Exchange and may
trade at a premium to (higher than) net asset value ("NAV") (the market value of
the Trust's underlying portfolio) or a discount to (lower than) net asset value.
Of the 547 closed-end funds that are publicly traded in the U.S.,  approximately
33%  currently  trade at  premiums  to NAV versus 26% five years ago and 60% ten
years ago.

      Ideally,  the  Trust's  market  price will  generally  track the NAV.  The
Trust's premium or discount to NAV fluctuates over time. Over our Trust's 3-year
history,  the range  fluctuated  from a 3% discount  in  November  2000 to a 55%
premium in March 2003.  Shortly  after the  inception  of the Trust,  the market
price of the Trust  exceeded  the NAV and this premium has  gradually  increased


           March 31, 2003
      Net Asset Value      $5.77
      Market Price         $8.94
      Premium              54.94%


7/9/99      0.1672
8/99        0.0816
9/99        0.1152
10/99       0.0582
11/99       0.0117
12/99       0.0007
1/00        0.0375
2/00        0.0289
3/00       -0.0127
4/00        0.0417
5/00       -0.0016
6/00        0.0403
7/00        0.0016
8/00        0.0081
9/00        0.0064
10/00      -0.0220
11/00       0.0003
12/00       0.0658
1/01        0.0532
2/01        0.1445
3/01        0.0728
4/01        0.1646
5/01        0.1409
6/01        0.1223
7/01        0.1229
8/01        0.1643
9/01        0.1572
10/01       0.2455
11/01       0.2414
12/01       0.2746
1/02        0.3454
2/02        0.3704
3/02        0.3101
4/02        0.3225
5/02        0.1723
6/02        0.2561
7/02        0.3297
8/02        0.4065
9/02        0.4262
10/02       0.3246
11/02       0.4400
12/02       0.3907
1/03        0.4670
2/03        0.5500
3/03        0.5500

      "Mr.  Market" often provides  opportunities  to invest at a discount.  The
Trust has considered various initiatives to narrow the discount when appropriate
through distribution policies,  rights offerings,  share repurchase programs and
the potential use of leverage.

      The Trust's long-term  investment goal is growth of capital and income. We
believe that our stock  selection  process adds to the investment  equation.  We
have a successful history of investment  providing  shareholders  average annual
NAV  returns of 2.69%  since  inception,  and the market  price has  generated a
12.30%  annualized  return to  investors  over the same period.  However,  it is
important to remember that "Mr.  Market" is a pendulum that swings both ways. As
the market moves away from  momentum  investing  and back to basics,  we believe
that an excessive  premium for the Trust is not likely to be sustainable.  Also,
direct   registered   shareholders   who  participate  in  the Trust's  dividend
reinvestment program should note that although the reinvestment price is offered
at a discount to the market price when the Trust sells at a premium, they may be
paying more than the current NAV.

                            AVERAGE ANNUAL RETURNS THROUGH MARCH 31, 2003 (A)
                                                   QUARTER    INCEPTION (B)     3 YEAR       1 YEAR
                                                   -------    -------------     ------       ------
  Gabelli Utility Trust NAV Return (c) ............(5.18)%        2.69%           1.28%      (14.31)%
  Gabelli Utility Trust Investment Return (d) ..... 4.77%        12.30%          16.14%       (1.27)%

  S&P 500 Utility Index ...........................(3.13)%      (10.42)%        (11.64)%     (34.41)%
  Lipper Utility Fund Average .....................(4.12)%       (9.76)%        (15.78)%     (25.25)%

 (a) Returns  represent past  performance  and do not guarantee  future results.
     Investment returns and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate.
     When  shares are sold,  they may be worth more or less than their  original
     cost.  The S&P Utility Index is an unmanaged  indicator of electric and gas
     utility stock  performance,  while the Lipper Average  reflects the average
     performance  of  open-end  mutual  funds   classified  in  this  particular
     category. Dividends are considered reinvested. Performance for periods less
     than one year is not annualized.
 (b) From commencement of investment operations on July 9, 1999.
 (c) Total  returns  and average  annual  returns  reflect  changes in net asset
     value  ("NAV"),  reinvestment  of  distributions  at net asset value on the
     ex-dividend  date and  adjustments  for  rights  offerings,  and are net of
     expenses. Since inception return based on initial net asset value of $7.50.
 (d) Total returns and average annual returns  reflect changes in closing market
     values on the New York Stock Exchange,  reinvestment of  distributions  and
     adjustments for rights  offerings.  Since inception return based on initial
     offering price of $7.50.


      Utility  stocks came under selling  pressure in the first quarter of 2003,
but this was not due to any  fundamental  factors unique to the group.  Instead,
the group's  performance  was affected by the anxieties that plagued the overall
stock  market  during the  approach to the war in Iraq.  Investors  seemed to be
waiting and watching the global news and were not thinking about buying stocks.

      In addition,  one of the other issues that is still  overhanging the stock
market is concern about the continued weakness in the U.S. economy. The recovery
from the  recession is occurring  at a very slow pace.  Therefore,  it is likely
that overall corporate earnings growth in 2003 might be disappointingly slow for
investors in some cyclical and technology sectors.  However, this is exactly the
type of  environment  that could  encourage  more investors to buy stocks in the
utilities sector that have steady and predictable earnings growth and attractive
dividend  yields.  Furthermore,  the typical 3% to 5% earnings per share ("EPS")
growth rate for utility  stocks might turn out to be quite  competitive  in 2003
with the EPS growth that is achieved in many  sectors  that trade at much higher
price/earnings ("P/E") ratios than the utility group.

      An  important  fundamental  turning  point has been reached in the utility
sector that bodes well for the future. The back-to-basics  trend that started to
gain momentum in early 2002 has now become the  strategic  theme for most of the
industry.  This means that utility  companies are giving up on their non-utility
investments -- by divesting  them or closing


them down -- and are  concentrating  on  improving  the  returns on their  core,
regulated businesses.  The final result is that these companies should have much
lower business risk.

      However, the trite athletic expression "no pain, no gain" also has meaning
for some of these companies.  In order to clean up their balance sheets and exit
from risky businesses like merchant  energy,  some companies had to endure large
write-offs  and dividend  cuts.  Many of them also had to sell large  amounts of
dilutive new common equity in order to rebuild their balance sheets. In the long
run, these actions should make them financially stronger,  lower risk companies,
but in the short run,  write-offs  and large equity  offerings tend to depress a
stock's price.  In several  instances  over the past few months,  the Trust took
advantage  of these  buying  opportunities  to  acquire  shares of a  turnaround
utility at a depressed stock price.

      Interest  rates in the U.S. are at their lowest levels in 40 years.  While
bond yields are incredibly low today, yields on utility stocks have not dropped.
The  result is that the yield  differential  in favor of utility  stocks  versus
bonds has widened. In other words,  utility stocks look very cheap versus bonds.
The utility stocks also look cheap relative to the S&P 500 Index on the basis of
historic P/E ratios.

      Low interest rates provide another fundamental benefit to utilities.  Many
of the companies have refinanced  massive amounts of debt,  reaping  significant
savings in interest costs.

      President  Bush has  proposed a number of tax  reductions  in an effort to
stimulate  the U.S. economy. The proposal to eliminate  the  double-taxation  of
corporate  dividends would  essentially make dividend  payments  tax-free to the
common stock  investor.  Stocks of companies that typically pay high  dividends,
such as utilities, should benefit the most if Congress approves this proposal.

      Another  major  fundamental  positive for the utility  sector would be the
passage of energy legislation by Congress. A new energy bill is once again being
debated in Congress.  We believe that the bill will get passed this year because
Congress spent much of 2002 debating a similar energy bill that never made it to
a final vote.  Therefore,  the key provisions and areas that require  compromise
are  already  well known by the  legislators,  and  furthermore,  the same party
remains in control of both houses of Congress.  In the new energy bill, there is
a provision  to repeal  PUHCA,  which has been a major  deterrent to mergers and
acquisitions  in the  utility  industry.  We  believe  that the  pace of  merger
activity would  accelerate  greatly if PUHCA is repealed.  Now that Congress has
had two years to debate an energy bill,  we think the  likelihood  of passage is
greater in 2003.

      Speaking of M&A, we expect to see a resurgence of  consolidation  activity
in the  utility  sector  in the near  future.  After a  flurry  of  mergers  and
takeovers  in the mid to  late-1990s,  the turmoil of  deregulation  caused many
potential  acquirers to step back and wait. We believe the potential  buyers are
getting ready to jump back in because the  valuations of the utility stocks came
down, but the fundamental  problems have been addressed by many  companies.  The
result is some healthier companies still have cheap valuations, making them ripe
for  takeovers.  We believe that the next  acquirers  of a U.S.  utility will be
either a large foreign utility or a private equity group from the U.S.


      There are nearly 80 publicly traded  investor-owned  electric utilities in
the  U.S.,  and this is at least 50 more  than we need  from the  standpoint  of
economic  efficiency.  Stand-alone  natural gas  distribution  companies make no
economic sense either;  the  combination  utility model is clearly  better.  The
balkanized structure of the industry is inherently inefficient,  and competitive
forces are now putting pressure on the marginal players.  The big companies feel
the need to be bigger to achieve scale  economies,  and the small  companies are
selling  out as the cost of staying in the game rises.  It is only  because of a
complex and lengthy merger review and approval process that the industry remains
as fragmented as it is. Our  investments in regulated  companies have primarily,
though  not  exclusively,  focused on  fundamentally  sound,  reasonably


priced mid-cap and small-cap  utilities that are likely acquisition  targets for
large utilities seeking to bulk up. We also like the beneficiaries of developing
trends.  This has led to our ongoing  focus on natural gas pipelines and storage
operators as a way to take  advantage  of the growing  demand for natural gas in
the U.S.


      The  following  are stock  specifics  on  selected  holdings in our Trust.
Favorable  earnings  prospects do not  necessarily  translate  into higher stock
prices,  but they do express a positive  trend that we believe will develop over

CH ENERGY GROUP INC. (CHG - $41.70 - NYSE) is the last small electric utility in
New York  State,  now that RGS Energy has been  acquired  by Energy  East (EAS -
$17.80 - NYSE).  CH Energy serves the territory  directly north of New York City
that is mainly rural and suburban.  There are several  potential buyers for whom
CH Energy  would be a good fit,  including  Consolidated  Edison  (ED - $38.47 -
NYSE), Energy East, KeySpan (KSE - $32.25 - NYSE), National Grid (NGG - $30.75 -
NYSE) or Public Service  Enterprise Group (PEG - $36.69 - NYSE). The buyer could
create  significant  savings  by  rationalizing  outside  plant  operations  and
eliminating  all  of the  corporate,  finance,  regulatory  and  public  company
overhead, for the benefit of shareholders and customers. Although it is tough to
predict  when a deal  might  happen,  we  would  point  out that  National  Grid
completed  its  takeover  of  Niagara  Mohawk  several  months  ago and Grid has
typically  waited less than a year between  takeovers  in the U.S.  where it has
already bought three utilities. Con Edison meanwhile, having done a terrific job
in the  aftermath of September  11 and with a strong  balance  sheet and premium
stock price valuation, might be ready to make an offer for CH Energy.

DQE INC.  (DQE - $12.19 - NYSE) is a  consolidation  play whose stock price fell
sharply in mid 2002 when the  company  came to market  with a very large  equity
offering.  The  Trust  took  advantage  of the  falling  stock  price  and added
significantly to its position in DQE. The Trust made additional purchases of DQE
stock in the fourth  quarter of 2002 and again in early 2003. DQE is the holding
company for the  electric  utility in  Pittsburgh  called  Duquesne  Light.  The
company sold off nearly all of its power  plants when the state of  Pennsylvania
moved toward utility deregulation a few years ago. DQE's back-to-basics strategy
involves divesting non-utility businesses.  DQE has an agreement to sell off its
water  utility  business  and plans to use the  proceeds  to pay down debt.  DQE
closed on the sale of its  propane  business in  December  2002.  The company is
surrounded  by  several  utilities  that are much  larger  and we think that its
relatively low stock price makes it an attractive takeover target.

DUKE ENERGY CORP.  (DUK - $14.54 - NYSE) is a fallen angel. A few times over the
past year and a half,  Duke  Energy's  earnings  expectations  have been revised
lower and as a result the shares  fell  sharply.  The  reduction  was due to the
decline in profits from energy  trading and marketing.  In addition,  Duke had a
huge  common  stock  offering in the third  quarter of 2002 that put  additional
pressure on the share  price.  Duke  Energy's  primary  businesses  are low-risk
regulated utilities in North and South Carolina and large interstate natural gas
pipelines that should continue to produce steady earnings growth and stable cash
flows.  Duke plans to sell  non-core  assets in 2003 to reduce its debt load and
already  has  announced  a number  of deals  that  should  bring in more than $1
billion of cash proceeds during 2003.

GREAT  PLAINS  ENERGY  INC.  (GXP -  $23.87 - NYSE) is an  excellent  value  for
dividend  yield.  GXP has one of the highest safe  dividends in the sector.  The
company  completed a major  issuance of common  equity in the fourth  quarter of
2002 that  strengthened  its balance sheet. GXP is the holding company that owns
Kansas City Power & Light, an electric  utility that operates in two states that
have  avoided  deregulation  entirely.  In  addition,  GXP  owns  one of the few
successful and profitable retail electricity marketing companies in the U.S. The
relatively  small  size of  GXP's  utility  operation  (less  than  one  million
customers) makes it a potential takeover target.

NICOR INC.  (GAS - $27.32 - NYSE) is a natural gas utility  that serves the area
around the city of Chicago and surrounding counties.  The company has relatively
strong  fundamentals  and a solid track  record of good  financial  performance.
Nevertheless, the share price fell sharply during the third quarter of 2002 when
state regulators announced a review of the


business at a small  subsidiary  of the company  and this  over-reaction  by the
stock  market  made the stock very cheap.  Nicor has one of the  highest  yields
among the regulated natural gas distribution stocks.

NSTAR (NST - $40.02 - NYSE) is a  consolidation  play in the New England region.
NSTAR is primarily an electric transmission and distribution utility serving the
Boston and Cape Cod regions of Massachusetts. NST also owns a small gas utility.
The Northeast region of the U.S. has been the most active area for consolidation
activity  among  utilities.  There  are  several  potential  acquirers  for NST,
including  National Grid, who recently  completed a takeover of Niagara  Mohawk,
and  Consolidated  Edison,  who could use its  relatively  high stock  price and
strong balance sheet to make another  acquisition.  KeySpan is another potential
acquirer who already owns a gas utility in the same region.

WESTAR  ENERGY  INC.  (WR - $12.12 - NYSE) is a stock with a very low  valuation
relative to the sum of its parts.  Westar's  share price has fallen sharply over
the past 12 months  because the company  failed to execute its plans to sell the
electric utility  operations to PNM Resources (PNM - $22.49 - NYSE) and also due
to  disappointing  rate  orders  from  regulators  in Kansas.  During the fourth
quarter of 2002,  Westar's top two officers resigned and the company hired a new
CEO and a new COO. Both of these individuals are experienced  utility executives
who we think can turn the  company  around and will be able to improve  Westar's
relationship  with state  regulators.  The new  management  team has announced a
major  financial  restructuring  plan that  involves  divesting  WR's entire 45%
ownership  stake in ONEOK,  selling off its ownership in  Protection  One (POI -
$1.59 - NYSE),  the nation's  second largest  monitored  security  company,  and
reducing the holding  company's  total debt from $3.4 billion to $1.5 billion by
the end of 2004.


      Please visit us on the Internet. Our homepage at www.gabelli.com  contains
information about Gabelli Asset Management Inc., the Gabelli Mutual Funds, IRAs,
401(k)s,  quarterly reports, closing prices and other current news. You can send
us e-mail at closedend@gabelli.com.

      In  our  efforts  to  bring  our   shareholders   more  timely   portfolio
information,  Gabelli Fund's portfolio  managers  regularly  participate in chat
sessions at www.gabelli.com as reflected below.

                        MAY                 JUNE              JULY
                        ---                 ----              ----
      1st Tuesday       Howard Ward         Howard Ward       Howard Ward
      1st Wednesday     Henry Van der Eb    Susan Byrne       Caesar Bryan
      2nd Wednesday     Caesar Bryan        Walter Walsh      Charles Minter & Martin Weiner
      3rd Wednesday     Elizabeth Lilly     Ivan Arteaga      Hartswell Woodson
      4th Wednesday     Barbara Marcin      Barbara Marcin    Ivan Arteaga
      5th Wednesday                                           Barbara Marcin

      All chat sessions start at 4:15 PM (Eastern Time). Please arrive early, as
participation is limited.

      You may sign up for our e-mail alerts at www.gabelli.com and receive early
notice of chat  sessions,  closing  mutual  fund  prices,  news events and media

                               /S/ MARIO J. GABELLI

                               MARIO J. GABELLI, CFA
                               Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer
May 5, 2003

NOTE: The views expressed in this report reflect those of the portfolio  manager
only through the end of the period stated in this report.  The  manager's  views
are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions.


                            THE GABELLI UTILITY TRUST
                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS
                           MARCH 31, 2003 (UNAUDITED)

      SHARES                                        VALUE
      ------                                       ------
               COMMON STOCKS -- 80.4%
               AGRICULTURE -- 0.0%
      20,000   Cadiz Inc.+ ....................$      2,100
               COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 0.2%
      70,000   Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. .....     145,809
               ENERGY AND UTILITIES: ELECTRIC -- 19.9%
     165,000   AES Corp.+ .....................     597,300
      20,000   Calpine Corp.+ .................      66,000
      55,000   Cinergy Corp. ..................   1,850,750
      20,000   Cleco Corp. ....................     251,000
      80,000   DPL Inc. .......................     996,800
      16,000   DTE Energy Co. .................     618,400
      77,000   Edison International+ ..........   1,054,130
     160,000   El Paso Electric Co.+ ..........   1,728,000
      22,000   FPL Group Inc. .................   1,296,460
      44,000   Great Plains Energy Inc. .......   1,050,280
      51,000   Maine Public Service Co. .......   1,420,350
     170,000   Northeast Utilities ............   2,366,400
      58,000   SCANA Corp. ....................   1,735,360
     120,000   TECO Energy Inc. ...............   1,275,600
      23,000   UIL Holdings Corp. .............     798,100
      20,000   Unisource Energy Corp. .........     346,000
               ENERGY AND UTILITIES: INTEGRATED -- 31.9%
     165,000   Allegheny Energy Inc. ..........   1,024,650
      13,000   Allete Inc. ....................     269,880
      75,000   Alliant Energy Corp. ...........   1,205,250
     120,000   Aquila Inc. ....................     249,600
      48,000   CH Energy Group Inc. ...........   2,001,600
     177,000   CMS Energy Corp. ...............     780,570
      75,000   Constellation Energy
                Group Inc. ....................   2,079,750
       6,000   Dominion Resources Inc. ........     332,220
     180,000   DQE Inc. .......................   2,194,200
     150,000   Duke Energy Corp. ..............   2,181,000
     110,000   El Paso Corp. ..................     665,500
      13,000   Empire District Electric Co. ...     228,800
       8,000   Entergy Corp. ..................     385,200
       8,979   FirstEnergy Corp. ..............     282,838
      83,666   Florida Public Utilities Co. ...   1,228,217
       1,000   Green Mountain Power Corp. .....      20,210
      30,000   MGE Energy Inc. ................     794,400
     130,000   Mirant Corp.+ ..................     208,000
       5,000   NiSource Inc. ..................      91,000
      45,000   NiSource Inc.+ .................      94,950
      56,900   NSTAR ..........................   2,277,138
       3,500   Otter Tail Corp. ...............      90,650
      48,000   PG&E Corp.+ ....................     645,600
      10,000   PNM Resources Inc. .............     224,900
      38,000   Progress Energy Inc. ...........   1,487,700
      40,000   Progress Energy Inc., CVO+ .....       5,200
      10,000   Puget Energy Inc. ..............     213,100

      SHARES                                        VALUE
      ------                                       ------
      30,000   Sierra Pacific Resources .......$     95,400
      30,000   TXU Corp. ......................     535,500
      10,000   Unitil Corp. ...................     250,000
      10,000   Vectren Corp. ..................     215,100
     225,000   Westar Energy Inc. .............   2,727,000
      10,000   Wisconsin Energy Corp. .........     254,000
       7,000   WPS Resources Corp. ............     280,000
     185,000   Xcel Energy Inc. ...............   2,369,850
               ENERGY AND UTILITIES: NATURAL GAS -- 14.3%
      35,000   AGL Resources Inc. .............     827,050
       3,000   Atmos Energy Corp. .............      63,780
      13,800   Cascade Natural Gas Corp. ......     267,720
       2,000   Chesapeake Utilities Corp. .....      37,600
      33,000   Delta Natural Gas Co. Inc. .....     723,690
      40,000   Dynegy Inc., Cl. A .............     104,400
       1,000   EnergySouth Inc. ...............      26,450
      38,000   National Fuel Gas Co. ..........     831,060
      90,000   Nicor Inc. .....................   2,458,800
      15,000   NUI Corp. ......................     219,000
      65,000   ONEOK Inc. .....................   1,192,100
      19,000   Peoples Energy Corp. ...........     679,630
      23,000   Piedmont Natural Gas Co. Inc. ..     819,950
       3,000   RGC Resources Inc. .............      58,470
     120,000   SEMCO Energy Inc. ..............     422,400
     100,566   Southern Union Co.+ ............   1,221,877
     130,000   Southwest Gas Corp. ............   2,645,500
               ENERGY AND UTILITIES: WATER -- 5.5%
      12,000   American States Water Co. ......     286,800
      11,000   Artesian Resources
                Corp., Cl. A ..................     331,100
      20,500   BIW Ltd. .......................     378,840
      20,520   California Water Service Group .     528,390
       7,500   Connecticut Water Service Inc. .     199,125
      44,000   Middlesex Water Co. ............     972,840
      15,566   Pennichuck Corp. ...............     343,697
      15,000   Philadelphia Suburban Corp. ....     329,250
      18,000   SJW Corp. ......................   1,377,000
       5,513   Southwest Water Co. ............      68,906
               ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -- 0.0%
      18,000   Catalytica Energy
                Systems Inc.+ .................      45,900
               METALS AND MINING -- 0.6%
       6,168   Fording Canadian Coal Trust
                 (New York) ...................     119,968
      19,532   Fording Canadian Coal Trust
                 (Toronto) ....................     379,767


                            THE GABELLI UTILITY TRUST
                           MARCH 31, 2003 (UNAUDITED)

      SHARES                                        VALUE
      ------                                       ------

               SATELLITE -- 0.6%
      50,000   General Motors Corp., Cl. H+ ...$    560,000
               TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 6.5%
      50,000   BellSouth Corp. ................   1,083,500
     155,000   Broadwing Inc.+ ................     620,000
      30,000   BT Group plc, ADR ..............     763,200
      30,000   CenturyTel Inc. ................     828,000
      18,000   Citizens Communications Co.+ ...     179,640
       4,000   Commonwealth Telephone
                 Enterprises Inc.+ ............     155,280
      14,388   D&E Communications Inc. ........     167,045
      10,000   Deutsche Telekom AG, ADR .......     110,200
       4,000   France Telecom SA, ADR .........      91,240
      50,000   Touch America Holdings Inc.+ ...       4,500
      49,000   Verizon Communications Inc. ....   1,732,150
       1,045   WilTel Communications Inc.+ ....      13,167
               WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS -- 0.9%
      40,000   mm02 plc, ADR+ .................     281,200
      38,000   Nextel Communications
                Inc., Cl. A+ ..................     508,820
               TOTAL COMMON STOCKS ............  70,646,814
               PREFERRED STOCKS -- 1.0%
               TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 1.0%
      18,000   Citizens Communications Co.,
                 5.000% Cv. Pfd. ..............     864,000
               CORPORATE BONDS -- 0.8%
  $1,100,000   Mirant Corp., Sub. Deb. Cv.,
                 2.500%, 06/15/21 .............     701,250

     PRINCIPAL                                     MARKET
      AMOUNT                                        VALUE
     ---------                                     ------
               U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS -- 9.1%
  $8,000,000   U.S. Treasury Bills,
                 1.130%++, 04/24/03 ...........$  7,994,225
               REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 8.9%
   7,821,000   Agreement with State Street Bank and
                 Trust Co., 1.260%, dated 03/31/03,
                 due 04/01/03, proceeds at maturity,
                 $7,821,274 (a) ...............   7,821,000
     (Cost $101,959,125) ......................  88,027,289

     EXCESS OF ASSETS -- (0.2)%                    (182,543)
   NET ASSETS -- 100.0%
     (15,232,926 shares outstanding) ..........$ 87,844,746
     (87,844,746 / 15,232,926
     shares outstanding) ......................       $5.77

            For Federal tax purposes:
            Aggregate cost ....................$101,959,125
            Gross unrealized appreciation .....$  2,967,773
            Gross unrealized depreciation ..... (16,899,609)
            Net unrealized depreciation .......$(13,931,836)
   (a)  Collateralized by U.S. Treasury Note, 1.75%, due 12/31/04, market value
    +   Non-income producing security.
   ++   Represents annualized yield at date of purchase.
  ADR - American Depository Receipt.
  CVO - Contingent Value Obligation.

                                SELECTED HOLDINGS
                                 MARCH 31, 2003

    CH Energy Group Inc.                             Great Plains Energy Inc.
    Cinergy Corp.                                    Nicor Inc.
    DPL Inc.                                         NSTAR
    DQE Inc.                                         ONEOK Inc.
    Duke Energy Corp.                                Westar Energy Inc.


                        AND VOLUNTARY CASH PURCHASE PLAN


  It  is  the  Policy  of  The  Gabelli  Utility  Trust  ("Utility   Trust")  to
automatically   reinvest   dividends.   As  a   "registered"   shareholder   you
automatically  become a participant in the Utility  Trust's  Automatic  Dividend
Reinvestment  Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan authorizes the Utility Trust to issue
shares to participants  upon an income dividend or a capital gains  distribution
regardless  of whether  the shares are trading at a discount or a premium to net
asset value. All  distributions  to shareholders  whose shares are registered in
their  own  names  will be  automatically  reinvested  pursuant  to the  Plan in
additional  shares of the Utility Trust.  Plan participants may send their stock
certificates  to  EquiServe  Trust  Company  ("EquiServe")  to be held in  their
dividend reinvestment account.  Registered shareholders wishing to receive their
distribution in cash must submit this request in writing to:

                            The Gabelli Utility Trust
                                  c/o EquiServe
                                 P.O. Box 43011
                            Providence, RI 02940-3011

  Shareholders requesting this cash election must include the shareholder's name
and  address  as  they  appear  on  the  share  certificate.  Shareholders  with
additional questions regarding the Plan or requesting a copy of the terms of the
Plan may contact EquiServe at 1 (800) 336-6983.

so in writing or by telephone. Please submit your request to the above mentioned
address or telephone  number.  Include in your  request  your name,  address and
account number. The cost to liquidate shares is $2.50 per transaction as well as
the brokerage  commission  incurred.  Brokerage  charges are expected to be less
than the usual brokerage charge for such transactions.

  If your shares are held in the name of a broker,  bank or nominee,  you should
contact such institution.  If such institution is not participating in the Plan,
your account will be credited with a cash  dividend.  In order to participate in
the Plan through  such  institution,  it may be  necessary  for you to have your
shares  taken out of  "street  name" and  re-registered  in your own name.  Once
registered in your own name your  dividends  will be  automatically  reinvested.
Certain brokers participate in the Plan.  Shareholders holding shares in "street
name"  at   participating   institutions   will  have  dividends   automatically
reinvested.  Shareholders  wishing  a cash  dividend  at such  institution  must
contact their broker to make this change.

  The number of shares of Common Stock  distributed to  participants in the Plan
in lieu of cash dividends is determined in the following manner. Under the Plan,
whenever  the market  price of the Utility  Trust's  Common Stock is equal to or
exceeds  net  asset  value  at the  time  shares  are  valued  for  purposes  of
determining  the number of shares  equivalent  to the cash  dividends or capital
gains distribution, participants are issued shares of Common Stock valued at the
greater of (i) the net asset value as most  recently  determined  or (ii) 95% of
the then current market price of the Utility Trust's Common Stock. The valuation
date is the dividend or distribution  payment date or, if that date is not a New
York Stock Exchange trading day, the next trading day. If the net asset value of
the Common Stock at the time of valuation exceeds the market price of the Common
Stock,  participants will receive shares from the Utility Trust valued at market
price.  If the  Utility  Trust  should  declare  a  dividend  or  capital  gains
distribution  payable only in cash,  EquiServe will buy Common Stock in the open
market,  or on the New York Stock Exchange or elsewhere,  for the  participants'
accounts, except that EquiServe will endeavor to terminate purchases in the open
market  and  cause the  Utility  Trust to issue  shares  at net asset  value if,
following the  commencement  of such  purchases,  the market value of the Common
Stock exceeds the then current net asset value.

  The automatic  reinvestment of dividends and capital gains  distributions will
not  relieve  participants  of any  income  tax  which  may be  payable  on such
distributions.  A participant in the Plan will be treated for Federal income tax
purposes  as  having  received,  on a  dividend  payment  date,  a  dividend  or
distribution in an amount equal to the cash the participant  could have received
instead of shares.

  The Utility Trust reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan as applied
to any  voluntary  cash  payments  made and any  dividend or  distribution  paid
subsequent  to written  notice of the change  sent to the members of the Plan at
least 90 days before the record date for such dividend or distribution. The Plan
also may be amended or  terminated  by  EquiServe  on at least 90 days'  written
notice to participants in the Plan.


  The Voluntary Cash Purchase Plan is yet another  vehicle for our  shareholders
to increase their  investment in the Utility  Trust.  In order to participate in
the Voluntary Cash Purchase Plan, shareholders must have their shares registered
in their own name.

  Participants  in the  Voluntary  Cash  Purchase Plan have the option of making
additional  cash payments to EquiServe for  investments  in the Utility  Trust's
shares at the then current  market price.  Shareholders  may send an amount from
$250 to $10,000.  EquiServe will use these funds to purchase  shares in the open
market on or about the 1st and 15th of each  month.  EquiServe  will charge each
shareholder  who  participates  $0.75,  plus a pro rata  share of the  brokerage
commissions.  Brokerage  charges for such purchases are expected to be less than
the usual  brokerage  charge for such  transactions.  It is  suggested  that any
voluntary  cash payments be sent to EquiServe,  P.O. Box 43011,  Providence,  RI
02940-3011  such that  EquiServe  receives such payments  approximately  10 days
before  the 1st and 15th of the  month.  Funds not  received  at least five days
before the investment date shall be held for investment  until the next purchase
date.  A payment  may be  withdrawn  without  charge if  notice is  received  by
EquiServe at least 48 hours before such payment is to be invested.

  For more information  regarding the Dividend  Reinvestment  Plan and Voluntary
Cash Purchase  Plan,  brochures  are  available by calling (914)  921-5070 or by
writing directly to the Utility Trust.


                              TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS
                            THE GABELLI UTILITY TRUST
                    ONE CORPORATE CENTER, RYE, NY 10580-1422


Mario J. Gabelli, CFA

Dr. Thomas E. Bratter

Anthony J. Colavita

James P. Conn

Vincent D. Enright

Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.

John D. Gabelli

Robert J. Morrissey

Karl Otto Pohl

Anthony R. Pustorino

Salvatore J. Zizza


Bruce N. Alpert

Gus Coutsouros

David I. Schachter

James E. McKee

Gabelli Funds, LLC
One Corporate Center
Rye, New York  10580-1422

Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP

EquiServe Trust Company

NYSE-Symbol:                                    GUT
Shares Outstanding:                         15,232,926

The Net Asset Value appears in the Publicly Traded Funds column, under the
heading "Specialized Equity Funds," in Sunday's The New York Times and in
Monday's The Wall Street Journal. It is also listed in Barron's Mutual
Funds/Closed End Funds section under the heading "Specialized Equity Funds."

The Net Asset Value may be obtained each day by calling (914) 921-5071.

  For  general   information   about  the  Gabelli   Funds,   call   800-GABELLI
  (800-422-3554), fax us at 914-921-5118, visit Gabelli Funds' Internet homepage
  at: WWW.GABELLI.COM or e-mail us at: closedend@gabelli.com

  Notice is hereby  given in  accordance  with Section  23(c) of the  Investment
  Company Act of 1940,  as amended,  that the  Utility  Trust may,  from time to
  time, purchase its shares in the open market when the Utility Trust shares are
  trading at a discount of 10% or more from the net asset value of the shares.

RYE, NY  10580-1422
(914) 921-5070

MARCH 31, 2003

                                                                     GBFUF 03/03