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Memphis A Backwards City with A Plantation Mentality

Many Black Leaders in Memphis are immoral, Black on Black Racism, operate via a plantation Mentality whereas they uphold White Supremacy, Dishonor Dr. King, Distain Black History, uphold inequality, Cotton Museum & No Black Memphis history Museum

MEMPHIS, TN, March 25, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Click here to see here to see the trailer from the 2025 movie Captain America Brave New World. This trailer presents a stark contrast between filmmaking in Georgia and the backwards film culture in Memphis whereas in regards to films and filmmaking in Memphis, "Memphis is a Backwards City with a Plantation Mentality."

This next statement is not meant to offend anyone however if anyone wish to understand why Memphis is a "Backwards City with a plantation Mentality Click here to see our 15 minute video titled "Graceland The Whitest House in America." If you are White Memphis is a treat for "MAGA" in that if you are White and love White Supremacy and plantation days, Memphis is a great place to visit to experience "White Supremacy." . Memphis is the only city in America that has a "Cotton Museum."

The most important thing to understand about Memphis, Tennessee; Memphis does not have a Black Memphis History Museum or a written chronical of "Black Memphis History." Black Memphis history is so troubling that it is not discussed for reasons of making Whites uncomfortable. Clearly there is an aversion to "Black Memphis History." Memphis Black Filmmaker Anthony "Amp" Elmore is the 1st to document "Black Memphis History via Cinema" whereas this work is un acknowledged and purposefully obscured in Memphis. Click here to see website BlackMemphisHistory.Com.

On April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was brutally assassinated in Memphis. This is a treat for "MAGA." Memphis does not have a culture that inspires "Black Pride." Since the death of Dr. King 57 years ago there continues to be in Memphis a culture of White Supremacy, Racism and Black on Black Racism. In regards to Memphis Black on Black Racism one has to look no further than February of 2023 whereas then Vice President Kamala Harris and the world came to Memphis to pay their respects to 29 year old Black Youth Tyree Nichols who was fatally beaten to death by five Black Memphis police officers. In the past White officers would brutalize Black today in Memphis there is Black on Black racism.

In the case of Memphis, there is a case of ill morality regarding many Black Memphis leaders. This is what Dr. Martin Luther King said about morality: "The first principle of value that we need to rediscover is this: that all reality hinges on moral foundations. In other words, that this is a moral universe, and that there are moral laws of the universe just as abiding as the physical laws."

Unknown and untold in regards to American history and culture it was in Memphis, Tennessee where Blacks suffered the worst brutality and oppression than any City in America. In regards to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther Jr. and his being killed in Memphis there exists in Memphis a disrespect and a disregard to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We would like the reader to go to August 10, 1978 whereas this is the birthdate of African American Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris. On September 21, 2021 Memphis born 5-time world Karate/Kickboxing Champion addressed a letter to then former White Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland and Black Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris. The title of the letter is "Legally Right and Morally Wrong."

Anthony "Amp" Elmore is fighting Memphis White Supremacy, Racism and Black on Black Racism whereas Elmore is appealing for help from "Black America." While Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in Memphis there exists in Memphis a culture of White Supremacy, Racism and Black on Black racism whereas in Memphis there exists a disregard and disrespect for the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Click here to see video. Elmore a filmmaker posted his September 1, 2021 letter to the Mayors via video praying that he could awaken their "Moral Conscience."

Memphis is a Backwards City with a Plantation Mentality. One case and point is the story of the "Memphis Massacre of 1866." For three days White Mobs killed Blacks, rapped women and burned down Black Schools and Churches. The Tennessee Historical Commission refused to call the event a Massacre. The NAACP installed their own historical marker to tell this truth. Click here to see video Memphis Massacre of 1866.

During the 1978 Memphis police and fire strike the Wall Street Journal described Memphis as "A Backwards City with a Plantation Mentality." The concept of Memphis being a plantation city is reinforced by the 2007 book "Battling the Plantation Mentality: Memphis and the Black Freedom Struggle by Laurie B. Green." This book is a profound exploration of the civil rights movement in Memphis, Tennessee, and the enduring legacy of systemic racism and inequality. The book delves into the concept of the "plantation mentality," a term used to describe the deeply ingrained racial, gender, and power dynamics that have shaped Southern culture for generations.

The city of Memphis was founded on May 22, 1819 by the father of ethnic cleansing, a slave trader and Indian killer and 7th President of the United States Andrew Jacksonn. The birth of Memphis was founded for one reason "White Gold:" Cotton. Memphis, is known as "The Cotton Capital of the World." What is not told about Memphis is the fact that Memphis was "The Slave Capital of the World."

Click here to read the "Willie Lynch Letter the making of a Slave." This speech was delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712. Lynch was a British slave owner in the West Indies. He was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there. The term "lynching" is derived from his last name. Willie Lynch states: "I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it.

Click here to meet Stephen a House Negro Slave from the movie Django Unchained. Stephen represent some of Memphis Black Leaders. Stephen was taught as "trained slave" who hated Black people although he was Black himself.

The most important history unknown and untold about Memphis is the harsh reality of Memphis being the most racist and brutal city against Blacks in American history. History tells us that the KKK or Ku Klux Klan was founded December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee. The group was dedicated to fighting against Reconstruction reforms. What is untold is Memphis role in the KKK. After the Civil war Memphis was "The Capital of the South" whereas Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest moved to Memphis whereas "The inspiration of the Birth of the Klan was actually Memphis" whereas Nathan Bedford Forrest the confederate General the Klan's first Grand Wizard conducted operations from Memphis.

It was in in 1901 in Memphis where the 1st Confederate veteran convention was held. In 1905 it was reported that from 10 to 30,000 attended the unveiling of the Nathan Bedford Forrest statue in Memphis. Memphis was the epic center of the Ku Klux Klan whereas Blacks were "Kelp in their Place" a call to understand "Memphis as a Backwards City with a plantation Mentality."

In regards to "Black Memphis History" it was not the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that changed racist whites in Memphis. It was a Black youth from "Orange Mound who help to change the segregation of sports teams in Memphis. Click here to see video titled: Black Memphis History Bingo Smith The Black Man who Changed Racist Whites in Memphis. Black Memphis history goes unknown and untold in Memphis. Black Memphis filmmaker Anthony "Amp" Elmore is the 1st in Memphis history to create a digital Black Memphis History Museum via cinema. Click here to visit the Black Memphis History website.

21st Century evidence confirms why "Memphis is A Backward City with a Plantation Mentality." In 2006 supported by the administration of Black Memphis Mayor Dr. W.W. Herenton Memphis opened "The only Cotton Museum in America." The museum's purpose is to highlight the South and Cotton's impact on life and living in the South. Clearly the Memphis Cotton Museum represents grandeur of plantation living in the South.

The establishment of the Cotton Museum in Memphis during Mayor W.W. Herenton's administration in 2006 sparked no controversy, particularly within the context of the city's complex racial history. The museum highlights the economic significance of cotton in the South, its focus on the industry's prosperity for white landowners and merchants largely overshadowed the brutal realities of slavery and its enduring legacy of racial inequality.

The museum dedicated to cotton, a crop inextricably linked to the exploitation and suffering of enslaved African Americans, perpetuates a narrative that minimizes or ignores the historical trauma inflicted upon Black communities. The absence of a dedicated "Black Memphis History Museum" is a testament that Memphis is "Backwards City with a Plantation Mentality."

The 2010 "Griffin Strong Disparity Study" confirms Memphis titled as a "Backward City with a Plantation Mentality." From 1991 to the 2010 19 years passed when the Griffin Strong Disparity Study was presented to City of Memphis where the study revealed that out of 2,800 businesses registered to do business with the City of Memphis only Six were Black and most were only caterers. Click here to view the video titled: Memphis Mayor W. W, Herenton practiced Black on Black Racism. Anthony "Amp" Elmore appeared on WMC Channel 5 News Channel June 1, 2010. Elmore sited the Griffin Strong Disparity of the discrimination of Dr. Herenton's administration of the City of Memphis not doing business with Black Businesses.

Click here to view the video titled: Black Memphis Mayor Herenton would not support Memphis & Africa. In 1990 Anthony "Amp" Elmore's Memphis produced film "The Contemporary Gladiator" premiered in Kenya whereas Elmore was honored in Kenya with a "Hero's Welcome" whereas Elmore met with the late Kenya President Daniel Arap Moi. Elmore ask his friend Memphis Mayor Dr. W.W. Herenton to establish a Trade, Culture and Family relationship with Africa and Kenya. Mayor Herenton hated Africa and vowed to Elmore that he would never associate with Africa or Africans

Dr. W.W. Herenton, Memphis' first Black elected mayor, serves as a stark example of what Carter G. Woodson termed "The Mis-Education of the Negro." Despite his academic accolades, Herenton's tenure was marked by a disregard for Black history and economic empowerment, evidenced by his support for a Cotton Museum and minimal engagement with Black-owned businesses. When Dr. Herenton was 1st elected Mayor of Memphis he was asked would he be like Maynard Jackson in Atlanta to demand equity for Blacks. Dr. Herenton's disdain for equality stated "I am not in the businesses of making Black millionaires."

At the time of this writing there a stark contrast between Memphis, Tennessee and Georgia in regards to Films and Filmmaking that is astonishing. On February 14, 2025 the film "Captain America Brave New World Premiered." It is incredulous that the film was produced in Georgia compared to Films and Filmmaking in Memphis, Tennessee. Films and Filmmaking in Memphis, Tennessee is a throwback to "Memphis A Backwards City with a plantation Mentality" whereas one who views the Memphis Shelby County Film Commission office culture and practices represents a "Plantation Culture, Practice and Mentality."

On plantations there was the legendary "Miss Ann" the White Matriarch of the Plantation who ruled Blacks with an "Iron Fist." All Blacks cower to "Miss. Ann" who has unbridle authority. Many may have seen the 2011 movie "The Help." This movie represent the times and the 50's and 60's when Black women were maids for White people. Whites in the South had maids to cook, clean and care for their children. We called the White women "Miss Ann."

In Memphis representing "Miss. Ann" is Memphis Shelby County Film Commissioner Lynn Sitler. Tantamount to the days of the "Old South" Linn Sitler single-handedly shaped the film arts and culture of Memphis to one of White Supremacy and White Southern protocol.
Linn Sitler shaped culture and history of films and filmmaking in Memphis that excluded not only a Black Narrative the Memphis Shelby County Film Commission excludes Black Films and Black Filmmakers. Linn Sitler like "Miss Ann" who has the ability to exert her will regarding African/Americans in Memphis; whereas there is no Black leader who would think of questioning the authority of "Miss Ann."

At the Corner of G.E. Patterson and Main Street in Memphis just across the street where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated she used her function and authority to erase Black Memphis Film history. The 1988 Film release of "The Contemporary Gladiator" is not only the 1st 35mm Theatrical Film made in Memphis Film history, "The Contemporary Gladiator" is the first Kickboxing film in World Film history.

Please click here to view this video titled: Linn Sitler's Undemocratic, White Supremacist film culture based on a Memphis Plantation Mentality. It is outright incredulous whereas in 2025 that "Memphis is still a Backwards City with a Plantation Mentality."

Let me site an example of Memphis "Plantation Mentality." Elmore explains in 1971 "I lead the 1st 18 year old voter registration in the state of Tennessee whereas in 1972 I quite college to join Dr. King aide Rev. James Bevel." Rev. Bevel led the children's crusade in Alabama and he was the brain child of the march from "Selma to Montgomery." In 2018 Lee Harris an African/American born in 1978 ran for Shelby County Mayor via a campaign on Education. In celebration of Memphis Bicentennial of 200 years Elmore asked the newly elected Mayor to invite African dignitaries to Memphis and Elmore produced for the first time in Memphis history a video titled "200 years of Black Memphis History." Linn Sitler the White Film Commissioner wielded her power whereas she would not allow a film regarding "Black Memphis History to a part of the Bicentennial Celebration.

When Lee Harris found that African leaders were actually coming he cut off all communication and left the African dignitaries to be stranded whereas this Black Mayor wanted no association with African leaders. Tennessee State Representative Joe Towns arranged for the African dignitaries to be accommodated via various events. Joe Towns arranged a tour of St Jud e Hospital and asked Shelby County Mayor to do a photo opt with the African leaders. Anthony "Amp" Elmore was denied the opportunity to make his film"200 Years of Black Memphis History" a part of Memphis Shelby County 200th Bicentennial Celebration. The African leader that Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris disrespected was Dr. Peter Anyang Nyong 'o father. Click here to see Video titled: Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris "Dis" African Leader. Father of Academy award winner and star of the Black Panther Movie "Lupita Nyong'o.

In regards to Memphis White Supremacy Racism and Black on Black Racism: Click here to see video titled: Black Memphis Scholars Complicit in White Supremacy and Racism In Memphis, Tennessee there does not exist a book chronicling "Black Memphis History." No scholar or educated person in Memphis has the courage to tell "Black Memphis History." This is evidence that "Memphis is a Backward City with a Plantation Mentality."

In the city of Memphis there is not only no discussion about "Black Memphis History" one has to look no further than the 2019 advocacy of two Memphis African/American representatives Tennessee State Representative G.A. Hardaway and State Senator Raumesh Akbari, who voted to make an $18-million incentive grant appropriation their top priority reinforce the concept of "Memphis A Backward City with a Plantation Mentality." Click here to read the July 18, 2019 Memphis Flyer story titled: Bluff City Law: Here's How They Got to Memphis by Chris McCoy. The story notes how "Ms. Ann" Linn Sitler got Bluff City Law to Memphis.

Concurrent to Bluff City Law eventually getting 5 million of Tax payer dollars, Tyler Perry a Black Filmmaker opened the largest Film Studio in America. Tammy Williams made history as the first Black woman to own a multi-million-dollar film production studio in Atlanta, Georgia. Her project, Cinema South Studios, is a $135 million facility located in Fayetteville, Georgia, just a few miles from Tyler Perry Studios. Click here to see video titled: Tennessee Black Caucus Representative Hardaway Black on Black Racism.

Tennessee State Representative G.A. Hardaway Represents Orange Mound. While he advocated for Linn Sitler to get 18 million tax dollars he refuse as duly represented of the State of Tennessee he refuse to support the rightful effort of the State of Tennessee rightfully acknowledging Elmore's film "The Contemporary Gladiator" as Memphis 1st 35mm Theatrical Film. In addition Elmore created the 1st Black Memphis History Digital Museum. Not only G. A. Hardaway there is a history, culture and practice to obscure Black Memphis History. The revelation of "Black Memphis History" would make many whites upset. In regards to brutality, oppression and mistreatment of African/Americans Memphis history is the most horrific.

Click here to see video titled: Black Memphis History Filmmaker Elmore request Memphis Mayor Young to Stop Film Commission's Racism. Linn Sitler the White Memphis Shelby County Film Commissioner via act of her being a White Matriarch shaped Black Memphis history, art and culture tantamount to plantation days. She unabatedly erased a Black Memphis Heritage Asset, she created a film culture and history in Memphis that supports only White Films and White Filmmakers whereas she took Memphis to the days of the plantation whereas she crowns herself and choose her own Black Historical figure. Such actions supports why "Memphis is a Backwards City with a plantation Mentality."

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