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FORM 6 - K/A





Washington, D.C. 20549



Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a - 16 or 15d - 16 of

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934



As of 6/2/2015




Ternium S.A.

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)



Ternium S.A.
29 Avenue de la Porte-Neuve

L-2227 Luxembourg

(352) 2668-3152

(Address of principal executive offices)



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or 40-F.


Form 20-F  Ö    Form 40-F     


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12G3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


Yes          No  Ö   



If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):

Not applicable




The attached material is being furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 13a-16 and Form 6-K under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


This report contains an amendment to Terniums’ proxy materials solely to correct typographical errors in Ternium’s 2014 Restated Annual Report (page 3 - Operating and Financial Highlights – column 2014 – “Equity in (losses) earnings of non-consolidated companies” and “(Loss) profit for the year”)





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.






By: /s/ Arturo Sporleder                      

Name: Arturo Sporleder

Title: Secretary to the Board of Directors



Dated: June 2, 2015



Ternium S.A.

29, Avenue de la Porte Neuve

L-2227 Luxembourg

Grand Duché de Luxembourg


00 352 26 68 31 52 500 tel

00 352 26 68 31 52 549 fax



RCS Luxembourg B 98 668











June 1, 2015


Dear Ternium Shareholder and ADR holder,


I am pleased to invite you to attend a special general meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting”) of TERNIUM S.A. (the “Company”), to be held on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at the Company’s registered office in 29, avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227, Luxembourg, at 2:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time).


As has been publicly disclosed by the Company, following the conclusion of the discussions with the Staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regarding Staff’s comments relating to the carrying value of the Company’s investment in Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. – Usiminas under International Financial Reporting Standards, the Company has re-evaluated and revised the assumptions used to calculate the carrying value of such investment as of September 30, 2014 and subsequent periods and has restated the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, previously approved at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company held on May 6, 2015.


At the Meeting, you will hear the reports of the Board of Directors and the independent auditors on the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, and will be requested to vote on the approval of such restated financial statements.


The convening Notice and Agenda of the Meeting (which contains the procedures for attending and/or voting at the Meeting), the Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement, the Company’s 2014 restated annual report on the restated consolidated financial statements (which includes the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, together with the board of directors’ and independent auditors’ reports thereon) will be available on our website at http://www.ternium.com/en/ir-home beginning on June 1, 2015.  Copies of such documents will also be available, free of charge, to ADR holders and shareholders registered in the Company’s share register at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Luxembourg time, beginning on June 1, 2015. In addition, beginning on June 1, 2015, shareholders registered in the Company’s share register may obtain, also free of charge, electronic copies of such documents by sending an e-mail request to the following electronic address: ir@ternium.com.


Even if you only own a few shares or ADRs, I hope that you will exercise your right to vote or instruct voting at the Meeting.  If you are a holder of shares on June 25, 2015, you can attend and/or vote, personally or by proxy, at the Meeting. If you are a holder of ADRs, please see the letter from The Bank of New York Mellon, the depositary bank, or contact your broker/custodian, for instructions on how to give voting instructions in respect of the shares underlying your ADRs.


Please note the requirements you must satisfy to attend and/or vote your shares at the Meeting.


Yours sincerely,

Paolo Rocca








                Re: TERNIUM S.A.


To:          Registered Holders of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”)

                for ordinary shares, USD 1.00 par value each (the “Shares”), of

                Ternium S.A. (the “Company”):


The Company has announced that a special general meeting of Shareholders will be held on June 30, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, located at 29, avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227, Luxembourg (the “Meeting”).  A copy of the Company’s Notice of the Meeting, which includes the agenda for the Meeting, is available on the Company’s website at http://www.ternium.com/en/ir-home.


The enclosed dedicated proxy form is provided to allow you to give voting instructions in respect of the Shares represented by your ADRs. The Notice of the Meeting, the Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement and the Company’s 2014 restated annual report on the restated consolidated financial statements (which includes the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, together with the board of directors’ and the independent auditors’ reports thereon), are available on the Company’s website at http://www.ternium.com/en/ir-home. ADR holders may also obtain, free of charge, copies of such materials upon request by calling at +1-800-555-2470 (toll free if you call from the United States) or at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time).


Each holder of ADRs as of June 11, 2015, is entitled to instruct The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary (the “Depositary”), as to the exercise of the voting rights pertaining to the Shares represented by such holder’s ADRs. Any eligible holder of ADRs who desires to give voting instructions in respect of the Shares represented by such holder’s ADRs must complete, date and sign a proxy form and return it to The Bank of New York Mellon at Proxy Services, C/O Computershare, PO Box 43126, Providence, RI 02940-5138, by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015. If the Depositary receives properly completed and signed instructions by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015, then it shall endeavor, insofar as practicable, to vote or cause to be voted the Shares underlying such ADRs in the manner prescribed by the instructions. However, if by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015, the Depositary receives no instructions from the holder of ADRs, or the instructions received by the Depositary are not in proper form, then the Depositary shall deem such holder to have instructed the Depositary to give, and the Depositary shall give, a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the Company with respect to that amount of Shares underlying such ADRs to vote such Shares in favor of any proposals or recommendations of the Company (including any recommendation by the Company to vote such Shares on any issue in accordance with the majority shareholders’ vote on that issue) as determined by the appointed proxy. No instruction shall be deemed given and no discretionary proxy shall be given with respect to any matter as to which the Company informs the Depositary that (x) it does not wish such proxy given, (y) substantial opposition exists, or (z) the matter materially and adversely affects the rights of the holders of ADRs.


Any holder of ADRs is entitled to revoke or revise any instructions previously given to the Depositary by filing with the Depositary a written revocation or duly executed instructions bearing a later date at any time prior to 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015. No instructions, revocations or revisions thereof will be accepted by the Depositary after that time.


In order to avoid the possibility of double vote, the Company’s ADR books will be closed for cancellations from June 11, 2015, until June 25, 2015. However, holders of ADRs need not have their ADRs blocked for trading on the New York stock exchange.





                                                           THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON


June 1, 2015

New York, New York




Ternium S.A.

29, Avenue de la Porte Neuve

L-2227 Luxembourg

Grand Duché de Luxembourg


00 352 26 68 31 52 500 tel

00 352 26 68 31 52 549 fax



RCS Luxembourg B 98 668












Notice of a Special General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in Luxembourg on June 30, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time).


Notice is hereby given to shareholders of TERNIUM S.A. (the “Company”) that a special general meeting of Shareholders of the Company (the “Meeting”) will be held on June 30, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) at the Company’s registered office located at 29, Avenue de la Porte Neuve, L-2227 Luxembourg. At the Meeting, shareholders will vote on the items listed below.




1.       Consideration of the board of directors’ and independent auditors’ reports on the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014.


2.       Approval of the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014.


Pursuant to the Company’s articles of association, resolutions at the Meeting will be passed by a simple majority of the votes cast, irrespective of the number of shares present or represented.


Procedures for attending and voting at the Meeting


Any shareholder registered in the Company’s share register on June 25, 2015 (the “Record Date”), shall be admitted to the Meeting. Such shareholder may attend the Meeting in person or vote by proxy. To vote by proxy, such shareholder must file a completed proxy form not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, located at 29, avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227, Luxembourg.


Any shareholder holding shares through fungible securities accounts wishing to attend the Meeting in person must present a certificate issued by the financial institution or professional depositary holding such shares, evidencing deposit of the shares and certifying the number of shares recorded in the relevant account as of the Record Date. Certificates certifying the number of shares recorded in the relevant account as of a date other than the Record Date will not be accepted and such shareholders will not be admitted to the Meeting. Certificates must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg.


Shareholders holding their shares through fungible securities accounts may also vote by proxy. To do so, they must present the above referred certificate, together with a completed proxy form. Such certificate and proxy form must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg.


Shareholders who wish to be represented and vote by proxy at the Meeting may obtain, free of charge, a proxy form at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Luxembourg time, beginning on June 1, 2015. In addition, beginning on June 1, 2015, shareholders may obtain, also free of charge, an electronic copy of such proxy form by sending an e-mail request to the following electronic address: ir@ternium.com. All proxy forms must be received by the Company, properly completed and signed, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date.






In the event of shares owned by a corporation or any other legal entity, individuals representing such entity who wish to attend the Meeting in person and vote at the Meeting on behalf of such entity, must present evidence of their authority to represent the shareholder at the Meeting by means of a proper document (such as a general or special power-of-attorney) issued by the relevant entity. A copy of such power of attorney or other proper document must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg. The original documentation evidencing the authority to attend, and vote at the Meeting, or a notarized and legalized copy thereof, must be presented at the Meeting.


Shareholders and proxy holders attending the Meeting in person will be required to identify themselves at the Meeting with a valid official identification document (e.g., identity card, passport).


Those shareholders who have sold their shares between the Record Date and the date of the Meeting may not attend nor be represented at the Meeting. In case of breach of such prohibition, criminal sanctions may apply.


Holders of American Depositary Receipts (the “ADRs”) as of June 11, 2015, are entitled to instruct The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary, to the exercise of the voting rights pertaining to the Company’s shares represented by such holder’s ADRs. Eligible holders of ADRs who desire to give voting instructions in respect of the shares represented by their ADRs must complete, date and sign a proxy form and return it to The Bank of New York Mellon at Proxy Services, C/O Computershare, PO Box 43126, Providence, RI 02940-5138, by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015. Holders of ADRs maintaining non-certificated positions must follow voting instructions given by their broker or custodian bank, which may provide for earlier deadlines for submitting voting instructions.


Copies of the Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement, the Company’s 2014 restated annual report on the restated consolidated financial statements (which includes the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, together with the board of directors’ and independent auditors’ reports thereon), are available on our website at http://www.ternium.com/en/ir-home beginning on June 1, 2015.  Copies of such documents are also available, free of charge, to ADR holders and shareholders registered in the Company’s share register at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Luxembourg time, beginning on June 1, 2015. In addition, beginning on June 1, 2015, shareholders registered in the Company’s share register may obtain, also free of charge, electronic copies of such documents by sending an e-mail request to the following electronic address: ir@ternium.com.


Arturo Sporleder

Secretary to the Board of Directors

June 1, 2015










Shareholder Meeting Brochure

and Proxy Statement
























Ternium S.A.

29, Avenue de la Porte Neuve

L-2227 Luxembourg

Grand Duché de Luxembourg


RCS Luxembourg B 98 668













Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement

Special General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in Luxembourg on June 30, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time).


This Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement is furnished by TERNIUM S.A. (the “Company”) in connection with the special general meeting of shareholders of the Company (the “Meeting”) to be held on June 30, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) at the Company’s registered office located at 29, avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227 Luxembourg, for the purposes set forth in the convening Notice of the Meeting (the “Notice”).

As of the date hereof, there are issued and outstanding 2,004,743,442 ordinary shares, USD 1.00 par value each, of the Company (the “Shares”), including Shares (the “Deposited Shares”) deposited with The Bank of New York Mellon (the “Depositary”) under the Deposit Agreement, dated as of January 31, 2006 (the “Deposit Agreement”), among the Company, the Depositary and owners and beneficial owners from time to time of American Depositary Receipts (the “ADRs”) issued thereunder. The Deposited Shares are represented by American Depositary Shares, which are evidenced by the ADRs (one ADR equals ten Deposited Shares). A subsidiary of the Company currently holds 41,666,666 Shares.

Each Share entitles the holder thereof to one vote at general meetings of shareholders of the Company. However, voting rights on the 41,666,666 Shares held by the Company’s subsidiary shall be suspended for so long as such Shares are so held.

Any shareholder registered in the Company’s share register on June 25, 2015 (the “Record Date”), shall be admitted to the Meeting. Such shareholder may attend the Meeting in person or vote by proxy. To vote by proxy, such shareholder must file a completed proxy form not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, located at 29, avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227 Luxembourg.

Any shareholder holding shares through fungible securities accounts wishing to attend the Meeting in person must present a certificate issued by the financial institution or professional depositary holding such shares, evidencing deposit of the shares and certifying the number of shares recorded in the relevant account as of the Record Date. Certificates attesting the number of shares recorded in the relevant account as of a date other than the Record Date will not be accepted and such shareholders will not be admitted to the Meeting. Certificates must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg.

Shareholders holding their shares through fungible securities accounts may also vote by proxy. To do so, they must present the above referred certificate, together with a completed proxy form. Such certificate and proxy form must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg.

Shareholders who wish to be represented and vote by proxy at the Meeting may obtain, free of charge, a proxy form at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Luxembourg time, beginning on June 1, 2015. In addition, beginning on June 1, 2015, shareholders may obtain, also free of charge, an electronic copy of such proxy form by sending an e- mail request to the following electronic address: ir@ternium.com. All proxy forms must be received by the Company, properly completed and signed, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date.









In the event of shares owned by a corporation or any other legal entity, individuals representing such entity who wish to attend the Meeting in person and vote at the Meeting on behalf of such entity, must present evidence of their authority to represent the shareholder at the respective Meeting by means of a proper document (such as a general or special power-of-attorney) issued by the relevant entity. A copy of such power of attorney or other proper document must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. (Luxembourg time) on the Record Date, at the Company’s registered office in Luxembourg. The original documentation evidencing the authority to attend, and vote, at the Meeting, or a notarized and legalized copy thereof, must be presented at the Meeting.

Shareholders and their proxies attending the Meeting in person will be required to identify themselves at the Meeting with a valid official identification document (e.g., identity card, passport).

Those shareholders who have sold their shares between the Record Date and the date of the Meeting may not attend nor be represented at the Meeting. In case of breach of such prohibition, criminal sanctions may apply.

Each holder of ADRs as of June 11, 2015, is entitled to instruct the Depositary as to the exercise of the voting rights pertaining to the Shares represented by such holder’s ADRs. Any eligible holder of ADRs who desires to give voting instructions in respect of the Shares represented by such holder’s ADRs must complete, date and sign a proxy form and return it to The Bank of New York Mellon at Proxy Services, C/O Computershare, PO Box 43126, Providence, RI 02940-5138, by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015. If the Depositary receives properly completed instructions by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015, then it shall endeavor, insofar as practicable, to vote or cause to be voted the shares underlying such ADRs in the manner prescribed by the instructions. However, if by 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015, the Depositary receives no instructions from the holder of ADRs, or the instructions received are not in proper form, then the Depositary shall deem such holder to have instructed the Depositary to give, and the Depositary shall give, a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the Company with respect to that amount of Shares underlying such ADRs to vote such Shares in favor of any proposals or recommendations of the Company (including any recommendation by the Company to vote such Shares on any issue in accordance with the majority shareholders’ vote on that issue) as determined by the appointed proxy. No instruction shall be deemed given and no discretionary proxy shall be given with respect to any matter as to which the Company informs the Depositary that (x) it does not wish such proxy given, (y) substantial opposition exists, or (z) the matter materially and adversely affects the rights of the holders of ADRs.

Any holder of ADRs is entitled to revoke or revise any instructions previously given to the Depositary by filing with the Depositary a written revocation or duly executed instructions bearing a later date at any time prior to 12:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 25, 2015. No instructions, revocations or revisions thereof will be accepted by the Depositary after that time.

In order to avoid the possibility of double vote, the Company’s ADR books will be closed for cancellations from June 11, 2015 until June 25, 2015. However, holders of ADRs will not have their ADRs blocked for trading on the New York stock exchange.









Holders of ADRs maintaining non-certificated positions must follow voting instructions outlined by their broker or custodian bank, which may provide for earlier deadlines for submitting voting instructions than that indicated above.

The Meeting will appoint a chairperson pro tempore to preside over the Meeting. The chairperson pro tempore will have broad authority to conduct the Meeting in an orderly and timely manner and to establish rules, (including rules for shareholders (or proxy holders) to speak and ask questions at the Meeting); the chairperson may exercise broad discretion in recognizing shareholders who wish to speak and in determining the extent of discussion on each item of the agenda.

Pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Association and Luxembourg law, resolutions at the Meeting will be passed by a simple majority of the votes cast, irrespective of the number of Shares present or represented.

The Special General Meeting of Shareholders is called to address and vote on the following agenda:

1.  Consideration of the board of directors’ and independent auditors’ reports on the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014

In connection with the restatement of the Company’s consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, which will be subsequently submitted for approval at this Meeting, the Board of Directors and the independent auditors have reissued their reports on such restated financial statements.

The reports from the Board of Directors and the independent auditors on the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014 are included in the Company’s 2014 restated annual report on the restated consolidated financial statements, a copy of which is available to shareholders and ADR holders beginning on June 1, 2015, as indicated in this Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement.

Draft resolution proposed to be adopted: “to acknowledge the board of directors’ and independent auditors’ reports on the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014.

2.  Approval of the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014.

Following the conclusion of previously disclosed discussions with the Staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regarding Staff’s comments relating to the carrying value of the Company’s investment in Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. – Usiminas (“Usiminas”) under International Financial Reporting Standards, the Company has restated its consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, previously approved by the Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on May 6, 2015.  The Staff had requested information regarding the Company’s value in use calculations and the differences between the carrying amounts and certain other indicators of value, including the purchase price of BRL12 (approximately USD4.8) per share which the Company paid in October 2014 for the acquisition of 51.4 million additional Usiminas ordinary shares from Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brazil – PREVI (“PREVI”), and indicated that the PREVI transaction price provided objective evidence of the value of the Usiminas investment.  As a result of these discussions, the Company has re-evaluated and revised the assumptions used to calculate the carrying value of the Usiminas investment at September 30, 2014 and subsequent periods. In calculating the value in use of the Usiminas investment initially reported at September 30, 2014, the Company had combined the assumptions used in two different projected scenarios. For the purposes of the restatement of the financial statements, however, the Company recalculated value in use as of September 30, 2014, based primarily on the assumptions in the most conservative scenario, including, among other revisions, an increase in the discount rate. Accordingly, the Company’s 2014 annual consolidated financial statements have been amended and restated to reduce the carrying amount of the Company’s investment in Usiminas. The restatement impacts the consolidated statement of financial position, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of other comprehensive income and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2014. The restatement impacts only the year ended December 31, 2014. No impact was recorded on the financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012.









The Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014 were approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on May 28, 2015.

The Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014 (comprising the restated consolidated balance sheets of the Company and its subsidiaries and the related restated consolidated income statements, restated consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity, restated consolidated cash flow statements and the restated notes to such restated consolidated financial statements), are included in the Company’s 2014 restated annual report on the restated consolidated financial statements, a copy of which is available to shareholders and ADR holders beginning on June 1, 2015, as indicated in this Shareholder Meeting Brochure and Proxy Statement.

Draft resolution proposed to be adopted: “to approve the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014.


Arturo Sporleder

Secretary to the Board of Directors


June 1, 2015











Ternium S.A.

Restated Annual Report on
the Consolidated Financial Statements
for fiscal year 2014




Company Profile and Strategy


Operating and Financial Highlights


Chairman’s Letter


Management Report


Business Review


Corporate Governance


Board of Directors and Senior Management


Investor Information


2014 Results. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


Consolidated Financial Statements



Ternium’s 2014 annual report was previously issued on March 27, 2015. This restated annual report reflects the restatement of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2014 in connection with the reduction of the carrying value of Ternium’s investment in Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. – Usiminas (“Usiminas”) to USD561.8 million as of September 30, 2014, following a revision of its value in use calculation. For more information concerning this restatement see note 2 b) “Restatement of previously issued financial statements” to our restated consolidated financial statements and “Ternium’s Investment in Usiminas - Impairment of carrying value of Usiminas Investment as of September 30, 2014” included elsewhere in this restated annual report.






Company Profile and Strategy


Ternium is a leading steel producer in Latin America. We manufacture and process a broad range of value-added steel products, including galvanized and electro-galvanized sheets, pre-painted sheets, tinplate, welded pipes, hot-rolled flat products, cold-rolled products, bars and wire rods as well as slit and cut-to-length offerings through our service centers.


Our customers range from large global companies to small businesses operating in the construction, automotive, home appliances, capital goods, container, food and energy industries. We aim to build close relationships with our customers and recognize that our success is closely linked with theirs.


Ternium has a deeply ingrained industrial culture. With approximately 16,900 employees and an annual production capacity of 11 million tons of finished steel products, Ternium has production facilities located in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, the southern United States and Guatemala, as well as a network of service and distribution centers throughout Latin America that provide it with a strong position from which to serve its core markets.  In addition, Ternium participates in the control group of Usiminas, a leading steel company in the Brazilian steel market.


Our proximity to local steel consuming markets enable us to differentiate from our competitors by offering valuable services to our customer base across Latin America.  Our favorable access to iron ore sources and proprietary iron ore mines in Mexico provide reduced logistics costs, and our diversified steel production technology enables us to adapt to fluctuating input-cost conditions.


We operate with a broad and long-term perspective, and we regularly work towards improving the quality of life of our employees, their families and the local communities where we operate.





Ternium S.A. (the “Company”) is a Luxembourg company and its American Depositary Shares, or ADSs, are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: TX). We refer to Ternium S.A. and its consolidated subsidiaries as “we,” “our” or “Ternium.”

The financial and operational information contained in this restated annual report is based on Ternium’s operational data and on the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, or IASB and adopted by the European Union (EU), or IFRS, and presented in U.S. dollars ($) and metric tons.








Operating and Financial Highlights




2014 1







20112 3


2010 2 3

STEEL SALES VOLUME (thousands of tons)






























Southern Region










Other Markets


















































Net sales










Operating income




















Equity in (losses) earnings of non-consolidated companies5










Profit before income tax expense










(Loss) profit for the year attributable to:










Owners of the Parent










Non-controlling interest










(Loss) profit for the year




















Capital expenditures










Free cash flow6




















BALANCE SHEET (millions of $)




















Total assets










Total financial debt










Net debt (cash) financial position










Total liabilities










Capital and reserves attributable to the owners of the parent










Non-controlling interest




















STOCK DATA ($ per share / ADS7)




















Basic (losses) earnings per share










Basic (losses) earnings per ADS










Proposed dividend per ADS




















Weighted average number of shares outstanding8










(thousand shares)












1 The consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 included in the previously issued annual report have been restated to reduce the carrying amount of the Company’s investment in Usiminas.

2 Starting on January 1, 2013, Peña Colorada and Exiros have been proportionally consolidated. Comparative amounts for the periods ended December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 show them as investments in non-consolidated companies and their results are included within “Equity in (losses) earnings of non-consolidated companies” in the consolidated income statement.

3 Ternium changed prospectively the functional currency of its Mexican subsidiaries to the U.S. dollar, effective as of January 1, 2012. For the periods ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 the functional currency for the Company's Mexican subsidiaries was the Mexican peso.

4 EBITDA equals operating income adjusted to exclude depreciation and amortization, and impairment charges.

5 Equity in earnings (losses) of non-consolidated companies in 2014 includes an impairment charge of $739.8 million on the Usiminas investment.

6 Free cash flow equals net cash provided by operating activities less capital expenditures.

7 Each ADS represents 10 shares.

8 Shares outstanding were 1,963,076,776 as of December 31 of each of 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011, and 2,004,743,442 as of December 31 of 2010.





Chairman’s Letter


In 2014, Ternium developed its activities in a context of a recovery in the Mexican economy alongside that of the U.S., together with a slowdown in economic growth in the rest of Latin America due to the decline of commodity prices and a very aggressive competitive environment due to the increase in steel imports from China.

The fall in commodity prices is affecting many of Latin America’s economies where growth which has been fuelled by high prices for commodity exports over the past few years has not been accompanied by growth in industrial activity and manufacturing employment. This is reflected in higher imports of steel products and manufactured goods in the region, particularly from China.

Direct exports of steel products from China to Latin America rose 56% year on year in 2014 to a record level of 8.3 million tons, representing 12% of total regional consumption. Indirect exports through manufactured goods also rose exponentially. There is a need for a vigilant and concrete response from industry, governments and unions and trade actions to prevent dumping and subsidized imports if the manufacturing base of the region’s economies is to be sustained.

The ongoing slowdown of the Chinese economy and, in particular, the abrupt change in steel intensity this year - Chinese apparent steel use grew 11% in 2013 but decreased 3% in 2014 -has resulted in substantial overcapacity and intensified competitive pressures throughout the steel industry worldwide. As Chinese producers seek to increase exports, prices for steel products have fallen to levels that threaten the sustainability of many producers.

In this context, Ternium maintained its profitability in 2014 through expanding its markets and range of products and working to reduce costs. Shipments rose 4% to a new record of 9.4 million tons reflecting the investments and solid positioning we have established in our Latin American markets and our focus on serving the industrial sector.

In Mexico, our shipments rose 13% year on year to reach 60% of our total shipments. The successful ramp-up of our new cold rolling mill and Tenigal hot-dipped galvanizing line in Pesquería, Mexico, has strengthened our positioning in the high-end steel markets. We are developing new products and certifying new steel grades, and our sales of differentiated products for the automotive and specialized industrial sectors are growing and displacing imported products.

In the rest of Latin America, however, our shipments declined. In Argentina, demand for our products was affected by weaker economic activity outside the energy sector with a particularly sharp decline in the automotive sector. In Colombia, despite growth in activity in the construction and industrial sectors, a surge in low-priced imports from China and other countries affected our sales of finished products.

Following the investments we have made in strengthening our industrial system, we set a number of new production records including record levels of hot rolled coil and galvanized products. In addition to our investments in capacity to produce differentiated products and to reduce energy costs for our Mexican operations, we are working on many different improvement projects throughout our industrial facilities with the aim of optimizing our operations and reducing costs.

Most important are the actions we have been taking to improve safety following the fatal accident in our Guerrero plant in 2013. With the technical assistance of Dupont, we have diagnosed potential process hazards at selected critical processes and are developing new safety management tools to address them. We are encouraged by the response and active participation of our employees in our safety hour routines and new training activities aimed at consolidating a culture of prevention and excellence, identifying potential hazards and avoiding risk. To help identify further opportunities for improvement, we are proceeding with the certification of our safety management systems under the OHSAS 18001 standard and expect to have completed this process in our main facilities in Mexico and Argentina by the end of 2015. And at the Guerrero plant, we are implementing an integral safety and environmental investment plan encompassing technological upgrades and replacement of outdated equipment, and the incorporation of new equipment and technologies to control emissions. Our safety and environmental indicators are improving but we will continue to work to improve all aspects of our safety performance.





Our initiatives to strengthen the industrial value chain in the countries where we operate by offering support and training for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) continues to generate interest with a record number of 940 companies participating. In 2014, we launched several new training programs and incorporated new platforms for collaboration with state entities. In Mexico, we made an agreement with the Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (National Entrepreneur Institute) to support selected SMEs with training and consultancy services associated to capital expenditure projects funded by the Institute. In Argentina, our commercial and institutional assistance efforts focused on the development of new business for SMEs, taking advantage of the solid expansion of oil and gas reserve development projects, in coordination with government financing arms.

Our investment in Usiminas suffered a setback this year. The deterioration in the Brazilian industrial environment and the downturn in international prices for iron ore and steel are affecting the company’s profitability. Despite the success shown in turning round the company’s operating and financial performance over the past three years, the board of directors of Usiminas passed a resolution on September 26, 2014 dismissing the company’s chief executive officer (Diretor-Presidente) and two other executives from their respective positions, following a controversy that arose within the Usiminas control group with respect to rules applicable to the appointment of senior managers. Although this situation remains unresolved9, I am confident that the long-term potential of Usiminas remains intact and that, with a strong management team, it can achieve the vision we originally set out for it.

In 2014, our earnings per ADS amounted to $2.3010. Our financial position is solid with a net debt equivalent to 1.2 times the last twelve months of EBITDA. We are proposing to increase the annual dividend by 20% to a level of $0.90 per ADS.

During 2014, Ternium made good progress in its expansion plans in Mexico through the ramp up of its investments in Pesquería and its commercial integration with end-user industrial customers. Throughout the company, we are working to differentiate ourselves from our competitors and to sustain a position of leadership through industrial excellence, product development and customer service. 2015 will bring new challenges but I am confident that the company will be successful in meeting them. I would like to thank our employees for their efforts and achievements during the past year. I would also like to thank our customers, suppliers and shareholders for their continuing support and confidence in our company.



Paolo Rocca



March 18, 2015

9   Ternium’s injunction request before the Belo Horizonte courts was ultimately denied subsequent to the issuance of this letter, on May 5, 2015.

10  Earnings per ADS as issued on February 18, 2015. This figure was restated to a loss per ADS of $1.01 subsequent to the issuance of this letter, on May 28, 2015.






Business Review


Steel consumption in the main steel markets of the Americas showed mixed performances in 2014. The steel markets of the U.S., Mexico and Colombia showed solid expansion in the year, reflecting healthy economic activity. On the other hand, consumption in the Argentine steel market was relatively stable in 2014 and consumption in the Brazilian steel market decreased, reflecting a slowdown in economic activity. Throughout 2014, Ternium continued to be the leading supplier of flat steel products in Mexico and Argentina, and a leading supplier of steel products in Colombia and Central America.


Ternium achieved record shipment volumes of 9.4 million tons in 2014. In Mexico, shipments increased an outstanding 13.0% year-over-year, on the back of the ramp-up of Ternium’s new facilities in Pesquería coupled with solid steel demand growth in that country. Mexico showed a moderate acceleration in economic activity in 2014, with steel market demand expanding by 11.7% year-over-year, according to the Latin American Steel Association, reflecting a vibrant industrial sector that continued increasing exports of manufactured goods, particularly to the U.S., and a slowly improving construction sector. Mexico continues to gain share in Ternium’s total steel shipments, with its participation increasing to 60.0% during 2014, from a 55.5% participation in 2013.


Shipments in the Southern Region and in Other Markets decreased year-over-year. Argentina’s economic activity showed a moderate contraction in 2014, as strong activity in the oil & gas sector was offset by weaker activity elsewhere. The economy was affected by macroeconomic imbalances and a less favorable external context, including a sharp deceleration of the Brazilian economy and a deflation process in international commodities markets.


Economic activity expanded in Colombia, the U.S. and Central America during 2014, resulting in a strong growth of steel consumption in these markets. Despite this, Ternium steel shipments decreased in 2014, due to the effect of increased steel imports penetration.


During 2014, the new industrial center in Pesquería, Nuevo León, Mexico, achieved its targeted production rates, following a period of ramp-up mainly during the first half of the year. Within the Pesquería industrial center, certain projects were developed by Ternium México and others by Tenigal, a company in which Ternium and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) hold 51% and 49% participations, respectively.  Through their state-of-the-art production lines, Ternium México’s cold-rolling mill and Tenigal’s hot-dipped galvanizing mill, this center produces high-end steel mainly targeting the automotive industry, with annual processing capacity of 1.5 million tons of cold-rolled steel and 400,000 tons of galvanized steel. The increased utilization rates of these facilities, following their ramp-up during 2014, is expected to enable Ternium to achieve record shipment levels in 2015, nearing 10 million tons of finished steel products for the whole year.


The construction of Techgen’s power plant has been progressing on schedule and within budget. Techgen is a joint venture company located in the Pesquería area of the State of Nuevo León, Mexico. The 900 megawatts power plant is expected to be operational by the end of 2016 at an estimated cost of $1.1 billion. The plant is expected to cover 100% of Ternium’s electricity requirements in Mexico and generate substantial cost savings.


Ternium’s support program for small- and medium-sized enterprises (ProPymes) continued growing in 2014 in Mexico and Argentina and now includes approximately 940 companies. Throughout its more than 10 years of existence, ProPymes has helped create an industrial network including customers, suppliers, technical schools, universities, business schools and governments, that has contributed to the improvement of the industry’s operating performance and to the reduction of investment barriers within our customers and suppliers. In 2015, ProPymes seeks to continue expanding its influence in Mexico through the incorporation of new SMEs into the program and the organization of a high profile annual industry convention.






Ternium’s environmental projects during 2014 continued focusing on the improvement of air emissions and wastewater treatment and disposal, and on the reduction or elimination of hazardous products from our manufacturing processes. Of note during the year was, in Argentina, the commissioning of new equipment in several facilities, including equipment to reduce particulate matter emissions in the coal charging process; to reduce emissions of sulphur and nitric oxides in the coking process of metallurgical coal; to abate carbon dioxide during the pig iron pouring process; and to de-dust the continuous casters tundishing process. In addition, during 2014, an energy efficiency program was launched in order to identify opportunities to develop and implement projects targeting savings in energy consumption. Furthermore, during the year Siderar continued with a new ISO 14001 certification procedure encompassing all of its steel processing facilities under a four-year certification program.


Ternium made progress in several projects under the Guerrero investment plan launched in 2013 encompassing industrial safety, environmental sustainability, maintenance and facility overhaul. Civil works started during 2014 in a number of projects in the iron ore reduction facilities, the steel shop and the cold-rolling mills, and engineering studies started for additional projects in the mentioned facilities. These capital expenditure programs aim at bringing Ternium’s Guerrero unit in Mexico to meet the most stringent environmental and safety norms in the world.


On safety management initiatives, during the second half of 2013 Ternium retained Dupont, a renowned authority in industrial safety, to evaluate opportunity areas in Ternium’s safety systems with focus on critical production processes, among other projects. As a result, during 2014 we advanced in the diagnosis and identification of process hazards at selected critical processes, and, accordingly, in the development of new safety management tools for such processes. In addition, during 2014 Ternium advanced in the development of, and undertook the first external audit of the documentary structure under a program aimed at obtaining the OHSAS 18001 certification for its largest facilities in Mexico and Argentina.


In 2014, we also strengthened our presence in Usiminas. Following the acquisition of 51.4 million additional ordinary shares of Usiminas on October 30, 2014, we now hold 32.9% of Usiminas’ ordinary shares and a participation in Usiminas’ results of 16.8%. Following the impairment of the carrying value of the Usiminas investment as of September 30, 2014 discussed elsewhere in this restated annual report, the investment in Usiminas as of December 31, 2014 amounts to $742.3 million. For further information on Ternium’s investment in Usiminas see note 14 “Investments in non-consolidated companies” to Ternium’s restated consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this restated annual report.



Steel Segment

Ternium’s shipments of steel products reached 9.4 million tons in 2014, a 4.4% increase compared with the 9.0 million tons achieved in the previous year. GDP in Latin America grew 1.2% in the year, lower than the 2.8% expansion rate in 2013, while the U.S. economy grew 2.4% in 2014, slightly higher than its 2.2% expansion rate in 2013.








Apparent demand for finished steel grew 0.6% year-over-year in Latin America in 2014, lower than its 3.3% expansion rate in 2013. In Mexico, the industrial sector advanced at a solid pace during the year while activity in the construction sector showed a slow improvement. In the main South American markets, construction activity stagnated during 2014 while industrial activity decreased year-over-year. Apparent demand for finished steel grew 11.7% in the United States, resuming the cycle of solid expansion seen in previous years.




During 2014, Ternium was the leading supplier of flat steel products in Mexico. Shipments to this market increased 13.0% year-over-year to 5.6 million tons, representing 60.0% of Ternium’s total steel shipments. Mexico’s GDP increased 2.1% year-over-year in 2014, evidencing an acceleration in economic activity versus the prior year. Apparent steel use increased 11.7% year-over-year to approximately 22.5 million tons in 2014 in the context of a broad expansion of Mexican industrial sector during the year.





Construction activity in Mexico remained flat in 2014. On the other hand, motor vehicles production increased a solid 9.8% year-over-year, confirming the continued outstanding performance of this sector in Mexico. With 3.2 million units produced in 2014, the Mexican automotive industry now ranks as the seventh largest car producer in the world.

11        Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook.

12        Source: World Steel Association, Latin American Steel Association and Ternium estimates.







Steel prices in the United States, which are a significant driver for steel prices in Mexico, remained range bound during most of 2014, following an upward trend in the second half of 2013, and began to trend downward during the fourth quarter 2014 in line with the downturn in international steel prices and a significant increase in imports into the U.S. market. Service center steel inventories remained range bound during the first half 2014 and increased during the second half of the year, partly responding to steel demand growth.


During 2014, Ternium continued running its integrated steelmaking facilities in Mexico at close to full capacity. We continued maximizing the use of direct reduced iron in the metallic mix of our steel shops (produced in our natural gas-based iron ore direct reduction units), which has been a cost efficient input compared with steel scrap given prevailing prices during the year. Our re-rolling facilities saw higher utilization rates in 2014 compared with those of the year prior, as our Guerrero unit’s hot strip mill #1, idled for most of 2013, has been operating since the end of 2013 due to an increased demand for its products.  As of year-end 2014, these facilities were operating at their targeted utilization rates.


Ternium’s capital expenditures in the steel segment in the country amounted to $201 million in 2014. The main investments carried out during the period included those made in the new cold rolling mill (Pesquería facility), in our mining activities, in the maintenance and enhancement of our iron ore reduction facilities and for the expansion of our service center capacity. The Pesquería facility is a new cold-rolling mill commissioned during 2013, with annual processing capacity of 1.5 million tons, designed to serve the dynamic Mexican industry. Our 2011-2014 high-end investment plan in our steel segment in Mexico has been mostly completed and focus has now shifted toward projects aimed at enhancing quality and productivity, and reducing costs.


Ternium expects GDP growth rates in Mexico to accelerate further this year as a result of higher infrastructure and construction spending and ongoing solid U.S. economic performance. Apparent steel use is expected to grow with a continued and broad expansion of the industrial sectors and a gradual rebound of construction activity, related to higher activity in infrastructure development and a rebound of residential projects.  In this context Ternium expects in 2015 to achieve new record shipment levels in the country, profiting from a higher utilization rate at its Pesquería industrial center.


Southern Region

The Southern Region encompasses the steel markets of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. During 2014, Ternium was the leading supplier of flat steel products in Argentina and a leading supplier of steel products in Paraguay and Uruguay.  Shipments in the Southern Region decreased 4.6% year-over-year in 2014 to 2.5 million tons, representing 26.8% of Ternium’s total steel shipments.

13         Source: Mexican Statistics and Geography Institute.

14         Source: Mexican Automotive Industry Association.






Argentina’s GDP records in 2014 showed a moderate contraction in activity, reflecting weak economic performance across the board. Apparent steel demand decreased slightly year-over-year to approximately 5.0 million tons, with a stagnant construction sector and a significant contraction of the automotive sector, all of which resulted in a decrease of Ternium’s shipments in the country.




Ternium’s shipments in the Paraguayan and Bolivian markets increased in 2014, while shipments in the Uruguayan market remained relatively stable and shipments to the Chilean market decreased compared with shipment levels in the year prior. The economies of these countries expanded in 2014, with GDP growth rates of between 2.0% and 5.2% year-over-year.


In 2014, Ternium’s Argentine subsidiary Siderar increased steel production by 9% compared with production levels in 2013, as Siderar has been ramping-up its new steelmaking facilities since the first quarter of the year and as steel production levels in 2013 were affected by the outage of Siderar’s blast furnace #2, which was idle during most of the second half of 2012 until February 2013. In the finishing facilities, utilization rates decreased compared with those of the previous year reflecting lower demand for finished steel products in the domestic Argentine market.


Siderar’s capital expenditures amounted to $189 million in 2014. During the year, Siderar made progress on several projects, including those for the expansion and enhancement of the coking facilities, for the expansion and enhancement of the steelmaking facilities (including a new continuous caster in the steel shop, inaugurated during the first quarter) and for the revamping of the hot-rolling mill.


Looking ahead to 2015, steel consumption is not expected to show growth in Argentina, in the context of a stagnant local economy and relatively weak demand growth in Brazil. During the year, Siderar expects to progress in the utilization of its new industrial facilities, a result of the investments performed in the latest years, particularly in those facilities that enable the production of high-end steel products that result in an increase in the added value of our steel shipments. Siderar’s capital expenditures focus in 2015 is planned to shift towards projects aimed at increasing steel processing capacity, increasing operating efficiency, enhancing process technology and reliability, and widening the product range.


Other Markets

Ternium’s sales to the rest of the world are shown under “Other Markets”, including major shipment destinations such as Colombia, the United States and Central America. During 2014, Ternium was a leading supplier of steel products in Colombia and Central America. In addition, Ternium continued serving customers in southern United States and in other countries throughout Latin America. Shipments to these markets, which represent 13.2% of Ternium’s total steel shipments, decreased 9.6% on average year-over-year in 2014 to 1.2 million tons.

15     Source: Argentine Statistics Institute.

16    Source: Argentine Automotive Producers Association.






Colombia’s GDP continued growing at a solid pace in 2014, reflecting a broad-based increase in activity. Apparent steel use increased 15.8% year-over-year to approximately 4.0 million tons, following an expansion of the construction and industrial sectors. Crude steel production rates at our Colombian facilities increased 27% year-over-year in 2014 following the completion, in 2013, of a new de-dusting system at its steel shop. Finished steel production decreased in 2014, however, as the indicated increase in production of integrated steel products was more than offset by lower production of non-integrated steel products due to the effect of increased steel imports penetration in this market. As a result, Ternium’s steel shipments in the country decreased slightly in 2014 when compared with the prior year.


The U.S. economy continued recovering during 2014, with GDP growth of 2.4% and apparent steel use increasing strongly year-over-year to approximately 106.9 million tons. Ternium’s shipments to this country, however, decreased slightly year-over-year in 2014 due to the effect of record steel import penetration in the U.S. market.


Ternium’s shipments to Central American steel markets decreased in 2014 despite the continued economic activity expansion in these regions, with GDP growth rates estimated at between 1.7% and 6.6% year-over-year, due to the effect of increased steel imports penetration in these markets.



Mining Segment

Ternium has iron ore production facilities in Mexico. We conduct our mining activities through Las Encinas, a company in which we have a 100% equity interest, and Consorcio Peña Colorada, a company in which we have a 50% interest (with ArcelorMittal having the other 50% interest). ArcelorMittal and Ternium each receive 50% of total iron ore production of Consorcio Peña Colorada. Most of our iron ore production is consumed internally at Ternium’s steelmaking facilities in Mexico and small quantities are sold to third parties. In 2014, Ternium’s mining segment reported shipments of 3.9 million tons of iron ore, a 9% decrease compared with 2013 primarily attributable to lower iron ore production at Consorcio Peña Colorada.


Las Encinas

Las Encinas produces iron ore pellets and magnetite concentrate. As of the end of 2014, Las Encinas was operating the Aquila open pit iron ore mine, located in Michoacán, and El Chilillo open pit iron ore mine, a small body located in Jalisco. The Las Encinas facilities include two crushing plants located close to each of the Aquila and El Encino mines, and a concentration and pelletizing plant located in Alzada, Colima.


Las Encinas’ saleable production (pellets and concentrates) reached 2.1 million tons in 2014, slightly higher than the 2.0 million tons achieved in 2013. Iron ore reserves as of December 31, 2014 were 23 million tons on a run-of-mine basis (with a 41% average iron grade). Las Encinas’ combined active mines life was estimated at 6 years as of the end of 2014. Capital expenditures during the year reached $13 million, mainly related to maintenance and upgrade of equipment, and exploration activities.


Consorcio Peña Colorada

Consorcio Peña Colorada produces iron ore pellets and magnetite concentrate. As of the end of 2014, it was operating the Peña Colorada open pit iron ore mine, located in Colima. The Consorcio Peña Colorada facilities include a concentration facility located at the mine and a two-line pelletizing plant located near the Manzanillo seaport on the Pacific coast in Colima.






Consorcio Peña Colorada’s saleable production (pellets and concentrates) was 3.6 million tons in 2014, lower than the 3.9 million tons achieved in 2013, mainly as a result of a decrease in the average ferrous content of the iron ore. Iron ore reserves as of December 31, 2014 were 241 million tons on a run-of-mine basis (with a 23% average iron grade). Consorcio Peña Colorada’s combined active mines life was estimated at 17 years as of the end of 2014.


Ternium’s share in Peña Colorada’s capital expenditures during the year amounted to $33 million, mainly related to maintenance and upgrade of equipment, and exploration activities. During 2014, Consorcio Peña Colorada’s shareholders approved the investments required to increase the processing capacity of its crushing, grinding and concentration facilities to raise iron ore concentrate production levels back to 4.5 million tons per year. The project is expected to be completed in 2016.



Support Program for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

As it has been doing for several years, with the aim at bolstering growth of its domestic steel markets, Ternium continued sponsoring a small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) support program called ProPymes. The program is focused on helping SMEs in the steel industry’s value chain grow through the enhancement of competitiveness and the stimulus of investments in the steel industry’s value chain. To achieve this, ProPymes provides a variety of services to SMEs along the value chain, including training, business advisory, institutional assistance, commercial support and financial aid. Through these means, ProPymes has helped create an industrial network that encourages the professionalization and quest for excellence of SMEs which, based on knowledge sharing, reciprocal learning and exchange of experiences, aims at the implementation along the whole value chain of the best practices utilized in the industry. ProPymes currently assists approximately 940 SMEs in Mexico and Argentina.


Ternium supervises the execution of the ProPymes programs through two departments operating under local management supervision in Mexico and Argentina.



ProPymes in Mexico selects participating SMEs according to their ability to increase their products’ competitiveness as suppliers, along with their capability to add value to steel products and their potential to increase exports or substitute imports as customers. Approximately 260 Mexican SMEs participate in ProPymes.


During 2014, new training programs were launched, including a new program for SMEs’ middle managers and supervisors focused on leadership, and a new program for workers and technicians comprising a broad range of business requirements. These new activities, which were organized in conjunction with a local institution and sponsored by the Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (National Entrepreneur Institute), or INADEM, and ProPymes, complement the ongoing program for SMEs’ managers, which is in its sixth year now.


ProPymes’ business development platforms incorporated a new cooperation agreement with INADEM during the year, through which selected SMEs are granted financial aid to fund their capital expenditure projects and related expenses, such as training programs and consultancy services. In addition, ProPymes consolidated during 2014 the activities of a recently created development committee that it leads together with the manufacturing industry’s chamber and Monterrey´s competitive center. The committee develops selected SMEs as suppliers of some chamber member companies by offering them consultancy services and training programs. During 2014, ProPymes participated, as it has done in previous years, in selected conferences and conventions intended to facilitate new commercial ties between SMEs and potential customers in the automotive sector and other industries that belong to the steel value chain.


In 2015, ProPymes intends to continue facilitating commercial relationships and sponsoring training and advisory activities to strengthen the steel industry’s value chain. In addition, the program is targeting an expansion of the number of participating SMEs and the startup of an annual convention in order to promote the sharing of know-how, reciprocal learning and the exchange of experiences among participating SMEs.







Approximately 680 Argentine SMEs participate in ProPymes. The size of the program’s activities continued to set new records during 2014, particularly those for the training of SME personnel. Of note during 2014, the first cohort of 28 students completed the SME management development program, a two year-long initiative launched during 2013. This part-time specialized course for selected SMEs middle managers and professionals is part of a broader career development strategy to attract and keep in SMEs employees with high potential.


During 2014, ProPymes furthered activities related to its corporate social responsibility program, an initiative aimed at helping SMEs build and consolidate long-term community relations, and the medium-term development of a qualified labor force. Under this program, students and teachers at selected technical schools were offered internships and training, respectively, with the aim of improving technical education. The program, launched in 2013 at five technical schools, showed solid expansion in 2014 with more than twice as many participating technical schools and internships offered compared with those of the previous year.


In addition, ProPymes renewed and expanded its offer of training activities, both those performed in-house and those performed at local educational institutions. These programs comprise a broad range of business requirements and target SME employees of all levels. Specifically during 2014, a new protocol and succession seminar was launched, aimed at assisting a number of family businesses undergo their governance transition processes. A new record for ProPymes’ training programs was achieved in 2014 with more than 3,000 participants, an increase of 25% compared with the record level of participants achieved in the previous year.


The program’s consulting area, one of ProPymes’ pillars, reached a new record of diagnostic reports and assistances performed with a 38% expansion year-over-year, including those for the use of automation technology, the development of health and safety protocols, the development of tools for training and human resources management, the implementation of management control systems, the development of competitive financing alternatives and the implementation of maintenance management.


During 2014, ProPymes commercial and institutional assistance efforts focused on the development of new business for SMEs, taking advantage of the solid expansion of oil and gas reserve development projects in Argentina. For this purpose ProPymes coordinated business meetings including SMEs representatives, oil and gas industry experts and governmental financing arms for SMEs.


In 2015, ProPymes intends to launch new training programs specialized in industrial company management and in media relations management. In addition, ProPymes intends to expand its ongoing programs to meet the increasing requirements of SMEs, particularly in fields such as career development strategies, training, consultancy, and commercial and institutional support for oil and gas-related business opportunities.



Product Research and Development

Product research and development activities at Ternium are conducted through a central Product Development Department in coordination with local teams that operate in several of our facilities. Applied research efforts are carried out in-house and in conjunction with universities and research centers, as well as through participation in international consortia. Ternium also develops new products and processes in cooperation with its industrial customers, prioritizing an early involvement scheme.






In 2014, Ternium’s product research and development activities focused mainly on the development of high-end flat steel products to gain market share in the automotive, home appliance, electric motors and oil and gas sectors. In this regard, during the year Ternium furthered the development, certification and production of advanced steel with high quality standards from its industrial center in Pesquería, currently the most modern of its kind in Latin America, with the aim at increasing its share of the Mexican automotive steel market and increasing the value added to its product sales mix.


In addition, Ternium launched a new range of interstitial-free ultra-low carbon steel grades with high silicon content and very low core loss for automotive, home appliance and electric motor applications, to consolidate the company’s competitiveness in certain industrial steel market segments in Mexico and Argentina. Some of these new developments were possible following the commissioning of a new steel vacuum degassing station and a new continuous caster in Argentina.


Industrial Products

During 2014, Ternium continued the development and certification of products and manufacturing processes with its customers in the automotive industry in Mexico and Argentina. These efforts were aimed at increasing Ternium’s share in the high-end steel market, especially of those products involving the utilization of its new Pesquería facilities. In addition, Ternium developed new manufacturing processes for steels with complex micro-structures, suitable for tough performance such as in bodyworks and rims, for special steel qualities for hydroforming and for steel qualities for hot-stamping, the latter currently at the approval stage. These new developments were also possible following the commissioning of the new facilities in Argentina.


For the oil and gas industry, during 2014 Ternium participated in the development of metallurgic studies for certain steel grades. This project aimed at improving its portfolio offerings for tube and pipe manufacturers serving such industry. The project is being developed in conjunction with the Tenaris Research Center and the University of Pittsburgh, and entails the evaluation and assessment of certain steel grades intended for use in sour service conditions. In addition, during the year Ternium launched the development of hot-rolled steel products suitable for the manufacturing of high-pressure welded pipes, given the new demand expected for these products stemming from the extension of natural gas pipelines in Mexico and Argentina.


In order to increase its participation in the electrical steel markets in Mexico, during 2014 Ternium launched the development of ultra-low carbon steel grades with high silicon content, which enhances steel magnetic properties. Early tests showed that the new products yielded significant improvements in terms of electric motor energy efficiency. The project has advanced to the customer certification stage.


For the home appliance industry, Ternium developed an early involvement strategy with the main home appliance manufacturers in Mexico and Argentina, a strategy that proved decisive in gaining market share in this segment. Under these arrangements, Ternium developed customized products and services, and provided technical assistance related to the shaping processes of new products parts.


During the year, Siderar continued its technical assistance to customers and its fostering of new technologies that enable the introduction of higher quality steels aimed at the improvement of the performance and the competitiveness of their products. Following the developments together with agricultural machinery and vehicle manufacturers in the year prior, during 2014 Siderar incorporated new developments together with can manufacturers that helped them increase market share through the introduction of new varnished products.


Applied Research

Ternium’s medium-term product research and development plans are based on a continuing assessment of steel product performance and the emerging requirements of the industry, carried out in close collaboration with leading steel customers and institutions. Based on customer needs, we improve, adapt and create new applications and define future technology requirements at our facilities.






During 2014, Ternium continued participating in leading research and development projects through international consortia and together with universities and research centers to further expand the required know-how for the development of new products. Consortia projects included the development of high-strength steel for applications in the pipe manufacturing and automotive industries, with the Colorado School of Mines, and the development of new coating technologies for applications in the automotive industry and of improvements in the galvanizing bath to optimize processes, with the International Zinc Association.


University and research center joint projects included the Mexican Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Nuevo León Autonomous University) for basic research on steel and steel coatings mechanical and chemical performance, the Mexican Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados (Advanced Materials Research Center) for hot-stamped steel coatings performance and electric steel efficiency performance, and the Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia (Argentine Steel Institute) for high-strength steel casting and hot rolling processing development.


Prospective Developments

During 2015, Ternium will focus on the optimization of its current product range design and on the development of new advanced hot-rolled steel such as dual phase, complex phase and martensitic steel products. These new developments will be possible as a result of the enhancement project for the hot rolling mill of our Monterrey unit, and are aimed at gaining share in Mexico’s automotive steel market segment.


During the year, Ternium will consolidate ongoing developments, such as the above mentioned certification of new products and processes related to its Pesquería facilities and its new steel vacuum degassing station and continuous caster. In addition, Siderar is expected to complete the development of special steel grades to fulfill the requirements of Mexican industrial customers.


In addition, Ternium expects to complete during 2015 the above mentioned development of metallurgic studies for oil and gas steel grades, aimed at improving its product portfolio for tube and pipe manufacturers.



Human Resources and Communities

Ternium had approximately 16,900 employees as of December 31, 2014, a figure similar to that at year-end 2013. During 2014, the company continued its medium-term personnel recruitment plans in the different regions, leaning mainly on the program for recent graduated professionals, a program that has contributed a majority of our current management and technologist positions. In addition, a number of students from different Latin American universities continued carrying out internships in different areas of the organization. The purpose of these internships is to offer students and the universities a professional experience within an actual business environment, and to serve as a tool to identify talent and to promote acquaintance between the company and its potential employees.


During 2014, Ternium continued investing in training with diverse programs aimed at satisfying the specific needs of the different business areas. Of note during the year was the development of a new safety training program, an activity involving all of the company’s areas and all of the company’s levels aimed at the achievement and consolidation of a safe and proactive behavior profile for Ternium’s personnel. In addition, during 2014 Ternium launched two new continuous improvement and energy savings training programs, and also launched the second stage of its leaders training program, an activity initiated in 2013 aimed at the development of skills required specifically by personnel in leadership positions.






Throughout the year, the company continued its established training programs for young professionals, which it considers key for the development of its future managers, technicians and experts. In addition, the company continued during 2014 several in-company post-graduate as well as customized courses, launched in 2013, focused on performance and technical knowledge. These courses enable employees to learn the latest concepts and tools in their relevant fields, and encourage them to achieve the highest possible levels of productivity and operating efficiency. Ternium continued enabling the financial support and contributions to different joint industry and university programs, including the endowment of Chairs at certain universities and the funding of scholarship and fellowship grants to talented undergraduate and graduate students of engineering and applied sciences in selected countries. Throughout the year, the company continued to host various courses for graduate and undergraduate students and fostered conferences on technical subjects related to the steel industry.


During 2014, Siderar continued its work attendance program, an activity launched in 2012 with the purpose of increasing work attendance and strengthening commitment, teamwork and an industrial culture among its workers. Of note was the 10% improvement recorded in its attendance indicators during 2014, compared with those recorded at the program’s initiation. Among the initiatives aimed at fostering the quality of life of its employees, in and out of the workplace, during 2014 the company continued expanding its flexible working program, including the construction of remote office space, the introduction of the flexible Friday timetable and the implementation of teleworking as an addition to paternity leave. Moreover, the company continued with its sports and fitness fostering programs, clinical examination and disease prevention campaigns, scholarship and leisure programs for the employees’ children, and loan programs for home improvement and special situations.


Community Relations

With an eye toward prioritizing our long-term relationships in the communities where we operate, Ternium’s social programs in 2014 continued seeking to strengthen its communities and to deepen its insertion in them, working together with local institutions to identify priorities and develop projects in the areas of education and social integration, health and sports, and culture dissemination.


On education and social integration-related initiatives, a sponsored technical module continued to be taught in some technical schools of the state of Nuevo León, Mexico. This module has been designed to teach the skills required to perform operational and maintenance works in steelmaking facilities. In addition, during the year Ternium furthered its support to a local technical school, including activities such as the upgrading of teachers’ skills and school’s management, and improvements in the school’s infrastructure and equipment. These initiatives aim at securing Ternium’s access to a trained labor force in the medium term.


In the Ramallo and Ensenada industrial areas of Argentina, Siderar continued to support a program aimed at strengthening local technical schools, an endeavor initiated in 2006 involving the Argentine government, Siderar, and several technical schools near Siderar’s facilities. Over time, this program has secured Ternium’s access to a trained labor force, with a noticeable upgrade of the graduates’ skills. Under this program, Siderar continued providing technical scholarships at its workshops and training at its operating areas in the industrial centers, and carried on technical training programs in the schools. In addition, the company continued cooperating with schools’ infrastructure improvement activities together with the Hermanos Agustín y Enrique Rocca foundation.


In addition, during 2014 Ternium continued financing programs aimed at the improvement of basic education. In Mexico, Ternium supported basic schools in Monterrey and shop academies in Pihuamo, Aquila and Alzada. Likewise, in Argentina, Siderar continued supporting a pilot scheme launched in 2013 involving basic schools located in Ramallo and San Nicolás. Furthermore, during 2014 Ternium and Siderar launched a new volunteer program for the restoration and refurbishing of several community educational centers in Pesquería, Mexico, and in San Nicolás, Argentina. Works under this program included maintenance, restoration and enhancement of the schools’ infrastructure with the participation of Ternium’s employees and the involvement of the schools’ teachers, managers, students’ relatives, and neighbors. The program was supported and financed by Ternium or Siderar and the Hermanos Agustín y Enrique Rocca foundation, as well as by other companies operating in the steel industry value chain.






Together with the Hermanos Agustín y Enrique Rocca foundation, Ternium and Siderar continued supporting  the financing of scholarships for high performance students from the communities in different countries, including as from 2014 those in the community of Nuevo León, Mexico.


On health-care, sports and culture dissemination-related initiatives, during 2014 the Ternium continued organizing health fairs in different cities aimed at increasing the community’s awareness and basic understanding of how to prevent and take care of various health issues. In addition, Ternium continued supporting a basic health care unit in Aquila, Mexico. The company continued organizing, among other activities, its annual local marathons and cinema festivals, achieving a new record of participants. These traditional events that take place every year in Colima and Monterrey, Mexico, and in San Nicolás, Argentina, were also organized in Puebla, Mexico, starting in 2014.



Environment, Health and Safety

Ternium reaffirms environmental protection and the individual’s health and safety as a paramount value, holding its personnel responsible for the observance of this value and encouraging the promotion and sharing of related policies with the company’s value chain and with the communities where it operates. Ternium’s environment, health and safety policies abide by the World Steel Association’s policy statement and its principles for excellence in safety and occupational health, and by the ISO 14000 environmental management international standard directives.


Ternium participates in the World Steel Association (worldsteel) forums. These forums, which are focused on sustainable development, environment, safety and occupational health, develop consistent measurements, statistics and databases of selected variables aiming to enable steelmaking companies to benchmark performance, share state-of-the-art best practices and ultimately set industrial process improvement plans. These forums include the Climate Change Policy, Life Cycle Assessment, Carbon Dioxide Data Collection Program, Water Management, Sustainability Reporting, and Safety and Occupational Health Committee groups and their working subgroups. During 2014, activities intensified in relation to the sharing of best practices among Ternium’s facilities.


During 2014, Ternium’s operations in Mexico revalidated their clean industry certificates under the Mexican Government’s National Environmental Voluntary Program, including its steel and in-use mining facilities. In Argentina, Siderar revalidated the ISO 14001 certificates, where applicable, for its local facilities. During the year, Siderar carried on with a new ISO 14001 certification procedure encompassing all of its steel processing facilities under a four-year program. The first new ISO 14001 certifications are expected to be achieved during the second quarter of 2015.


Safety management improvements for critical production processes

During the second half of 2013, Ternium retained Dupont, a renowned authority in industrial safety, to evaluate opportunity areas in Ternium’s safety systems with focus on critical production processes, among other initiatives. As a result, during 2014 we advanced in the diagnosis and identification of process hazards at selected critical processes, and, accordingly, in the development of new safety management tools for such processes. Ternium is currently evaluating the expansion of this initiative to all of its identified critical processes.








OHSAS 18001 certification project

The Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) standard is the result of a concerted effort from a number of the world’s leading national standards bodies, certification bodies and specialist consultancies to help develop safety management systems with the highest level of excellence. Ternium intends to obtain the OHSAS 18001 certification for its largest facilities in Mexico and Argentina, with the aim at finding new opportunities to improve its safety management systems. During 2014, Ternium advanced in the development of the documentary structure and undertook the first external documentary audit. During 2015, we expect to obtain the OHSAS 18001 certification for our Guerrero and Pesquería units in Mexico and for our San Nicolás and Ensenada units in Argentina.


Environmental and safety investment plan at Ternium’s Guerrero unit

Following the launch of a thorough investment plan at the Guerrero unit in 2013, encompassing industrial safety, environmental sustainability, maintenance and facility overhaul, during 2014 Ternium achieved significant improvements in different areas of the unit. Advanced projects included a technological upgrade of the iron ore feeding systems of the direct reduction modules, expected to be completed during the second half of 2015. This project aims at improving the facilities’ process control conditions.


Other main ongoing projects include a new hydrochloric acid regeneration plant that stores and process acid consumed by the pickling lines of the cold-rolling mills; the construction of a briquetting plant to process metallic fines produced in the direct reduction modules; the installation of a secondary de-dusting system in the steel shop to enhance control over emissions; and several improvements in the processing and handling of steel slag in the steel shop. These projects, expected to be concluded during the second half of 2016, aim at further improving environmental conditions throughout the unit. Furthermore, the program includes complementary investments such as the replacement of pickling tanks, improvements in the treatment of sludge and raw material storage yards, and safety improvements in vehicular traffic.


Ongoing investments in different areas are designed to enhance safety and environmental measures in order to bring the Guerrero plant up to the most stringent norms and standards in the world.


Ternium’s safety indicators in 2014

Average injury rates at Ternium’s facilities continued improving after the renewal of our health and safety programs in 2010; our injury rates, which were adversely affected by the tragic accident at the Guerrero unit in 2013, reached new lows in 2014. Our average injuries frequency rate 17 (IFR) and lost-time injuries frequency rate 18 (LTIFR) were 2.6 and 0.8, respectively, in 2014. These measurements cover all of Ternium’s facilities other than Ferrasa S.A.S. (“Ferrasa”) in Colombia (excluded for comparability purposes), and include both our personnel and the personnel of third-party contractors operating in our facilities. Ternium’s health and safety policies began to be implemented in Ferrasa soon after its acquisition in August 2010, with consistent improvements in its safety ratios since then.



*   Does not include Ferrasa


17       Injuries frequency rate refers to total quantity of injuries per million of hours worked.

18       Lost time injuries frequency rate refers to quantity of day-loss injuries per million of hours worked.







Emissions Control

As part of its ongoing strategy to reduce dust emissions, during 2014 Siderar commissioned new equipment in several facilities, including, in the coking batteries, a new smokeless coal charging car that reduces particulate matter emissions during the coal charging process; in the by-products plant, new state-of-the-art equipment for the treatment of coke oven by-product gases that reduces the emissions of sulphur and nitric oxides generated in the coking process of metallurgical coal; in the blast furnaces, three new cabins for emissions abatement during the pig iron pouring process; and, in a scrap processing yard, a new de-dusting system for the processing of worn out equipment.


These activities are part of an ongoing program that monitors and reviews our facilities, aimed at maximizing the efficient use of energy resources, the re-use of by-products and the appropriate treatment and disposal of wastes, air emissions and wastewater. During 2015, Siderar expects to commission a new de-dusting system for the slag pouring process of torpedo ladle cars used in the transportation of liquid pig iron from the blast furnaces to the steel shop. In addition, Ternium intends to commission a new scrap shredder for our scrap-based steel shop in Colombia, which is expected to enable a reduction in emissions through a higher availability of cleaner and dimensioned steel scrap.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Efficiency

The accompanying chart shows Ternium’s estimated emission of carbon dioxide per ton of liquid steel produced, as reported to worldsteel. We support the steel industry’s ongoing efforts to develop innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the lifecycle of steel products. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the steel industry accounts for approximately 6-7% of total world GHG emissions.


Our steel production facilities in Mexico have achieved GHG-specific emission levels that are close to the theoretical minimum. In Argentina, Siderar’s GHG-specific emission levels are close to the industry average for blast furnace technology.


During 2014, an energy efficiency program was launched in order to identify opportunities and develop and implement projects targeting savings in energy consumption. This long-term initiative encompasses all of Ternium’s facilities.



Ternium’s Investment in Usiminas

As of December 31, 2014, Ternium, through its subsidiaries Ternium Investments, Siderar, and Siderar’s subsidiary Prosid, owned 166.1 million ordinary shares of Usiminas, representing 32.9% of Usiminas’ ordinary shares. Of these, 114.7 million ordinary shares are subject to the shareholders’ agreement that governs the rights and obligations of the Usiminas control members (representing a 35.6% interest within that group), while 51.4 million shares (acquired in October 2014 through the transaction described below) are not subject to the shareholders agreement, although during the term of that agreement Ternium is required to vote such shares in accordance with the control group’s decisions.






Ternium has a 16.8% participation in Usiminas’ results, included in the item “results of non-consolidated companies”. Following the impairment of the carrying value of the Usiminas investment as of September 30, 2014 discussed elsewhere in this restated annual report, the investment in Usiminas as of December 31, 2014 amounts to $742.3 million. For further information on Ternium’s investment in Usiminas see note 14 “Investments in non-consolidated companies” to Ternium’s restated consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this restated annual report.


In 2014, Usiminas reported net income attributable to shareholders of BRL129.6 million, compared with a net loss attributable to shareholders of BRL141.7 million in 2013. Net revenues were BRL11.7 billion in 2014, down 8% year-over-year, on steel shipments of 5.5 million tons and iron ore shipments of 5.6 million tons, down 11% and 17% year-over-year, respectively. Net income attributable to shareholders was a gain of BRL272.9 million in the first nine months of 2014 and a loss of BRL143.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2014. During that fourth quarter, low investments, weak consumption, strong imports and high inventories affected Brazilian steel-intensive industrial sectors such as the capital goods, durable goods, vehicles, and machinery and equipment sectors. Consolidated adjusted EBITDA reached BRL1.9 billion during 2014, up 3% year-over-year, representing 16% of net sales. As of year-end 2014, Usiminas net debt was BRL3.8 billion, equivalent to 2.1 times last twelve months’ EBITDA.


On October 30, 2014, Ternium acquired from Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil (PREVI) 51.4 million ordinary shares of Usiminas at a price of BRL12 per share, for a total amount of BRL616.7 million.


Impairment of carrying value of Usiminas Investment as of September 30, 2014

Following the conclusion of previously disclosed discussions with the Staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regarding Staff comments relating to the carrying value of the Company’s investment in Usiminas under IFRS as of September 30, 2014 and subsequent periods, Ternium re-evaluated and revised the assumptions used to calculate the value in use of its investment in Usiminas. As a result, the Company restated its financial statements to reduce the carrying amount of the Usiminas investment to USD561.8 million as of September 30, 2014. The consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 were also restated to reflect the lower carrying value of the Usiminas investment. For more information concerning this restatement see note 2 b) “Restatement of previously issued financial statements” to our restated consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this restated annual report.


Controversy within Usiminas’ Control Group

On September 26, 2014, the board of directors of Usiminas passed a resolution dismissing the company’s chief executive officer (Diretor-Presidente) and two other executives from their respective positions on the Usiminas board of officers. The board resolution dismissing the officers was passed with a 5 to 5 vote, including the positive vote of the NSSMC Group-appointed members and the negative vote of the Ternium/Tenaris (T/T) Group and Previdência Usiminas (CEU)-appointed members, and the tie was resolved by the chairman of the board through his casting vote.


The dismissal of the officers is part of a controversy that arose within the Usiminas’ control group with respect to rules applicable to the appointment of senior managers. Ternium believes that the votes cast by the NSSMC Group-appointed members were computed in violation of the shareholders agreement that governs the rights of the members of the Usiminas’ control group. Following the dismissal of the officers, a temporary CEO was elected with the same votes that decided the dismissal, until a new board of officers is agreed between the T/T Group and the NSSMC Group.


As a result of these circumstances, Ternium took several actions to protect its rights and investment in Usiminas, including an injunction request in the Belo Horizonte courts (ultimately denied on May 5, 2015) and several complaints with the Brazilian securities regulator. Similarly, Usiminas’ Supervisory Board challenged the chairman’s actions. As of the date of this restated annual report, the proceedings before the Brazilian securities regulators are ongoing, as is the controversy within the control group.





Corporate Governance


The Company

The Company is a public limited liability company (société anonyme) organized under the laws of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Its object and purpose, as set forth in Article 2 of its articles of association, is the taking of interests, in any form, in corporations or other business entities, and the administration, management, control and development thereof. The Company is registered under the number B98 668 in Luxembourg’s Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés.


Shares; Shareholders’ Meetings

The Company’s authorized share capital is fixed by the Company’s articles of association, as amended from time to time, with the approval of shareholders at an extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting. The Company has an authorized share capital of a single class of 3.5 billion shares having a nominal value of $1.00 per share. The general extraordinary meeting of shareholders held on May 6, 2015, renewed the validity of the Company’s authorized share capital until 2020. As of December 31, 2014, there were 2,004,743,442 shares issued and outstanding.


The Company’s articles of association authorize the board of directors or any delegate(s) duly appointed by the board of directors, to issue shares within the limits of its authorized share capital against contributions in cash, contributions in kind or by way of incorporation of available reserves, at such times and on such terms and conditions as the board of directors or its delegates may determine. The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on May 6, 2015 renewed this authorization through 2020.


Under Luxembourg law, the Company’s existing shareholders have a pre-emptive right to subscribe for any new shares issued for cash. The Company’s shareholders have authorized the board of directors to waive, suppress or limit such pre-emptive subscription rights and related procedures to the extent it deems such waiver, suppression or limitation advisable for any issue or issues of shares within the authorized share capital. However, our articles of association provide that, if and from the date the Company’s shares are listed on a regulated market (and only for as long as they are so listed), any issuance of shares for cash within the limits of the authorized share capital shall be subject to the pre-emptive subscription rights of the then-existing shareholders, except in the following cases (in which cases no pre-emptive rights shall apply):





§  any issuance of shares for, within, in conjunction with or related to, an initial public offering of the Company’s shares on one or more regulated markets (in one or more instances);





§  any issuance of shares against a contribution other than in cash;







§  any issuance of shares upon conversion of convertible bonds or other instruments convertible into shares; provided, however, that the pre-emptive subscription rights of the then existing shareholders shall apply by provision of the Company’s articles of association in connection with any issuance of convertible bonds or other instruments convertible into shares for cash; and






§  any issuance of shares (including by way of free shares or at a discount), up to an amount of 1.5% of the issued share capital of the Company, to directors, officers, agents or employees of the Company, its direct or indirect subsidiaries, or its Affiliates (as such term is defined in the Company’s articles of association), including without limitation the direct issue of shares upon the exercise of options, rights convertible into shares, or similar instruments convertible or exchangeable into shares issued for the purpose of, or in relation to, compensation or incentive of any such persons.






Our articles of association provide that our annual ordinary general shareholders’ meetings must take place in Luxembourg on the first Wednesday of every May at 2:30 p.m., Luxembourg time. At these meetings, our annual financial statements are approved and the members of our board of directors are elected. No attendance quorum is required at annual ordinary general shareholders’ meetings and resolutions are adopted by a simple majority vote of the shares represented at the meeting. There are no limitations currently imposed by Luxembourg law on the rights of non-resident shareholders to hold or vote the Company’s shares.


On May 6, 2015, the annual general meeting of shareholders of Ternium S.A. authorized the board of directors to delegate the management of the Company’s day-to-day business and the authority to represent and bind the Company with his sole signature in such day-to-day management to Mr. Daniel Agustin Novegil, and to appoint Mr. Novegil as chief executive officer (administrateur délégué) of the Company. Following the adjournment of such annual general meeting, the board of directors resolved to delegate such management and representation authority to Mr. Novegil and to reappoint Mr. Novegil as chief executive officer (administrateur délégué) of the Company.


American Depositary Shares (ADSs)

Each ADS represents ten shares. Holders of ADSs only have those rights that are expressly granted to them in the deposit agreement dated January 31, 2006, among the Company, The Bank of New York Mellon (formerly The Bank of New York), as depositary, and all owners and beneficial owners from time to time of ADRs of the Company. ADS holders may not attend or directly exercise voting rights in shareholders’ meetings, but may instruct the depositary how to exercise the voting rights for the shares which underlie their ADSs. Holders of ADSs maintaining non-certificated positions must follow instructions given by their broker or custodian bank.


Share and ADS Repurchases

The Company may repurchase its own shares in the cases and subject to the conditions set by the Luxembourg law of August 10, 1915, as amended. The ordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on June 2, 2010 authorized the Company and the Company’s subsidiaries to acquire shares of the Company, including shares represented by American Depositary Shares, or ADSs, at such times and on such other terms and conditions as may be determined by the board of directors of the Company or the board of directors or other governing body of the relevant Company subsidiary, provided that, among other conditions, the maximum number of shares, including shares represented by ADSs, acquired pursuant to the authorization may not exceed 10% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares or, in the case of acquisitions made through a stock exchange in which the shares or ADSs are traded, such lower amount as may not be exceeded pursuant to any applicable laws or regulations of such market, and that the purchase price per ADS to be paid in cash may not exceed 125% (excluding transaction costs and expenses), nor may it be lower than 75% (excluding transaction costs and expenses), in each case of the average of the closing prices of the ADSs in the New York Stock Exchange during the five trading days in which transactions in the ADSs were recorded in the New York Stock Exchange preceding (but excluding) the day on which the ADSs are purchased. In the case of purchases of shares other than in the form of ADSs, the maximum and minimum per share purchase prices shall be equal to the prices that would have applied in case of an ADS purchase pursuant to the formula above divided by the number of underlying shares represented by an ADS at the time of the relevant purchase.


As of the date of this report, Ternium held 41,666,666 of its own shares. Those shares were purchased from Usiminas on February 15, 2011, concurrently with the closing of an underwritten public offering by Usiminas of Ternium ADSs.


Board of Directors

The Company’s articles of association provide for a board of directors consisting of a minimum of five members (when the shares of the Company are listed on a regulated market, as they currently are) and a maximum of fifteen. The board of directors is vested with the broadest powers to act on behalf of the Company and accomplish or authorize all acts and transactions of management and disposition that are within its corporate purpose and are not specifically reserved in the articles of association or by applicable law to the general shareholders’ meeting.






The board of directors is required to meet as often as required by the interests of the Company and at least four times per year. In 2014, the Company’s board of directors met six times. A majority of the members of the board of directors in office present or represented at each board of directors’ meeting constitutes a quorum, and resolutions may be adopted by the vote of a majority of the directors present or represented. In case of a tie, the chairman is entitled to cast the deciding vote.


Directors are elected at the annual ordinary general shareholders’ meeting to serve one-year renewable terms, as determined by the general shareholders’ meeting. The general shareholders’ meeting may dismiss all or any one member of the board of directors at any time, with or without cause, by resolution passed by a simple majority vote. The Company’s current board of directors is composed of eight directors, three of whom are independent directors.


Audit Committee

The board of directors has an audit committee consisting of three independent directors. The members of the audit committee are not eligible to participate in any incentive compensation plan for employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. Under the Company’s articles of association and the audit committee charter, the audit committee:






The audit committee has the authority to conduct any investigation appropriate to fulfilling its responsibilities, and has direct access to the Company’s internal and external auditors as well as the Company’s management and employees and, subject to applicable laws, its subsidiaries.



The Company’s articles of association require the appointment of at least one independent auditor chosen from among the members of the Luxembourg Institute of Independent Auditors. Auditors are appointed by the general shareholders’ meeting, on the audit committee’s recommendation, through a resolution passed by a simple majority vote. Shareholders may determine the number and the term of the office of the auditors at the ordinary general shareholders’ meeting, provided however that an auditor’s term shall not exceed one year and that any auditor may be reappointed or dismissed by the general shareholders’ meeting at any time, with or without cause. As part of their duties, the auditors report directly to the audit committee.






PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative (formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers S.àr.l.), Cabinet de révision agréé, was appointed as the Company’s independent auditor for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, at the ordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on May 7, 2014.






Board of Directors and Senior Management


Board of Directors



Paolo Rocca


Ubaldo Aguirre (*)

Roberto Bonatti

Carlos Condorelli

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (*)

Adrián Lajous (*)

Daniel Novegil

Gianfelice Rocca



Arturo Sporleder


(*) Audit Committee Members


Senior Management


Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Novegil


Chief Financial Officer

Pablo Brizzio


Mexico Area Manager

Máximo Vedoya


Siderar Executive Vice President

Martín Berardi


International Area Manager

Héctor Obeso Zunzunegui


Planning and Operations General Director

Oscar Montero


Engineering and Environment Director

Luis Andreozzi


Human Resources Director

Rodrigo Piña


Chief Information Officer

Roberto Demidchuck


Quality and Product Director

Rubén Herrera






Investor Information


Investor Relations Director


IR Inquiries


Sebastián Martí



TERNIUM Investor Relations





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Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


The review of Ternium’s financial condition and results of operations is based on, and should be read in conjunction with, the Company’s restated consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013 and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012 (including the notes thereto), which are included elsewhere in this restated annual report.


The financial and operational information contained in this restated annual report is based on the operational data and restated consolidated financial statements of the Company, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS and IFRIC interpretations as issued by IASB and adopted by the EU, and presented in U.S. dollars ($) and metric tons.



Apparent steel use in Mexico increased 11.7% year-over-year to approximately 22.5 million tons in 2014, reflecting a vibrant industrial sector that continued increasing exports of manufactured goods, particularly to the U.S., and a slowly improving construction sector. Mexico’s GDP increased 2.1% year-over-year, evidencing a moderate acceleration in economic activity versus the prior year. In Argentina, apparent steel use decreased slightly to approximately 5.0 million tons, reflecting a broad decrease in activity, particularly in the automotive sector.  In Colombia, apparent steel use increased 15.8% year-over-year to approximately 4.0 million tons in 2014. GDP in this country continued expanding at a solid pace, with positive performance by each of the different steel consuming sectors.


Ternium’s operating income in 2014 was $1.1 billion, slightly lower than operating income in 2013. Steel shipments increased by 647,000 tons year-over-year in Mexico, and decreased a combined 254,000 tons in the Southern Region and Other Markets. Operating margin decreased slightly reflecting $14 lower steel revenue per ton, partially offset by $3 lower steel operating cost per ton. A decrease in steel prices in the Southern Region was mostly offset by higher steel prices and a higher value added product mix in Mexico.


In October 2014 Ternium acquired 51.4 million additional ordinary shares of Usiminas from PREVI for a total consideration of BRL616.7 million (or $249.0 million). For further information on the Usiminas transactions, see note 3 “Acquisition of business – Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. – USIMINAS” to our restated consolidated financial statements.


During 2014, the Staff of the SEC requested information regarding Ternium’s value in use calculations and the differences between the carrying amounts and certain fair value indicators, including in particular the purchase price of BRL12 (approximately USD4.8) per share paid by the Company for the shares acquired from PREVI. As a result of these discussions, the Company has re-evaluated and revised the assumptions used to calculate the carrying value of the Usiminas investment at September 30, 2014. In calculating the value in use of the Usiminas investment initially reported at September 30, 2014, the Company had combined the assumptions used in two different projected scenarios. For the purposes of the restated consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this restated annual report, however, the Company recalculated Usiminas’ value in use as of September 30, 2014 based primarily on the assumptions in the most conservative scenario, including, among other revisions, a lower operating income, an increase in the discount rate and a decrease in the perpetuity growth rate. As a result, the Company recorded an impairment of $739.8 million as of September 30, 2014, reaching a carrying value for the Usiminas investment of BRL12 per share. The Company did not record a further impairment or adjustment as of December 31, 2014.


As a result, Ternium’s restated equity in results of non-consolidated companies was a $751.8 million loss in 2014, negatively affecting the net result for the year, which was restated to a net loss of USD104.2 million in 2014 compared to a net income of $592.9 million in 2013.






For more information concerning this restatement see note 2 b) “Restatement of previously issued financial statements” to our restated consolidated financial statements and “Ternium’s Investment in Usiminas - Impairment of carrying value of Usiminas Investment as of September 30, 2014” included elsewhere in this restated annual report.


Net Sales

Net sales in 2014 were $8.7 billion, 2% higher than net sales in 2013, mainly as a result of higher steel products sales in Mexico, partially offset by lower steel products sales in the Southern Region and Other Markets. For a discussion on the drivers of the increase or decrease of sales in each region, see “Business Review.”


The following table shows Ternium’s total consolidated net sales for 2014 and 2013:


$ million












Southern Region






Other Markets






Total steel products net sales






Other products19






Total steel segment net sales












Total mining segment net sales






Intersegment eliminations





Total net sales






Cost of sales

Cost of sales was $6.9 billion in 2014, an increase of $324.9 million compared with 2013. This was principally due to a $248.0 million, or 5%, increase in raw material and consumables used, mainly reflecting a 4% increase in steel shipment volumes, higher purchased slabs costs and higher energy costs, partially offset by lower iron ore and coking coal costs; and a $76.9 million increase in other costs, including a $44.6 million increase in maintenance expenses, a $39.7 million increase in depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortization of intangible assets and a $2.6 million increase in services and fees, partially offset by a $6.9 million decrease in labor costs and $2.5 million decrease in insurance costs.

Selling, general and administrative expenses

Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) expenses in 2014 were $816.5 million, or 9.4% of net sales, a decrease of $26.8 million compared with SG&A in 2013, mainly as a result of lower taxes and contributions (other than income tax) and lower freight and transportation expenses.

Other net operating income

Other net operating income in 2014 was $71.8 million, higher than the $23.0 million gain in 2013. Other net operating income in 2014 and 2013 included a $57.5 million and a $11.7 million income recognition on insurance recovery, respectively.



Operating income

Operating income in 2014 was $1.1 billion, or 12.1% of net sales, compared with operating income of $1.1 billion, or 13.0% of net sales, in 2013.

19     The item “Other products” primarily includes pig iron and pre-engineered metal buildings.






The following table shows Ternium’s operating income by segment for 2014 and 2013:


Steel segment

Mining segment




$ million













Net Sales













Cost of sales













SG&A expenses













Other operating income, net













Operating income (loss)




























Steel reporting segment

The steel segment’s operating income was $1.0 billion in 2014, a decrease of $6.1 million compared with 2013, reflecting higher operating cost, offset by higher sales.


Net sales of steel products in 2014 increased 3% compared with 2013, reflecting an increase in shipments partially offset by a decrease in revenue per ton. Shipments increased 393,000 tons, or 4%, compared with 2013, mainly due to higher sales volume in Mexico partially offset by lower sales volume in the Southern Region and Other Markets. Revenue per ton decreased $14, mainly due to lower steel prices in the Southern Region, mostly offset by higher steel prices and a higher value added product mix in Mexico.



Net Sales (million $)


Shipments (thousand tons)


Revenue / ton ($/ton)



























Southern Region













Other Markets

























Total steel products













Other products19










Steel segment







Operating cost increased 4%, due to the above-mentioned 4% increase in shipment volumes and relatively stable operating cost per ton.


Mining reporting segment

The mining segment’s operating income was $42.3 million in 2014, a decrease of $52.8 million compared with 2013 mainly reflecting lower iron ore sales, partially offset by lower operating cost.


Net Sales of mining products in 2014 were 19% lower than in 2013, reflecting lower shipments and revenue per ton. Shipments were 3.9 million tons, 9% lower than in 2013, mainly as a result of lower iron ore production at Peña Colorada.



Mining segment








Net Sales ($ million)






Shipments (thousand tons)






Revenue per ton ($/ton)











Operating cost decreased 7% year-over-year, due to the above mentioned 9% decrease in shipment volumes, partially offset by a 3% increase in operating cost per ton. Operating cost per ton increased mainly due to higher depreciation of property, plant and equipment.



EBITDA in 2014 was $1.5 billion, or 16.9% of net sales, compared with $1.5 billion, or 17.4% of net sales, in 2013.


Net financial results

Net financial results were a $69.5 million loss in 2014, compared with a $135.5 million loss in 2013. During 2014, Ternium’s net financial interest results totaled a loss of $106.8 million, compared with a loss of $111.5 million in 2013.


Net foreign exchange result was a gain of $26.7 million in 2014 compared with a gain of $0.3 million in 2013. The gain in 2014 was primarily associated with the effect of the Mexican peso depreciation against the U.S. dollar on a net short local currency position in Ternium’s Mexican subsidiaries.


Change in fair value of financial instruments included in net financial results in 2014 was a $17.8 million gain, mainly related to results from changes in the fair value of financial assets, compared with a $12.3 million loss in 2013.


Equity in results of non-consolidated companies

Following the impairment in the carrying value of the Usiminas investment as of September 30, 2014 described in “Ternium’s Investment in Usiminas - Impairment of carrying value of Usiminas Investment as of September 30, 2014” in this restated annual report, equity in results of non-consolidated companies was a loss of $751.8 million in 2014, compared with a loss of $31.6 million in 2013. Equity in results of non-consolidated companies in 2014 included the above mentioned $739.8 million loss related to an impairment of Ternium’s investment in Usiminas.


Income tax expense

Income tax expense in 2014 was $339.1 million, compared with an income tax expense of $349.4 million in 2013. The effective tax rate in 2014 was unusually high, reaching 144% of profit before income tax expense, mainly as a result of the significant impact of non-taxable losses stemming from the investment in Usiminas, the non-cash effect on deferred taxes of the significant depreciation of the Mexican peso and the Colombian peso against the U.S. dollar during the year, which reduces, in U.S. dollar terms, the tax base used to calculate deferred tax at our Mexican and Colombian subsidiaries (which have the U.S. dollar as their functional currency) and an amendment of a previous period tax return in Mexico, partially offset by a net gain related to a non-cash reduction of deferred tax liabilities at one of Ternium’s subsidiaries.




Net gain attributable to non-controlling interest

Net gain attributable to non-controlling interest in 2014 was $94.6 million, compared with a net gain of $137.5 million in 2013.


Liquidity and capital resources

We obtain funds from our operations, as well as from short-term and long-term borrowings from financial institutions. These funds are primarily used to finance our working capital and capital expenditures requirements, as well as our acquisitions. We hold money market investments, time deposits and variable-rate or fixed-rate securities, a majority of which are obligations of investment grade issuers. During 2014 we increased our financial indebtedness, from $2.0 billion at the end of 2013 to $2.2 billion at the end of 2014.





Management believes that funds from operations will be sufficient to satisfy our current working capital needs and service our debt in the foreseeable future. Ternium has not negotiated additional committed credit facilities. However, Ternium has negotiated non-committed credit facilities and management believes it has adequate access to the credit markets. Management also believes that our liquidity and capital resources give us adequate flexibility to manage our planned capital spending programs and to address short-term changes in business conditions.

The following table shows the changes in our cash and cash equivalents for each of the periods indicated below:


In $ thousands


For the year ended December 31,

















Net cash provided by operating activities





Net cash used in investing activities





Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities










Decrease in cash and cash equivalents





Effect of exchange rate changes





Initial cash of Peña Colorada and Exiros1





Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year










Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year







During 2014, Ternium’s primary source of funding was cash provided by operating activities, net proceeds from borrowings and cash on hand. Cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2014 were $213.3 million, a $93.9 million decrease from $307.2 million at the end of the previous year. The decrease is mainly attributable to net cash used in investing activities of $675.8 million, partially offset by net cash provided by operating activities of $505.8 million and net cash provided by financing activities of $84.6 million.

In addition to cash and cash equivalents, as of December 31, 2014, we held other investments with maturity of more than three months for a total amount of $150.0 million, decreasing $19.5 million compared with December 31, 2013.


Operating activities

Net cash provided by operating activities was $505.8 million in 2014, lower than the $1.1 billion recorded in 2013, including an increase in working capital of $551.0 million in 2014 and a decrease in working capital of $114.6 million in 2013.

The increase in working capital during 2014 was the result of a $357.0 million increase in inventories, an aggregate $108.0 million net decrease in accounts payable and other liabilities and an aggregate $86.0 million net increase in trade and other receivables.





Inventories increased as shown in the following table:



Change in inventory Dec’14 / Dec’13

($ million)





















Finished goods







Goods in process







Raw materials, supplies and allowances























Investing activities

Net cash used in investing activities in 2014 was $675.8 million, compared with net cash used in investing activities of $882.8 million in 2013. This change was primarily attributable to the following:


  a decrease of $439.9 million in capital expenditures (from $883.3 million in 2013 to $443.5 million in 2014); partially offset by


  an increase in net cash used in acquisitions of businesses of $249.0 million (net cash used in 2014 included the acquisition of additional ordinary shares of Usiminas)



Financing activities

Net cash provided by financing activities was $84.6 million in 2014, compared with net cash used in financing activities of $466.1 million in 2013, for a net year-over-year change of $550.6 million. This change was primarily attributable to the following:


  net proceeds from borrowings of $265.4 million in 2014, compared with net repayment of borrowings of $270.8 million in 2013, for a net year-over-year change of $536.3 million; and


  a decrease of $33.1 million in dividends paid in cash to non-controlling interests (from $66.7 million in 2013 to $33.6 million in 2014); partially offset by


  an increase of $19.6 million in dividends paid in cash to the company’s shareholders (from $127.6 million in 2013 to $147.2 million in 2014).


Principal sources of funding


Funding policy

Management’s policy is to maintain a high degree of flexibility in operating and investment activities by maintaining adequate liquidity levels and ensuring access to readily available sources of financing. Except for the Peña Colorada loan negotiated in December 2014 with Nacional Financiera S.A., a Mexican development bank, maturing in April 2025 (disbursements under this facility began in April 2015), Ternium does not have committed credit facilities available for borrowing. Management believes that it could have access to external borrowing in case of any shortfalls or specific needs. We obtain financing primarily in U.S. dollars, Argentine pesos and Colombian pesos. Whenever feasible, management bases its financing decisions, including the election of currency, term and type of the facility, on the intended use of proceeds for the proposed financing and on costs. For further information on our financial risk management please see note 28 “Financial risk management” to our restated consolidated financial statements included in this restated annual report.


Financial liabilities

Our financial liabilities consist of loans with financial institutions and some pre-accorded overdraft transactions. As of December 31, 2014, these facilities were mainly denominated in U.S. dollars (81.6% of total financial liabilities), Argentine pesos (12.9% of total financial liabilities) and Colombian pesos (4.6% of total financial liabilities). Total financial debt (inclusive of principal and interest accrued thereon) increased by $162.0 million in the year, from $2.0 billion as of December 31, 2013, to $2.2 billion as of December 31, 2014, mainly due to an increase in short term borrowings, partially offset by the repayment of principal and interest on borrowings related to prior acquisitions. As of December 2014, current borrowings were 58.4% of total borrowings, none of which corresponded to borrowings with related parties.





Ternium’s nominal weighted average interest rate for 2014 was 4.64%. This rate was calculated using the rates set for each instrument in its corresponding currency and weighted using the U.S. dollar-equivalent outstanding principal amount of each instrument as of December 31, 2014.


Most significant borrowings and financial commitments

Our most significant borrowings as of December 31, 2014, were those incurred under Ternium México’s 2013 syndicated loan facility, intended to improve the company debt profile, and under Tenigal’s syndicated loan facility, in order to finance the construction of its new hot-dipped galvanizing mill in Pesquería, Mexico.

$ Million




Original principal

Outstanding principal amount as of






December 31, 2014


November 2013

Ternium México

Syndicated loan



November 2018



Syndicated loan



July 2022

The main covenants in our syndicated loan agreements are limitations on liens and encumbrances, limitations on the sale of certain assets and compliance with financial ratios (e.g., leverage ratio and interest coverage ratio). As of December 31, 2014, we were in compliance with all covenants under our loan agreements.

Our most significant financial commitments as of December 31, 2014, were

·         A corporate guarantee covering 48% of the obligations of Techgen under a syndicated loan agreement. Proceeds from the syndicated loan will be used by Techgen for the construction of its facilities. As of December 31, 2014, disbursements under the syndicated loan agreement amounted to $440 million, Ternium S.A.’s guaranteed amount being approximately $211 million. If the $800 million syndicated loan is disbursed in full, the amount guaranteed by Ternium S.A. will be approximately $384 million. The main covenants under the corporate guarantee are limitations on the sale of certain assets and compliance with financial ratios (e.g. leverage ratio). As of December 31, 2014, Techgen and Ternium S.A. were in compliance with all of their covenants under this syndicated loan agreement.

·         A corporate guarantee covering 48% of the outstanding value of transportation capacity agreements entered into by Techgen with Kinder Morgan Gas Natural de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V., Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline LLC and Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC for a natural gas purchasing capacity of 150,000 million btu per day starting on June 1, 2016 and ending on May 31, 2036. As of December 31, 2014, the outstanding value of this commitment was approximately USD285 million. The Company’s exposure under the guarantee in connection with these agreements amounts to USD136.7 million, corresponding to 48% of the outstanding value of the agreements as of December 31, 2014.

·         A corporate guarantee covering 48% of Techgen’s obligations under three stand-by letters of credit up to an amount of USD47.5 million issued in relation to an agreement with GE Power Systems, Inc. and General Electric International Operations Company, Inc Mexico Branch for the purchase of power generation equipment and other services related to such equipment for an outstanding amount of approximately USD 238 million. The Company’s exposure under the guarantee in connection with these stand-by letters of credit amounts to USD15.5 million.





For further information on our derivative financial instruments, borrowings and financial commitments please see notes 22, 23, 24 and 28 to our restated consolidated financial statements included in this restated annual report.



Recent Developments


Acquisition of the remaining 46% minority interest in Ferrasa

On January 20, 2015, Ternium entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the remaining 46% interest in Ferrasa for a total consideration of $74 million. The Ferrasa transaction closed on April 7, 2015. In addition, on January 20, 2015, Ternium sold its 54% interest in Ferrasa Panamá S.A. for a total consideration of $2.0 million.


Distribution of dividends

On May 6, 2015, the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company approved an annual dividend of $0.090 per share ($0.90 per ADS), or approximately $180.4 million in the aggregate. The dividend was paid on May 15, 2015.


Shareholder claims relating to the October 2014 acquisition of Usiminas shares

On April 14, 2015, the staff of the CVM determined that Ternium’s October 2014 acquisition of 51.4 million ordinary shares of Usiminas from PREVI triggered a requirement under applicable Brazilian laws and regulations for Usiminas’ controlling shareholders to launch a tender offer to all non-controlling holders of Usiminas ordinary shares. The CVM staff’s determination was made further to a request by NSSMC and its affiliates, who alleged that Ternium’s 2014 acquisition had exceeded a threshold that triggers the tender offer requirement. In the CVM staff’s view, the 2014 acquisition exceeded the applicable threshold by 5.2 million shares. On April 29, 2015, Ternium filed an appeal before the CVM’s Board of Commissioners, which would stay the effects of the staff’s decision until such Board rules on the matter. In the event the appeal is not successful, under applicable CVM rules Ternium may elect to sell to third parties the 5.2 million shares allegedly acquired in excess of the threshold, in which case no tender offer would be required.


Potential Mexican income tax adjustment

In March 2015, the Mexican tax authorities, as part of a tax audit to Ternium Mexico with respect to fiscal year 2008, challenged the deduction by Ternium Mexico’s predecessor IMSA Acero of a tax loss arising from an intercompany sale of shares in December 2008. Although the tax authorities have not yet determined the amount of their claim, they have indicated in a preliminary report that they have observations that may result in an income tax adjustment currently estimated at approximately USD 34 million, plus interest and fines. Ternium Mexico requested an injunction from the Mexican courts against the audit observations, and also filed its defense and supporting documents with the Mexican tax authorities. The Company, based on the advice of counsel, believes that an unfavorable outcome in connection with this matter is not probable and, accordingly, no provision has been recorded in its financial statements.

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) – Tender offer litigation (Update)
In connection with note 24 (i) (b) to Ternium’s restated consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2014, on May 6, 2015, CADE rejected CSN’s claim. CSN did not appeal the decision and, on May 19, 2015, CADE formally closed the file.





Description: Logo Ternium Mexico 


Restated Consolidated Financial Statements

as of December 31, 2014 and 2013 and

for the years ended on December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012



29 Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, 3rd floor

L – 2227

R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 98 668







Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012








Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Restated Consolidated Income Statements for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012


Restated Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012


Restated Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2014 and 2013


Restated Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012


Restated Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012


Index to the Notes to the Restated Consolidated Financial Statements











Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Ternium S.A.

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Ternium S.A. and its subsidiaries, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2014, and the consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.


Board of Directors’ responsibility for the consolidated financial statements

The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by

the International Accounting Standards Board as adopted by the European Union, and for such internal control as the Board of Directors determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.


Responsibility of the “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé”

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing as adopted for Luxembourg by the “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier”. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the judgment of the “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé” including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé” considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Board of Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.



In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of Ternium S.A. and its subsidiaries as of 31 December 2014, and of its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as adopted by the European Union.





Emphasis of matter

We draw attention to Notes 2.b) and 3 to the consolidated financial statements, which describes the reasons for the restatement and reissuance of the Company’s 2014 consolidated financial statements. Our original audit report dated 18 February 2015 was on the previously issued consolidated financial statements. Due to this restatement, we provide this new audit report on the reissued consolidated financial statements.


Report on other legal and regulatory requirements

The management report, which is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, is consistent with the consolidated financial statements.


PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative                                                            Luxembourg, 29 May 2015

Represented by


Mervyn R. Martins





Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)


Restated Consolidated Income Statements


Year ended December 31,




2014 (restated)








Net sales









Cost of sales










Gross profit








Selling, general and administrative expenses









Other operating income (expenses), net










Operating income








Finance expense









Finance income









Other financial income (expenses), net










Equity in (losses) earnings of non-consolidated companies


3 & 14








Profit before income tax expense








Income tax expense










(Loss) Profit for the year








Attributable to:


Owners of the parent







Non-controlling interest








(Loss) Profit for the year








Weighted average number of shares outstanding








Basic and diluted (losses) earnings per share for profit attributable to the owners of the parent (expressed in USD per share)









The accompanying notes are an integral part of these restated consolidated financial statements.


Page 4 of 78





Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)



Restated Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income



Year ended December 31,


2014 (restated)






(Loss) Profit for the year







Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Currency translation adjustment







Currency translation adjustment from participation in non-consolidated companies







Changes in the fair value of derivatives classified as cash flow hedges and available-for-sale financial instruments







Income tax relating to cash flow hedges







Changes in the fair value of derivatives classified as cash flow hedges from participation in non-consolidated companies







Others from participation in non-consolidated companies








Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Remeasurement of post employment benefit obligations







Income tax relating to remeasurement of post employment benefit obligations








Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax








Total comprehensive (loss) income for the year







Attributable to:


Equity holders of the Company







Non-controlling interest







Total comprehensive (loss) income for the year








The accompanying notes are an integral part of these restated consolidated financial statements.

Page 5 of 78




Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)


Restated Consolidated Statements of Financial Position


Balances as of




December 31, 2014 (restated)


December 31, 2013





Non-current assets




Property, plant and equipment, net








Intangible assets, net








Investments in non-consolidated companies








Derivative financial instruments








Deferred tax assets








Receivables, net








Trade receivables, net












Current assets










Derivative financial instruments








Inventories, net








Trade receivables, net








Other investments








Cash and cash equivalents












Non-current assets classified as held for sale










Total Assets








Capital and reserves attributable to the owners of the parent






Non-controlling interest






Total Equity








Non-current liabilities










Deferred tax liabilities








Other liabilities








Trade payables


















Current liabilities


Current income tax liabilities






Other liabilities








Trade payables






Derivative financial instruments




















Total Liabilities






Total Equity and Liabilities








The accompanying notes are an integral part of these restated consolidated financial statements.

Page 6 of 78




Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)


Restated Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity



Attributable to the owners of the parent (1)


Capital stock (2)

Treasury shares

Initial public offering expenses

Reserves (3)

Capital stock issue discount (4)

Currency translation adjustment

Retained earnings



Non-controlling interest


Total Equity


Balance at January 1, 2014














Loss for the year (restated)








Other comprehensive income (loss)
for the year


Currency translation adjustment (restated)









Remeasurement of post employment benefit obligations









Cash flow hedges and available-for-sale financial instruments, net of tax



















Total comprehensive loss for the year (restated)















Dividends paid in cash (5)










Dividends paid in cash by subsidiary companies









Balance at December 31, 2014 (restated)















(1) Shareholders’ equity determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Luxembourg is disclosed in Note 24 (iii).

(2) The Company has an authorized share capital of a single class of 3.5 billion shares having a nominal value of USD 1.00 per share. As of December 31, 2014, there were 2,004,743,442 shares issued. All issued shares are fully paid.

(3) Include legal reserve under Luxembourg law for USD 200.5 million, undistributable reserves under Luxembourg law for USD 1.4 billion, hedge accounting reserve, net of tax effect, for USD (0.4) million and reserves related to the acquisition of non-controlling interest in subsidiaries according to IAS 27 for USD (58.9) million.

(4) Represents the difference between book value of non-monetary contributions received from shareholders under Luxembourg GAAP and IFRS.

(5) Represents USD 0.075 per share (USD 0.75 per ADS). Related to the dividends distributed on May 7, 2014, and as 41,666,666 shares are held as treasury shares  by one of Ternium’s subsidiaries, the dividends attributable to these treasury shares amounting to USD 3.1 million were included in equity as less dividend paid.


Dividends may be paid by Ternium to the extent distributable retained earnings calculated in accordance with Luxembourg law and regulations exist. Therefore, retained earnings included in these restated consolidated financial statements may not be wholly distributable. See Note 24 (iii). The accompanying notes are an integral part of these restated consolidated financial statements.

Page 7 of 78




Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity



Attributable to the owners of the parent (1)


Capital stock (2)

Treasury shares

Initial public offering expenses

Reserves (3)

Capital stock issue discount (4)

Currency translation adjustment

Retained earnings



Non-controlling interest


Total Equity


Balance at January 1, 2013














Profit for the year








Other comprehensive income (loss)
for the year


Currency translation adjustment









Remeasurement of post employment benefit obligations









Cash flow hedges, net of tax



















Total comprehensive income for the year















Acquisition of non-controlling interest (5)









Dividends paid in cash (6)








Dividends paid in cash by subsidiary companies








Balance at December 31, 2013















(1) Shareholders’ equity determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Luxembourg is disclosed in Note 24 (iii).

(2) The Company has an authorized share capital of a single class of 3.5 billion shares having a nominal value of USD 1.00 per share. As of December 31, 2013, there were 2,004,743,442 shares issued. All issued shares are fully paid.

(3) Include legal reserve under Luxembourg law for USD 200.5 million, undistributable reserves under Luxembourg law for USD 1.4 billion, hedge accounting reserve, net of tax effect, for USD 1.1 million and reserves related to the acquisition of non-controlling interest in subsidiaries according to IAS 27 for USD (58.9) million.

(4) Represents the difference between book value of non-monetary contributions received from shareholders under Luxembourg GAAP and IFRS.

(5) Corresponds to the acquisition of the non-controlling interest held by Siderúrgica de Caldas S.A.S., a subsidiary of Ternium S.A., in Procesadora de Materiales Industriales S.A. in April 2013.

(6) Represents USD 0.065 per share (USD 0.65 per ADS). Related to the dividends distributed on May 10, 2013, and as 41,666,666 shares are held as treasury shares  by one of Ternium’s subsidiaries, the dividends attributable to these treasury shares amounting to USD 2.7 million were included in equity as less dividend paid.


Dividends may be paid by Ternium to the extent distributable retained earnings calculated in accordance with Luxembourg law and regulations exist. Therefore, retained earnings included in these restated consolidated financial statements may not be wholly distributable. See Note 24 (iii). The accompanying notes are an integral part of these restated consolidated financial statements.

Page 8 of 78




Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity



Attributable to the owners of the parent (1)


Capital stock (2)

Treasury shares

Initial public offering expenses

Reserves (3)

Capital stock issue discount (4)

Currency translation adjustment

Retained earnings



Non-controlling interest


Total Equity


Balance at January 1, 2012














Profit for the year








Other comprehensive income (loss)
for the year


Currency translation adjustment









Remeasurement of post employment benefit obligations









Cash flow hedges, net of tax



















Total comprehensive income for the year















Dividends paid in cash (5)










Dividends paid in cash by subsidiary companies








Contributions from non-controlling shareholders in consolidated subsidiaries (6)








Balance at December 31, 2012















(1) Shareholders’ equity determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Luxembourg is disclosed in Note 24 (iii).

(2) The Company has an authorized share capital of a single class of 3.5 billion shares having a nominal value of USD 1.00 per share. As of December 31, 2012, there were 2,004,743,442 shares issued. All issued shares are fully paid.

(3) Include legal reserve under Luxembourg law for USD 200.5 million, undistributable reserves under Luxembourg law for USD 1.4 billion, hedge accounting reserve, net of tax effect, for USD 1.2 million and reserves related to the acquisition of non-controlling interest in subsidiaries according to IAS 27 for USD (58.5) million.

(4) Represents the difference between book value of non-monetary contributions received from shareholders under Luxembourg GAAP and IFRS.

(5) Represents USD 0.075 per share (USD 0.75 per ADS). Related to the dividends distributed on  May 2, 2012, and as 41,666,666 shares are held as treasury shares  by one of Ternium’s subsidiaries, the dividends attributable to these treasury shares amounting to USD 3.1 million were included in equity as less dividend paid.

(6) Corresponds to the contribution made by Nippon Steel Corporation in Tenigal, S.R.L. de C.V.


Dividends may be paid by Ternium to the extent distributable retained earnings calculated in accordance with Luxembourg law and regulations exist. Therefore, retained earnings included in these restated consolidated financial statements may not be wholly distributable. See Note 24 (iii). The accompanying notes are an integral part of these restated consolidated financial statements.

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Restated Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2014 and 2013

and for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012

(All amounts in USD thousands)


Restated Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows



Year ended December 31,




2014 (restated)






Cash flows from operating activities


(Loss) Profit for the year







Adjustments for:


Depreciation and amortization


12 & 13







Income tax accruals less payments


26 (b)







Equity in losses (earnings) of non-consolidated companies


3 & 14







Interest accruals less payments


26 (b)







Changes in provisions









Changes in working capital (1)


26 (b)







Net foreign exchange results and others







Net cash provided by operating activities








Cash flows from investing activities