With this certification, Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc has demonstrated its dedication to following original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications and guidelines for repairing Honda and Acura vehicles. By adhering to these procedures, the company ensures that repairs are done correctly and in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards.
Michael Carter, owner of Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc, explains the significance of this certification, stating, “In the past, there were multiple ways you could approach a repair, whereas I think now the gold standard is to follow what the manufacturer recommends, or sometimes I wouldn’t even say recommends, it’s what they tell you. That’s the way to do it. And if a shop isn’t even looking into that, then I think that’s problematic. The cars are engineered a certain way, and if you’re not following those procedures, then you’re not repairing the car correctly.”
By obtaining the Honda and Acura Certified Collision Repair Facility certification, Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc gains an advantage in the industry. Not only does the certification provide peace of mind to customers, but it also serves as proof to insurance companies that repairs are being done according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Michael Carter further explains, “It’s a way to gain people’s trust. It’s true. It matters. Not everybody has the equipment. Not everybody has the training to do it. We do. That’s the difference.”
To achieve this prestigious certification, Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc first had to obtain the I-CAR Gold Class Certification, considered the highest level of training in the industry (mygarage.honda.com/s/honda-collision-repair). Additionally, the company must maintain a commitment to ongoing training, ensuring that its technicians stay up-to-date with the latest repair techniques and industry advancements. They also must have Honda-specific equipment and pass annual in-person shop audits.
One of the notable benefits of the Honda and Acura Certified Collision Repair Facility certification is the access it provides to Honda’s online repair manuals. This invaluable resource ensures that Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc has all the necessary information and tools to confidently repair Honda and Acura vehicles.
“We now know we have everything that we need in order to repair their cars”, says Michael Carter. “There’s nothing we’re lacking according to Honda. They’re the ones that are signing off on it.”
Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc was specifically sought out by Honda and Acura to apply for this certification. Recognizing the need in the market, the company seized the opportunity to enhance its services and capitalize on this prestigious designation.
About Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc:
This highly trusted Downers Grove auto body repair shop, Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc, is committed to providing safe and quality repairs. Their team also holds I-CAR Gold Certification, showcasing their dedication to ongoing training and education in the rapidly changing field of vehicle technology.
To learn more about Bob Carter’s Auto Body Inc and their Honda and Acura Certified Collision Repair Facility certification, please visit their website at https://bobcartersautobody.com or contact them directly at (630) 852-3578.
Location Info:
Bob Carter's Auto Body Inc
4309 Fairview Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515
(630) 852-3578