Swerve SWRV/USD, Hive HIVE/USD, and Stratis STRAX/USD are all solid trending cryptocurrencies.
SWRV increased in value by 296% throughout the last seven days, HIVE increased in value by 70% in the last seven days, and STRAX increased in value by 138% in the last seven days.
This does showcase that there is volatility involved in all of these cryptocurrencies. However, this is one of the main points of appeal as to why investors might be interested, as they have further potential for growth.
Should you buy Swerve (SWRV)?On June 29, 2022, Swerve (SWRV) had a value of $0.2477.
The all-time high of Swerve (SWRV) was on September 5, 2020, when the token reached a value of $39.04.
When we go over its performance in May, Swerve (SWRV) had its highest point of value on May 5 at $0.1498. Its lowest point was on May 12 at $0.03688.
This initially marked a decrease in value of $0.11292 or by 75%.
However, since then, SWRV has grown to $0.2477, which is an increase of $0.21082 or 571%.
With this in mind, SWER is a solid buy as the token can climb to $0.4 by the end of July 2022.
Should you buy Hive (HIVE)?On June 29, 2022, Hive (HIVE) had a value of $0.6417.
Going over its all-time high, Hive (HIVE) had its all-time high point of value on November 26, 2021, at a value of $3.41.
Looking at its performance throughout the previous month, Hive (HIVE) had its highest point of value on May 5 at $0.8596. Its lowest point was on May 12 at $0.377. Here we can see a decrease in value by $0.4826 or by 56%.
However, from May 12 to June 29, we can see a growth in value of $0.2647 or 70%.
With this in mind, HIVE is a solid buy as it can reach $1 by the end of July 2022.
Should you buy Stratis (STRAX)?On June 29, 2022, Stratis (STRAX) had a value of $1.1279.
Looking at the all-time high of the cryptocurrency, Stratis (STRAX) had its all-time high point of value on June 8, 2018, when the token reached a value of $22.77.
Taking a look at how the cryptocurrency performed throughout the previous month, Stratis (STRAX) had its highest point of value on May 5 at $0.9664, while its lowest point was on May 12 at $0.4175.
Here we can see a decrease in value of $0.5489 or by 56%.
From the span of May 12 to June 29, we can see an increase of $0.7104 or 170%.
With this in mind, STRAX is a solid buy as it can climb to $2 by the end of July 2022.
The post Trending cryptocurrencies to prepare you for July appeared first on Invezz.